

单词 scrimp
释义 scrimp 英skrɪmp美skrɪmpAHDskrĭmp ☆☆☆☆☆高GCOCA⁵¹¹⁰⁹BNC¹²⁶⁴¹⁶⁺iWeb³⁴⁸⁴⁵Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
subsist on a meager allowance;

scratch and scrimp

来自 scrimp,缩写的,不足的,来自 Proto-Germanic*skrimp,收缩,缩小,来自 PIE*sker,弯, 转,词源同 shrink,shrimp.引申动词词义节省,缩紧等。scrimp and save节俭
近义词 save救stint节省husband丈夫economize节约skimp舍不得给pull in your horns打退堂鼓缩减…draw in your horns打退堂鼓缩减…tighten your belt勒紧腰带忍饥受寒…

用作动词Theyscrimpon oil as much as they can during the energy crisis.他们在能源危机时期尽量节省汽油。
She have toscrimpand save to pay for her holiday.她必须节省开支以支付度假的费用。
Time for yourself is often where most people tend toscrimp.通常大多数人留给自己的时间很少。verb.(economize
同义词 cut back,skimpconserve,curtail,savebe cheap,be economical,be frugal,be prudent,be sparing,cut corners,make ends meet,pinch pennies,run a tight ship,stretch a dollar,tighten one's belt
反义词 spend,waste,squander
conserveverb save, protect
cut back,cut down on,go easy on,hoard,keep,maintain,nurse,preserve,safeguard,skimp,sock away,squirrel,squirrel away,stash,steward,store up,support,sustain,take care of,use sparingly
economizeverb save money
be frugal,be prudent,be sparing,conserve,cut back,cut corners,cut down,keep within means,make ends meet,manage,meet a budget,pay one's way,pinch pennies,retrench,run tight ship,scrimp,shepherd,skimp,stint,stretch a dollar,tighten one's belt
hoardverb put away, accumulate
acquire,amass,buy up,cache,collect,deposit,garner,gather,hide,keep,lay away,lay up,pile up,put aside for rainy day,put by,save,scrimp,sock away,squirrel,stash,stockpile,store,stow away,treasure
meageradjective small, inadequate;poor
bare,barren,deficient,exiguous,flimsy,inappreciable,inconsiderable,infertile,insubstantial,insufficient,little,mere,minimum,miserable,paltry,puny,scant,scanty,scrimp,scrimpy,shabby,short,skimp,skimpy,slender,slight,spare,sparse,subtle,tenuous,too little too late,unfinished,unfruitful,unproductive,wanting,weak
pinchverb be stingy
afflict,distress,economize,oppress,pinch pennies,press,scrape,scrimp,skimp,spare,stint
retrenchverb save
conserve,curtail,cut down,economize,reduce,scrimp,trim The technological characteristics and the key technology of SCRIMP in the molding of FRP radome are stresses analyzed and the application prospect is forecast.
重点分析了 SCRIMP工艺成型玻璃钢天线罩的工艺特点和关键技术,并预测了应用前景。 chemyq

With even the biggest spenders starting to scrimp, luxury companies from Chanel S.
眼下,即便是以前出手最阔绰的人也开始精打细算了。 enfamily

And if the company makes up the deficit, as many do, what incentive is there to scrimp, he asks?
而如果公司构成赤字,那么有什么动机去节省呢?他像许多人那样问。 ecocn

British libraries scrimp, save and appeal to lottery and charitable funds to buy collections, but cataloguing, the next stage, is also pricey, so some archives are inaccessible for years.
英国图书馆节俭、节省、恳求一份抽奖式的奖金和慈善基金去购买作品集,但是下一阶段的分类也是十分昂贵的。所以几年来一些档案是没有必要的。 ecocn

Buyers no longer had to scrimp and save to get what they wanted;
买主不再需要精打细算储蓄去获得他们想要的东西; ecocn

Buyers no longer had to scrimp and save to get what they wanted; they could have it now.
买主无需为得到他们想要的东西而节衣缩食攒钱,他们现在就可以拥有。 ecocn

Despite bitter complaints about soaring prices, workers say they can scrimp enough to save at least a chunk of their wages.
尽管飞涨的物价让打工者叫苦不迭,但他们说如果精打细算一些,还是可以存下部分工资的。 yeeyan

Firms are quick to scale back capital spending and consumers skip new cars rather than scrimp on food or healthcare.
企业迅速缩减资本开支,消费者将选择放弃购置新车而不是节省食物或医疗开支。 ecocn

He would scrimp and save in order to spend nights with Sunset Strip hookers, often just cuddling and chatting.
他节衣缩食,为的是与日落大道的妓女共度良宵,但常常只是和她们拥抱和聊天。 ecocn

I scrimp together leftover bits of backbone from an earlier era and hear myself say no.
我重振早期剩下的那一点信心,听到自己说“不行”。 blog.sina.com.cn

If everyone were to give in this way and didn't scrimp on kindly words, there would be much more love and justice in the world!

In a recent national survey, 75 percent of families say in light of the current economic downturn, they're looking for ways to scrimp on child care.
在最近的一次全国调查中,75%的家庭表示受到了当前经济危机的冲击,并正在寻找缩减用于儿童看护的开支。 hjenglish

John was making more money, but I continued to scrimp and save.

Most of the students came from far- flung corners of the county, a wild region thinly populated by nomads and farmers who scrimp to send their children to school in the city.
绝大部分学生来自于该县的偏远地区。 这蛮荒之地上生活的少数农牧民节衣缩食地把他们的孩子供应到城里上学。 yeeyan

Only a small proportion11% of younger households have a mortgage, and those that do scrimp and save to try to pay it off in five years.
只有很小一部分人11%的较年轻家庭有抵押贷款,并且这些人精打细算地存钱为了能在5年内还清贷款。 ecocn

Parents have a better idea of what their budgets are at this point, so parents will scrimp elsewhere, not on kids.
父母都清楚他们的预算在这一点上有更好的主意,让家长节衣缩食其它地方,孩子们没有。 cnhuu

People scrimp to pay for private education and health care because state provision, due to be overhauled in the next five years, is so bad.
人们在私人教育和卫生保健上精打细算,因为政府的供应由于未来五年的大幅调整十分不堪。 ecocn

So don't scrimp on smooching your girl different ways to ramp up the sensitive factor.
因此不要吝啬亲吻你的女朋友,尝试用不同的方式来调动敏感的器官。 yeeyan

The poor still queue for government- subsidised bread and must scrimp and save to buy a pair of shoes.
穷人仍要排队领取政府补贴的面包,要省吃俭用才能买一双鞋。 translators

The generation that lived through the Great Depression learned to scrimp and save.
经历过大萧条的一代学会了节俭和储蓄。 ecocn

This is no time to scrimp on quality;
现在不是牺牲质量来换取节省资金的时候; cosmicharm

We'll scrimp and save.
那我们就节衣缩食吧。 blog.sina.com.cn

With their budget problems, it's not difficult to understand why California might choose to scrimp on costs.
因为预算问题,加州选择压缩成本,就不难理解。 daqi




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