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sculley 基本例句 n.斯卡利 And in his memoir, Sculley dismissed Jobs' vision for the company. 他还摒弃乔布斯对公司的远见卓识。 yeeyan Branded “ obnoxious” by then Apple chief executive John Sculley, Jobs was forced out in 1985. 1985年,被当时公司的首席执行官约翰•斯库利冠之“令人讨厌”的乔布斯被赶出自己创办的公司。 yeeyan In part because Steve Jobs got pushed out by John Sculley in a way that's rare among technology companies. 部分原因是乔布斯被约翰·斯卡利赶出公司的方式在技术界很少见。 yeeyan “ High tech could not be designed and sold as a consumer product, ” Mr. Sculley said in 1987. “高科技不能像消费品一样设计出售,”1987年,斯卡利如是说。 yeeyan “ I don’t have any contact with Steve these days,” Sculley said in one of our initial emails setting up the meeting. 「目前我与史蒂夫几乎没有任何联系。」 斯卡利最初在回复我约见采访的邮件中这样写到。 blog.sina.com.cn Sculley helped force Jobs out of Apple in 1985. 1985年他帮助将乔布斯赶出苹果公司。 yeeyan But it was a tumultuous time for Jobs, since he was on the verge of being ejected from Apple for a variety of reasons, all at the behest of then CEO John Sculley. 对于乔布斯来说这是一段喧嚣的时光,因为有很多因素使他处于被苹果赶走的边缘,这完全是由来自 CEO John Sculley的命令导致的。 yeeyan But after two years of working closely with Jobs, Sculley came to liken him to Russian revolutionary Leon Trotsky. 但与乔布斯一起共事2年后,斯库利便觉得乔布斯如同俄国革命领导者里昂.托洛茨基 Leon Trotsky。 yeeyan During the resulting90- minute conversation, Sculley divulged Jobs’s first principles. 在近90分钟的谈话里,斯卡利透露了乔布斯的「基本原则」。 blog.sina.com.cn Eventually it turned to conflict and, after a bust-up with chief executive John Sculley in1985, he quit the company that made him rich. 事件最终演变成了冲突,1985年在和执行官约翰斯卡力大吵一架之后,乔布斯离开了这个让他变得富有的公司。 yeeyan I met with Sculley in a hotel lobby near Oakland airport. Sculley had been taking meetings for his investment fund and was waiting for a flight back home on the east coast. 我是在奥克兰机场附近的酒店大厅里遇见的斯卡利,他刚刚参加完自己投资基金的一个会议,在机场附近等候航班回东海岸的家。 blog.sina.com.cn In the short term, appointing Sculley looked like the defining, catastrophic error of Jobs's life. 在短期内,委任斯卡利看上去,像是造成乔布斯灾难性生活的错误定义。 yeeyan It’s the first interview Sculley has given on the subject of Steve Jobs since he was forced out of the company in 1993. 这是自1993年他离开苹果之后首次接受关于史蒂夫·乔布斯的采访。 blog.sina.com.cn Jobs was ousted from Apple in1985 in a failed leadership battle with the CEO at the time, John Sculley. 1985年,乔布斯和 CEO约翰·斯卡利争夺领导权失败,被赶出苹果公司。 yeeyan Jobs helped recruit Sculley from Pepsi- Cola, where Sculley had shown a genius for lifestyle advertising. 乔布斯帮助从百事可乐 Pepsi- Cola招募斯卡利,斯卡利在百事可乐已经表现出在生活方式广告宣传方面的天赋。 yeeyan Jobs persuaded the head of Pepsi- Cola, John Sculley, to join Apple as C.E.O. 1983年,乔布斯说服百事可乐的领袖约翰·斯卡利,加入苹果担任 CEO。 yeeyan Jobs resigned as chairman of Apple Computer on Sept.16,1985, after losing a boardroom battle for control of the company with then- CEO John Sculley. 乔布斯于1985年9月16日辞去苹果计算机公司 Apple Computer董事长,他在为赢得公司的控制权的斗争中败给当时的 CEO斯卡利 John Sculley之后提出辞职。 yeeyan Now, for the first time, Sculley talks publicly about Steve Jobs and the secrets of his success. 现在,斯卡利首次对外谈论史蒂夫·乔布斯及其成功的秘密。 blog.sina.com.cn Of course, Sculley was dead wrong. 当然,事实证明斯库利完全错了。 yeeyan On Friday, after I told John Sculley who would be joining me, he confirmed Apple's willingness to discuss areas of possible collaboration between Apple and my new venture. 星期五,我把此事告知约翰·斯卡利,因为他要和我一起开公司,他向我确认,苹果公司愿意讨论与我的新公司之间可能合作的领域。 dpzhj The legend is that Mr. Jobs asked Sculley, “ Do you want to spend the rest of your life selling sugared water or do you want a chance to change the world?” 乔布斯对斯科利说过一句非常经典的话:“你是想把余生都花在卖糖水上呢?还是想要个改变世界的机会?” yeeyan When describing his period of exile from Apple— when John Sculley took over— Steve Jobs described one fundamental root cause of Apple's problems. 当叙述他自己被迫从苹果公司离开的那段时光-约翰.斯卡利接手-史蒂夫.乔布斯描述了苹果公司问题的一个根本性原因。 yeeyan With profit margins steadily shrinking in the personal- computer business, CEO John Sculley has set out to expand Apple's business into advanced consumer electronics like. 由于个人电脑业的利润日益降低,总裁约翰·史卡利已着手将苹果电脑的业务扩张到先进的消费性电子产品。 www.en211.com Within two years, Mr. Jobs left Apple after losing a power struggle with Mr. Sculley. 斯科利上任不到两年,乔布斯就因为在权力斗争中的失败而离开苹果。 yeeyan Sculley flipped these priorities to where the goal was to make money. 斯卡利抛弃了这些重要的东西,而把首要目的变成了赚钱。 yeeyan |