

单词 screeched
释义 screech·ed 英skriːtʃ美skriːtʃ COCA³¹⁷⁷⁸BNC²⁶⁹⁸⁸
C 尖锐的声音

screeching cry or noise

vt. & vi. 发出尖叫声;发出粗而刺耳的声音

make a harsh,piercing sound

vt. & vi. 高叫;尖叫

cry out in high tones

a high-pitched noise resembling a human cry;

he ducked at the screechings of shells

he heard the scream of the brakes

sharp piercing cry;

her screaming attracted the neighbors

make a high-pitched, screeching noise;

The door creaked when I opened it slowly

My car engine makes a whining noise

utter a harsh abrupt screamscreech owl凶兆预言者
近义词 cry哭yelp吠yell大叫skid打滑howl长嚎wail痛哭shout呼喊whine闹声shriek尖叫squawk叫声judder震颤career生涯bark狗吠shudder战栗creak辗轧声scream尖叫声squeak吱吱声screak嘎嘎作响screaming尖叫的skreak发出尖叫声screeching发动机啸声squeal用长而尖的声音说…skreigh发出刺耳的尖叫声…shrieking动词shriek的现在进…
用作名词n.The boy's screeches brought his mother.男孩的尖叫声招来了他母亲。用作动词v.
S+~+AThe brakes screeched.刹车发出刺耳的声音。
S+ ~+n./pron.She screeched her disapproval.她尖叫着不同意。
用作动词The childscreechedinsults at us.那孩子尖着嗓子骂我们。
The gatescreechedas it opened.大门打开时发出刺耳的声音。
The brakesscreechedas the car stopped.汽车停时,发出尖锐刺耳的刹车声。用作名词He heard ascreechof brakes and then fell down.他听到汽车刹车发出的尖锐的声音,然后就摔倒了。 A second's relief, and then another burst of green light. The owl screeched and fell to the floor of the cage.
他刚松一口气,又是一道绿光射来,猫头鹰尖叫一声,倒在笼底。 okread.net

The car screeched to a stop.
汽车尖叫一声煞住了。 hotdic

The car screeched to a halt.
汽车嘎的一声突然停住了。 blog.sina.com.cn

The jeep screeched to a halt, and he didn't need to be told this was their next stop. He opened the jeep door.
吉普车煞车发出尖声刺耳,不用说这肯定就是他们的下一站了,他打开了车门。 dashuye

“ I will fall down”, screeched the parrot.
“我会摔倒,”鹦鹉尖叫到。 bbs.24en.com

A survey of fund managers by Merrill Lynch, published on May16th but conducted a few days before the markets screeched into reverse, bore out the impression of an inflation scare.
美林5月16号公布了一项对基金经理的调查,但调查是在市场逆转的前几天进行的,它证实了市场恐惧通胀的印象。 ecocn

Billy screeched with joy over something only his ape mind knew.
比利发出快乐的尖叫,其中的意思只有他的类人猿思维能够理解。 douban

Gonzales was coughing ash when a brown minivan with California plates screeched to a stop next to him.
当一辆装有加利福利亚板材的棕色的小型货车在 Gonzales旁鸣笛时,他正在咳嗽。 yeeyan

He screeched in terror.
他发出恐惧的尖叫声。 blog.sina.com.cn

He screeched that he didn’t do it.

I fall off my perch, you stupid fool! screeched the parrot.
“我会从树干上掉下去的,你这个笨蛋!”鹦鹉尖声说道。 iciba

No power input was required at all, and no stall warning screeched.
毕竟没有任何动力要求,也没有出现任何失速告警显示。 cneaa

Suddenly, someone screeched loudly.
突然﹐有人大声尖叫。 easyvoa

The branches screeched along the side of the bus like fingernails running down a blackboard.
树枝划着车辆的尖锐声如同指甲划过黑板时的声音。 dictall

The secretary screeched as Annabel ran past her, and then looked down at her work.
秘书看到安娜贝利从她身边跑过时喊道,说完又接着看自己的工作。 yeeyan

The brakes screeched when the car stopped suddenly.
汽车突然停住,发出刺耳的刹车声。 worlduc

The man screeched his car to a halt and then open the door.
这个人发出刺耳的声音停下车,然后打开了门。 ebigear

The piglet screeched.
那只小猪尖叫着。 www.for68.com

These people screeched for eight years about how it was unpatriotic to undermine the commander-in-chief while troops were in harm's way.
这些人足足用了8年时间尖叫来表现出他们如何不爱国,如同军队有难的时候还忙于诋毁总司令。 yeeyan




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