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Bactrocera 基本例句 果实蝇属 Fig. 5. Daily distribution of oviposition time ofBactroceratau.圖五南瓜實蠅雌蟲每日產卵時刻之分布。 Diptera, Tephritidae,Bactrocera, new species, Ruili, China.双翅目 实蝇科果实蝇属新种 云南 中国. Fig. 4. Peak duration of oviposition of femaleBactroceratau.圖四南瓜實蠅雌蟲之產卵期高峰。 Bionomics ofBactroceradorsalis and its control in Hekou County of Yunna Province.云南河口县桔小实蝇生物学特性及防治。 Based on above results, the optimal times for controllingBactroceradorsalis in carambola orchard were presented.在以上研究基础上,确定了杨桃园桔小实蝇防治的一些关键时期。The toxicities of five insecticides to the pupas ofBactrocerasp. in the order of decreasing were chlopyrifos >methomyl>phoxim>dichlorvos >trichlorphon. 采用浸渍法分别测定了5种杀虫剂对寄生蝇蛹的毒力,供试杀虫剂对寄生蝇蛹的毒性大小依次为:乐斯本、利昂、辛硫磷、敌敌畏、敌百虫。⎤ |