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词汇 scrappy
释义 scrappy 英ˈskræpiː美ˈskræpiAHDskrăpʹē ☆☆☆☆☆高四G宝COCA³⁴²²⁷BNC²⁹⁴⁶⁹iWeb²⁰⁷⁸⁵Economist²⁶⁷⁷⁸⁺

full of fighting spirit;

a scrappy admiral

scrap,碎片,垃圾,-y,形容词后缀。引申词义散乱的,破碎的。GRE红宝书源于: scrapn 小片; 打架; v 扔掉; 互相殴打源于: scrapen /v 刮擦
scrape 刮,擦,常与人有摩擦的;音:死刮皮,死也要刮你一层皮的→斗志旺盛
GRE难词记忆scrappy→scrapp=scrap 争吵,打架+y→爱打架的GRE难词记忆scrap→scrape v.刮,擦→车被刮后与人争吵起来GRE难词记忆scrap→crapspl. 废话→为几句废话而大打出手scrap→scrapev.刮,擦⇒车被刮后与人争吵起来近义词 patchy斑驳的plucky勇敢的contrary相反的piecemeal零碎的hotheaded易怒的disjointed脱节的courageous勇敢的determined坚定的fragmentary碎片的fragmented成碎片的disconnected分离的incoherent不连贯的spirited精神饱满的inconsistent不一致的argumentative爱争论的confrontational对抗性的

用作形容词The concert was rather ascrappyaffair.这场音乐会真可说是一个七拼八凑的大杂烩。
The note was written on ascrappybit of paper.便条写在一片破纸上。
I have only ascrappyknowledge of the latest scientific achievements.对于科学的最新成就我只是星星点点知道一些。
“It was ascrappygame,” he told Sky Sports.“这是一场竞争激烈的球队, 他接受天空体育采访说道。
'He is still thatscrappykid from Scranton who beat the odds.他仍然是那个来自斯克兰顿不畏艰险斗志昂扬的孩子。
It was ascrappy, rambling speech.那篇讲话杂乱无章,毫无条理。adj.belligerent
同义词 aggressive,combative,fierce,orneryantagonistic,ardent,at loggerheads,battling,bellicose,cantankerous,contentious,fighting,flip,have a bone to pick,have chip on shoulder,have it in for,hostile,hot,hot-tempered,mean,militant,on the outs,pugnacious,quarrelsome,truculent,warlike
反义词 calm,peacefuladj.argumentative
同义词 combativebelligerent,contentious,contrary,controversial,disputatious,eristic,factious,fire-eating,having a chip on one's shoulder,litigious,opinionated,polemic,polemical,pugnacious,quarrelsome,salty,spiky,touchy
argumentativeadjective wanting to quarrel
belligerent,combative,contentious,contrary,controversial,disputatious,factious,fire-eating,having a chip on one's shoulder,litigious,opinionated,pugnacious,quarrelsome,salty,spiky,touchy
belligerentadjective nasty, argumentative
aggressive,antagonistic,ardent,at loggerheads,battling,bellicose,cantankerous,combative,contentious,fierce,fighting,flip,have a bone to pick,have chip on shoulder,have it in for,hostile,hot,hot-tempered,mean,militant,on the outs,ornery,pugnacious,quarrelsome,scrappy,truculent,warlike
combativeadjective aggressive
eristicadjective argumentative
feistyadjective spirited;touchy
active,alive,bubbly,courageous,difficult,enthusiastic,excitable,fiery,frisky,full of pep,game,gritty,gutsy,gutty,high-strung,hot-blooded,lively,mettlesome,ornery,peppy,quarrelsome,scrappy,sensitive,spunky,thin-skinned,tough,truculent,zestful
fightingadjective aggressive, warlike
angry,argumentative,battling,bellicose,belligerent,boxing,brawling,combative,contending,contentious,determined,disputatious,disputative,fencing,ferocious,hawkish,hostile,jingoistic,jousting,martial,militant,militaristic,pugnacious,quarrelsome,ready to fight,resolute,scrappyskirmishingsparring,tilting,truculent,unbeatable,under arms,up in arms,warmongering,wrestling And the loss of influence by the Zetas has led to scrappy turf wars.
由于泽塔组织影响的削弱,又引起了许多派系争夺地盘的战斗。 ecocn

But they're actually vibrant business centers filled with scrappy entrepreneurs.
事实上,那里是个充满活力的商业区,充斥着小商小贩。 yeeyan

Down to their innate molecular core, cancer cells are hyperactive, survival-endowed, scrappy, fecund, inventive copies of ourselves.
就其分子实质核心来说,癌症细胞极度活跃、求生能力强、生气勃勃、生殖力强,就是我们自身的创造性复制品。 yeeyan

It was a scrappy start-up that grew into a high-tech powerhouse thanks to relentless innovation and solid management principles“the HP way”.
成为高科技的力量场域,是一个好的开端,而这都要归功于永无止境的创新和稳定的的管理原则。 “惠普”模式。 ecocn

Like in its other first-round games against Group D opponents Brazil and Denmark, the underdog New Zealand squad's scrappy defense held off repeated scoring drives.
本场比赛新西兰虽然落败,但是和在 D组小组赛中对阵巴西和丹麦一样,防守顽强,阻挡中国队的多次进攻。 hxen

The hugely subtle, interesting and complicated world of Jewish thought and culture boiled down to a bitter fight over bread or over scrappy permits; either might hold off death for another few days.
犹太人有着非常微妙、复杂和有趣的思想与文化世界,可最后他们却不得不为了几片面包或临时工作的许可而拚斗得你死我活。 而这两样东西也只是使他们苟延残喘几天而已。 ecocn

The UMass team was very, very good. Fordham, by contrast, was a team of scrappy kids from the Bronx and Brooklyn.
红人队实在太强了,相比之下,福特汉姆队就像一群来自布朗克斯和布鲁克林区的小打小闹的孩子。 yeeyan

But brand advertising can be a tough thing for scrappy startups.
但是品牌广告对新生的初创企业来说是一件困难的事情。 forbeschina

Coalition politics can be scrappy.
联盟政治可以变得很糟。 ecocn

Daniel appears to have been a scrappy lad who loved hunting, the wilderness, and independence.
那时的丹尼尔个性独立、出入荒野,热爱狩猎,是一个精力旺盛的男孩。 yeeyan

Fierce competition has created a scrappy, sometimes immoral trade.
残酷的竞争早就了激烈的,有时是不道德的交易。 ecocn

He’ll hire up another50-75 more smart, scrappy kids to fill that gap and keep the cycle going.
他将招聘另外50-75名聪明机灵的年轻人,填补空白,如此循环。 yeeyan

Hedge funds are infamous for being scrappy and secretive.
对冲基金由于混乱和隐秘而声名狼藉。 ecocn

His admirers were legion, including bosses of some of the world’s biggest companies, heads of NGOs and founders of scrappy start-ups.
他的拥趸众多,包括世界头号大公司的董事长,非政府组织的头头脑脑,新生企业的创始人。 yeeyan

If Mark, Chris, Eric and Tom go out, they will affectionately refer to each other as Fat Boy, Godzilla, Peanut-Head and Scrappy.

It may have something to do with the fact that Apple leaks have shifted from scrappy fan sites into the mainstream.
这大概与泄密行动已经从小打小闹的粉丝网站逐渐向主流媒体转移这一事实有点关系。 yeeyan

Many recent conflicts have involved not organised armies but scrappy militias fighting amid civilians.
近期许多冲突的参与者并非正规军,而是乌合之众的民兵和平民。 ecocn

Mr Kan fought his way up through scrappy urban politics rather than the pork- strewn rural sort from which most of his predecessors have come.
菅直人系在竞争激烈的都市政治中拼搏而出,不似其绝大多数前任,精于乡村地区的利益交易。 ecocn

Ruthie’s hand rests damply in hers, and together they watch two scrappy fairies race by, the swifter one waving a long string of raffle tickets.
凯特手掌里,露丝的手潮潮的,她们看着两个打扮成仙女的小孩跑过,跑在前面的那个手里挥舞着一张长长的抽奖券。 yeeyan

There exists a rare breed of entrepreneurs that have already had mega- success are so special and driven that they remain obviously hungry and scrappy.
也有一小群罕见的企业家,由于他们天性古怪,不满于现状,尽管已经获得了巨大的成功,他们仍如饥似渴,斗志昂扬。 fortunechina

Unless the party can restore its lustre before the upper- house elections, say political analysts, the DPJ may be forced to rely on scrappy coalition partners.
根据政治分析家表示,除非政党可以在众议院选举之前重拾大众的支持,民主党可能不得不依靠零星的同盟者。 ecocn

Until a few days ago the demonstrations in Sana’a were short, scrappy affairs that quickly deteriorated into stone- throwing and fighting with pro- government thugs.
直到几天前,萨那暴躁的示威发生进而很快演变成投掷石块,并与亲政府的暴徒战斗。 ecocn

Usually they were admirers of his scrappy progressive politics and youthful energy, and either posted an enthusiastic comment on his Facebook page or sent him an admiring Twitter message.
通常,她们被他果断上进的政见和年轻活力吸引,成为他的支持者,然后要么在他的面书页面上留下热情的评论,要么给他发出仰慕的推客信息。 yeeyan

Warburg’s role in the so-called “ Aluminium war” was that of the scrappy outsider.
华宝在那场“铝之战”中,向世人展示了其勇敢好斗的一面。 ecocn

Wenzhou's private entrepreneurs, scrappy survivors in an economy ruled by state industries, once thrived on a formula of cheap backstreet loans and low- cost manufacturing.
作为国有工业所支配的经济中混乱的幸存者,温州的私营企业家们曾经的春风得意,要归功于廉价的地下贷款和低成本的制造业。 yeeyan

Scrappy politics did not choke rapid economic growth, as the bureaucrats kept a steady hand on day-to-day management.
政治纷争并未遏制经济快速发展,官员们有效控制着政府日常管理事宜。 ecocn




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