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词汇 scrutinised
释义 scrutinisedBNC²⁶³⁸⁴Economist¹³²⁷⁰
基本例句细看;仔细检查原型scrutinise的过去式和过去分词 And Chinese firms are increasingly filing “ invention” patents that are rigorously scrutinised and receive20 years of protection, as in the West see chart.
另外,中国公司也越来越多地获得经过严格审核并获得20年的保护的“发明”专利。 iciba

It has pushed much of the burden on to states and cities, whose efforts are scrutinised much more closely by taxpayers and the media.
责任转移到具体的州和市后,纳税人和媒体可以进一步监督款项应用和工程建设。 ecocn

Outages affecting western media outlets are analysed and scrutinised, but the implementation of the Green Dam will have greater implications for political freedom.
关于“绿坝”对西方媒体的影响的分析和评估已经做出,但“绿坝”的使用对中国政治自由的意义则更为深远。 yeeyan

Over 650 new titles are out this time, scrutinised and promoted in glossy pages and on television shows.
在经过彻底修订,精致包装,和电视宣传后,此次有超过650部新作品推出。 ecocn

Some Rmb3,000bn of bad local government loans, or 8 per cent of GDP, are being scrutinised by regulators and the National Audit Bureau.
监管机构和国家审计署正在审查地方政府约3万亿元人民币占 GDP白勺8%白勺坏账。

The legacy of its powdered- milk scandals, however, is that Nestlé actions in poor countries are scrutinised like those of few others.
然而,奶粉丑闻的影响犹在,所以雀巢在贫穷国家的各种行动都受到严密的监督,享受如此“如荣”的企业寥寥无几。 ecocn

The Dartmouth Atlas project has scrutinised variations in health outcomes and spending involving Medicare.
达特茅斯 Atlas项目研究了医疗保健的收效变化和政府医疗保险制度的开销数目。 ecocn

The problem is that early adopters will inevitably be compared with the first mover, and every aspect of their offering and its relative strengths and weaknesses will be scrutinised.
问题是早期用户不可避免地会被和先驱者进行比较,其产品的任何方面及其相关的优缺点都会被仔细检查。 yeeyan

A special committee scrutinised the activities of the organisation.
一个特别委员会审议该组织的活动。 tianya

All new chemicals and the higher tonnage older chemicals are now being scrutinised according to these two legal instruments.
所有新的化学品和大吨级级位的旧化学品目前都要根据这些法律依据进行评估。 cnki

At a checkpoint before the border an official scrutinised my papers.
在边境线前的一个检查点,一个官员仔细地翻看了我的文件。 ecocn

Costs are being scrutinised across the group: one divisional boss boasts that he now buys his own newspapers and provided his office rug.
在整个集团中,费用严加审核:一个部门经理甚至说他自己订报纸,办公室的地毯也是他出钱买。 ecocn

Each paragraph of this report was therefore argued over and scrutinised intensely.
该报告的每一段落都讨论并仔细审查过。 yeeyan

In a recent article, Jan Eberly, an assistant secretary for economic policy, scrutinised the behaviour of corporate- bond yields, corporate profits and other indicators.
在最近的一篇论文里,经济政策助理秘书简·艾伯利仔细检查了企业债券收益率,企业利润和其它指标的表现。 ecocn

Moreover, physicians' calls for scrutiny should themselves be scrutinised, because genetic testing inevitably transfers power from doctors to laymen.
此外,那些呼吁严格审核的医师本身也应经过考察,因为基因测试不可避免地将医生的权力转移到普通人手里。 ecocn

Most street pat-downs are never recorded, scrutinised by a prosecutor, challenged by a lawyer or adjudicated by a judge.
大多数街头搜身行为从来就没留下什么记录,检察官从未仔细考量过,律师也从未对此提出任何异议,法官更是从未对此下达任何裁决。 ecocn

Nigeria’s coming election will be scrutinised across the continent.
整个非洲大陆都会密切关注尼日利亚的这次选举。 ecocn

Officious immigration and customs officers scrutinised documents and searched cabins for stowaways or illicit goods.
一本正经的边境和海关官员仔细检查文件,在车厢里搜索偷渡者和走私货物。 yeeyan

Regina Herzlinger, of Harvard Business School, has scrutinised the sums and is certain the era of the billion- dollar new drug has arrived.
哈佛大学商学院的里贾纳·赫茨琳杰 Regina Herzlinger仔细算了笔总帐。 她确信,花费数十亿美元开发新药的时代已经到来。 ecocn

That deal is due to be scrutinised by America's Justice Department.
而这项交易也将遭到美国司法部的彻底调查。 ecocn

The wheel is intensely examined, tested and scrutinised by many notable scientists, engineers and officials over the next4 years.
车轮是埋头研究,测试和审核,许多著名的科学家,工程师和官员,在未来的4年。 tech-domain

The Border Patrol has expanded to more than 20,000 officers and more than 600 miles of fencing have been built. Employers are being scrutinised more closely to clamp down on illegal hiring.
The Border Patrol边界巡逻队的队伍扩大到了2万名长官,建了600多米的围栏,雇主会更仔细的审核以免造成非法雇佣。 ecocn

This stoked fears of a new era of Labour psychodrama to rival the Blair- Brown years, with David’s every utterance scrutinised for signs of fraternal disloyalty.
这引发了对于工党开始上演新一轮心理剧的恐慌,借此与布莱尔布朗时代相抗衡,同时 DAVID强烈要求监管任何背叛兄弟的行为。 ecocn

Yet few studies, until now, have scrutinised how well they perform.




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