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词汇 Scud missiles
释义 Scud missiles
It was first put to use in the Gulf War as a defense for IraqiScud missiles.这个系统的首次应用是在海湾战争中,担任伊拉克飞毛腿导弹的防卫系统。
In the 1991 Gulf War,Iraq launched 39 conventionalScud missilesat Israel,causing heavy damage to property.在1991年的海湾战争中,伊拉克向以色列发射了39枚常规飞毛腿导弹,造成了巨大的财产损失。
Under the terms of a UN ceasefire agreement that ended the 1991 Gulf War, Baghdad was obligated to destroy all of itsScud missiles.伊拉克政府在结束一九九一年波斯湾战争的联合国停火协议的规范下,被迫摧毁飞毛腿飞弹。
In the 1991 Gulf War, Iraq launched 39 conventionalScud missilesat Israel, causing heavy damage to property.在1991年的海湾战争中,伊拉克向以色列发射了39枚常规飞毛腿导弹,造成了巨大的财产损失。
In 2002, Spain intercepted a ship carryingScud missilesfrom North Korea to Yemen.在2002年,西班牙扣押了一艘从北韩出发到也门携带Scud导弹的货船。
He also rebutted allegations that his country possesses nuclear weapons capability or any hidden medium-rangeScud missilescapable of reaching Israeli soil.他同时驳斥有关他的国家拥有核武能力或藏有射程可达以色列领土的中程飞毛腿飞弹的指控。




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