

单词 scrim
释义 scrim 英skrɪm美skrɪmAHDskrĭm 高COCA⁴⁹⁵⁹²BNC¹⁴⁴⁶⁶⁴⁺³iWeb³²⁸⁷⁶

a firm open-weave fabric used for a curtain in the theater近义词 scenery风景curtain窗帘
as in.backdrop
同义词 sceneryas in.drop curtain
同义词 act curtain,act drop,back cloth,backdrop,cloth,drop,drop scene,tab,tableau curtain
backdropnoun setting for something
drop curtainnoun theater curtain
act curtain,act drop,back cloth,backdrop,cloth,drop,drop scene,scrim,tab,tableau curtain The first and second scrim layers constitute exposed surfaces of the composite laminate.
上下两层薄亚麻仍作为复合材料片层的表层裸露在外。 www.frponline.com.cn

By contrast, the eyes are likely to be missing entirely or smeared shut or obscured by a milky scrim, as in his portrait of the writer Michel Leiris.
相比之下,很可能没眼或全闭或以奶色平纹涂抹掩盖,正如为米歇尔•赖瑞斯的肖像作。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn

Exactly how switchers sat mattered naught to participants, since switchers were entirely concealed behind a felt scrim secured between the speakers with the use of microphone stands.
如何准确交换机坐在最重要的是徒劳的,以参与者,因为交换机完全掩盖了后面感觉纱布担保之间的扩音器与使用麦克风。 hifidiy

Figures have their white faces lit against pure darkness, or are turned entirely to silhouettes against the scrim.
人物的苍白脸孔有时在漆黑的舞台上显得明亮,有时则躲在薄薄的纱幕背后成为了隐约的剪影。 yeeyan

The present invention is directed to a filter media comprised of an electro- conductive scrim so as to improve on the dissipation time of an electrostatic charge.
本发明涉及一种由导电稀松纱组成的过滤介质,以便改进静电消散时间。 bogu6688

The scrim layer may be a glass fiber or carbon fiber scrim, or veil, that has absorbed resin from the sheets of prepreg during a molding process.
薄亚麻布层可能是玻璃纤维、碳纤维薄亚麻布、或面纱,并在复合材料片层的成型过程中,从预浸料层吸收树脂。 www.frponline.com.cn

Thereafter, I tracked their quotidian lives as they played out against a shimmering scrim of cultural and political context.
此后,我还根据他们成长活动所对应的文化和政治环境,记录日常生活的点点滴滴。 yeeyan

Without clear- eyed, informed journalism about sexuality, the public runs the risk of seeing sex- related issues through a murky scrim of ignorance and biased attitudes.
如果没有犀清澈的眼神,关于性的新闻报道,公众对与性有关的问题将是一种阴暗无知的状态且容易产生偏见。 yeeyan




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