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词汇 scrooge
释义 scrooge 英skruːdʒ美skrudʒ;英skruːdʒ美skruːdʒ 高COCA²⁷⁶³⁰BNC⁴⁹⁴⁹³iWeb⁴⁵⁴¹⁸

a selfish person who is unwilling to give or spend斯克鲁奇Scrooge是著名作家狄更斯的《圣诞颂歌》中的主人公,他原本是一个自私透顶的吝啬鬼,连乞丐都不愿意向他讨钱。在圣诞节前夕,他的一个同事Jacob化作鬼魂来看望他。Jacob警告他,如果他还像以前那样自私的话,他的来生将不得好报。但斯克鲁奇只把他当做耳边风。随后,代表过去、现在和将来的三个鬼魂前来拜访他,向他展示了一个人只顾金钱,缺乏人性的悲惨下场,从而唤醒了他的人性。于是,在鬼魂拜访后的第二天,斯克鲁奇变成了一个慷慨大方的好人,并第一次感到了真正的快乐。
《圣诞颂歌》在文学史上具有重要意义。在它出版之前,圣诞节并不为许多英国人所知道。该书在圣诞节前几天出版,很快就被抢购一空。书中的一些情节都成了圣诞节的约定风俗,如交换圣诞礼物,甚至“圣诞快乐”merry Christmas的说法也是由此而流行的。书中故事曾被多次搬上银幕,著名喜剧演员金凯瑞曾经扮演过大名鼎鼎的吝啬鬼斯克鲁奇。后来,人们就用斯克鲁奇的名字scrooge来表示吝啬鬼或守财奴。
scrooge:'skru:dʒ n.吝啬鬼,守财奴scrooge吝啬鬼
近义词 niggard吝啬鬼churl粗鄙之人skinflint吝啬鬼

用作名词The oldscroogewas mad about making money.老吝啬鬼疯狂于赚钱。
Scrooge sat down upon a form and wept to see his poor forgotten self as he has used to be.吝啬鬼面对一张表格坐了下来,想到自己那被遗忘的昔日贫困生活时,他流下了眼泪。 The clerk promised that he would, and Scrooge worked out.
员工承诺他会这么做的,史高基走了出去。 wwenglish

The old man is a scrooge.
那个老人是个守财奴。 iciba

What Scrooge actually says is, “ Are there no prisons?”
克鲁奇实际上说的是,“难道没有监狱吗?” yeeyan

Anyway, instead of praising Scrooge for his principled stand against the welfare state, Charles Dickens makes him out to be some kind of bad guy.
不管怎么说,查尔斯·狄更斯没有赞扬克鲁奇但对福利国家的原则立场,他将克鲁奇写成某种坏人。 yeeyan

Anyway, instead of praising Scrooge for his principled stand against the welfare state, Charles Dickens makes him out to be some kind of bad guy. How leftist is that?
不管怎么说,查尔斯·狄更斯没有赞扬克鲁奇但对福利国家的原则立场,他将克鲁奇写成某种坏人。这种写法到底有多么左? yeeyan

As Scrooge rested his head on the back of his chair, his eyes towards a bell that hung by the door.
当史高基休息时,他把头靠在椅背上,他的眼睛朝挂在们上的铃铛望去。 wwenglish

At last it was time to stop work. Scrooge angrily climbed out of his chair. He told Bob Cratchit that he could go. He put on his hat.
最后,下班的时间到了。史高基生气的从椅子上走开。他告诉鲍勃。克拉基特他可以走了。他戴上了他的帽子。 wwenglish

Ebenezer Scrooge, for all his wealth which produced higher incomes for many people, by the way, appears to have had a miserable and wretched life.
Ebenezer Scrooge,以其拥有的财富这些财富给很多人带来了较高的收入,日子过得并不好。 yeeyan

He's a real scrooge.
他是个不折不扣的守财奴。 hxen

I mean, consider the scene, early in the book, where Ebenezer Scrooge rightly refuses to contribute to a poverty relief fund.
我的意思是,联系到书中前半段,吝啬鬼埃比尼泽拒绝向救助穷人基金会捐钱那部分的情节。 yeeyan

Jim Carrey haunts himself by playing Scrooge and all three ghosts of Christmas in eerie motion-capture.
金·凯利扮演神出鬼没的 Scrooge,其他3个圣诞怪物由动画制作。 yeeyan

Later, of course, he'll have to play Scrooge, telling the country that the bill has come due.
当然,随后他将不得不扮演吝啬鬼斯库奇,告诉这个国家帐单要到期了。 ebigear

Might Scrooge left have had the gene?
吝啬鬼右图有可能拥有这个基因吗? yeeyan

Not to mention, in the famous Christmas story with Mr. Scrooge, Timmy is the little boy that desperately needs help.
都根本不用提及,蒂米就是那个著名圣诞故事中和斯科诺奇先生一起的急需帮助的小男孩。 yeeyan

Now only Scrooge live there.
现在只有史高基住在那儿。 wwenglish

So in this holiday season, let’s remember the wisdom of Ebenezer Scrooge.
所以,在这个假日的季节,让我们重温吝啬鬼埃比尼泽的至理名言吧。 yeeyan

Surely only Scrooge himself would be furious about getting a bit of help with Christmas cooking… and I bet my cake is going to taste all the sweeter for the bit of help I got with it on the way.
肯定只有吝啬鬼才会对圣诞烹饪的小窍门发火。我敢打赌,我做的蛋糕一定会因为我使用的这些辅助方法而更加美味。 yeeyan

That night, Scrooge is visited by three ghosts.

The next morning Scrooge was early at the office.

They looked straight at Scrooge.

When Scrooge looked at something, he always knew exactly what it was.
当史高基在看什么时,他总是清楚地知道那是什么。 wwenglish

' Who and what are you, sir?' asked Scrooge.
“你是谁,是干什么的,先生?”斯克罗吉问。 okread

' You want to be at home tomorrow, I believe?' said Scrooge.
“我确信你明天想呆在家里,对吗?”史高基说。 wwenglish

Scrooge awoke, it was so dark that he could hardly distinguish the window from the dim wall of his room.
当史克鲁奇醒来时,天色暗到连窗户和房间模糊的墙壁都分不清。 jukuu

Scrooge went to church, walked about the streets, watched the people hurrying to and fro, patted children on the head.
史克鲁奇上教会、漫步街头、看着匆促来往的行人、拍拍孩子们的头。 jukuu




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