

单词 scrolls
释义 scroll·s 英skrəʊl美skroʊl COCA²⁴⁴⁵³BNC³⁴³⁹³Economist¹⁵¹⁰¹
a round shape formed by a series of concentric circles as formed by leaves or flower petalsa document that can be rolled up as for storage
move through text or graphics in order to display parts that do not fit on the screen;

Scroll down to see the entire text

scroll work漩涡饰scroll bar滚动条scroll bars滚动条scroll arrow滚动箭头scroll buffer计滚动缓冲区…scroll box计滚动块scroll cover螺旋套scroll meander内侧堆积曲流…scroll chuck三爪卡盘夹盘…scroll key上卷键scroll milling铣螺旋线acanthus scroll涡卷形装饰scroll drum圆锥形滚筒scroll saw线锯silk scroll绢本scroll case螺旋形箱scroll ribbon卷式色带scroll shears曲线剪床scroll wheel涡轮scroll gear蜗形齿轮
近义词 roll卷coil卷gyre圆形curl卷曲spool线轴ringlet小环whorl轮生体document文件curlicue花饰manuscript手稿parchment羊皮纸certificate执照

用作名词At the ceremony he was presented with ascrollcommemorating his achievement.在典礼上,他被授予表彰他成就的卷轴。
As I opened thescroll,a panorama of the Yellow River unfolded.我打开卷轴时,黄河的景象展现在眼前。
Thatscrollof Chinese painting is theirs .那幅中国画卷是他们的。用作动词As you type, your old data willscrollup.你打字的时候,旧资料会往上卷动。
You may need toscrollto see this option.可能需要滚动屏幕才能看到该选项。 It is also a lesson in history, where Chinese scrolls, Islamic arts and the Illuminated manuscripts of the European Middle Ages can all be examined together.
在历史上同样也是一个教训,中国纸卷轴,伊斯兰艺术和中世纪欧洲的手稿阐释本是可以一起研究的。 blog.sina.com.cn

The Dead Sea scrolls were found by a shepherd pursuing a stray goat into a cave.
《死海经卷》是一个牧羊人到山洞寻找一只离群的山羊时发现的。 kekenet

The Dead Sea Scrolls were found in caves in the Judean desert.

The Home screen scrolls sideways to reveal more desktop area.
向侧面滚动主页屏幕可以看到更多桌面区域。 yeeyan

Things were in scrolls not in books like this with all the different pages all sewn together.

You have a person who goes around in robes, he grows his beard long, he carries scrolls around so he can look like a philosopher.

But in this short personal memoir, he sticks mainly to the known facts about the scrolls, and the arguments they have caused.
但在这本短小的个人回忆录中,他基本上只讲述了关于那些古卷已知的事实和古卷所引起的争论。 ecocn

Can't say I'm crazy about the current logo for the company behind The Elder Scrolls and Fallout3, but it beats something that looks like it was designed by the Terminator himself.
不能说我已经对《上古卷轴》和《辐射3》的开发公司现在的商标疯狂了,但是它看起来真的像是终结者自己设计的。 yeeyan

Early books were all scrolls.

Early next year, the IAA labs will be equipped NASA's multi- spectral imaging technology. 30, 000 fragments from almost1, 000 scrolls will be scanned at very high resolution.
明年初,以色列文物局的实验室将会引进美国宇航局的多光谱成像技术,届时1000个卷轴近3万残页将被扫描成高解像度图片。 yeeyan

Even since1994, when all of the scrolls had been processed and offered to scholars, there has been controversy.
从1994年这些卷轴被处理和提供给学者们进行研究以来,就一直争议不断。 yeeyan

Even when adding a map, you can see how someone scrolls around it to mark a spot, for example.
甚至当添加地图时,你可以看到别人是如何滚动地图然后标记位置点的。 yeeyan

First, it scrolls. To the left.
首先,它是滚动的,从左到右。 yeeyan

I examined the handle and saw a name engraved among the golden scrolls.
我查看了把手,发现在金色的卷轴中刻着一个名字。 kekenet

If, however, you select Capture Entire Page, you’ll see a Capturing notification while the page automatically scrolls down.
假如,你选择的是拍摄整张页面,你将会在页面自动向下面滚动时看到一个拍摄中的告示。 yeeyan

If you test it on a mobile device, you'll notice that it loads quickly and scrolls smoothly.
如果您在一个移动设备上测试它,您将注意到它的加载速度很快而且屏幕滚动很流畅。 ibm

Institutions wanting to exhibit portions of the Dead Sea Scrolls are given interpretive materials by the IAA that give only the official origin story.
想要展出死海卷轴的机构只能在 IAA处获得官方编译过的起源学说材料。 yeeyan

It allows us to delete, shift sections around and continually edit, in the way that Kerouac, writing on his lengthy scrolls, could not.
它使我们能够进行删除、前后调换段落、反复编辑等操作功能,这是凯鲁亚克在他长长的纸卷无法实现的。 yeeyan

Namely, the scrolls were the product of a group of ascetic Jewish scholars living in nearby Khirbet Qumran.
也就是说,这些卷轴是生活在昆兰遗迹附近的苦行犹太学者团体所著。 yeeyan

Scientists meditating on ancient scrolls, temples, fossils, and other evidence are able to reconstruct scenes of the past and make them alive today.
科学家通过对远古的卷轴、寺庙、化石或其它迹象的冥想,能够重建过去的场景,并使得它们在当今栩栩如生。 yeeyan

Shor said scholars must receive permission to view the scrolls from the authority, which receives about one request a month.
肖表示,学者必须得到当局许可才能访问那些手稿,而申请许可的时间长达一个月。 yeeyan

So when you see the word“ book” in ancient Greek or Latin, they didn't think of this. They thought of scrolls.

So voluminous is this collection, which ranges from paintings and scrolls to ancient porcelain and statues, that only a fraction of it is ever on display at once.
这是如此浩繁,收集,其范围从绘画和滚动古代瓷器和塑像,只有它的一小部分是显示一次有史以来。 yeeyan

Stationary cave walls gave way to rock and clay tablets, which in turn were supplanted by papyrus and animal- skin documents, including scrolls.
牢固的洞穴让位给了可移动和重组的石碑,后者又逐渐为纸莎草和动物皮毛,包括卷轴。 yeeyan

The scrolls have provided information on ancient Jewish religious practice, history of the area and its relationship with Rome, what some consider templates for Christian religious practice and more.
这些卷轴内展示了大量的古代犹太宗教仪式,该地区历史及其和罗马的关系,甚至含有基督教仪式的模版。 yeeyan

The scrolls will be digitized high definition scans created with the help of Google's research center in Israel.
借助于 Google以色列科研中心的帮助,这些卷轴将会进行高解像度数字化处理。 yeeyan

Today, it still accounts for a healthy trade in passports, government scrolls, car stickers and“ official” titles.
如今,这里依然有可观的护照、政府卷宗、汽车牌照和“官方”头衔的交易。 yeeyan




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