

单词 scrapped
释义 scrapped 英sk'ræpt美sk'ræpt COCA³³⁸⁹⁹BNC¹⁶⁰⁸⁷iWeb⁴³⁴⁹⁵Economist⁴⁰⁹⁷
adj.废弃的⁸⁴动词scrap的过去式和过去分词¹⁶.原型scrap 的过去式和过去分词
名词 scrap:
a small fragment of something broken off from the wholeworthless material that is to be disposed ofa small piece of something that is left over after the rest has been usedthe act of fighting; any contest or struggleloss due to project scrapped报废工程损失…cassia scrapped桂芯

用作形容词He rebuilt the engine using parts from cars that had beenscrapped.他用废弃的汽车零件重新装配了发动机。
Chinese worker pushes part of a motorcycle past thousands of other vehicles set to bescrappedin Guangzhou.广州某地,一名中国工人推着一辆报废的摩托车,他身边是大量废弃的这种车辆。as in.discarded
同义词 damagedabandoned,deserted,discontinued,forsaken,junked,neglected,outmoded,repudiated,shelvedcast-off,castaway,done with,obsolete,out-of-date,run down,thrown away,thrown out,useless,worn-out
反义词 cherishedkept,up-to-date,worthwhile
discardedadjective rejected
abandoned,cast-off,castaway,damaged,deserted,discontinued,done with,forsaken,junked,neglected,obsolete,out-of-date,outmoded,repudiated,run down,shelved,thrown away,thrown out,useless,worn-out Few expect the A400M to be scrapped, but any profit for Airbus is also a remote prospect.
A400M不太可能被抛弃,但是空中客车的一切利润也就是一个遥远的景象。 ecocn

In the panic after the crash in oil prices in2008, companies quickly scrapped oil projects around the world.
2008年石油价格暴跌后,到处一片恐慌,许多公司立即放弃了它们在全球的油气项目。 ecocn

The fiscal council, which provided independent oversight of the budget, has been scrapped, though it will have a successor.
提供独立监督预算的财政委员会已被废弃,尽管它还将有一个继承机构。 ecocn

To create it Chris carefully chose pieces from the scrapped buses and then welded them together along with seats taken from an old city line.
克里斯精心挑选出废弃巴士的一部分车身,然后将它们同废弃的城市巴士上取下的座椅一同焊接好。 yeeyan

When the1923 constitution was scrapped in the wake of a1952 military coup, Egypt's legal scholars set to work designing a republican constitution based on liberal and democratic values.
1952年的军事政变废弃了1923年宪法,当时埃及的法律学者以自由和民主的价值观为基础,开始设计一部共和政体的宪法。 yeeyan

All of these artifacts require maintenance, have to be worked around, and scrapped if business needs change.
所有这些都需要维护,需要和他们一起工作,而且在商业需求改变时扔掉。 infoq

Among proposals that have already been scrapped is a plan for a27- turbine wind farm in the Lake District.
在已经废弃的提议中有一个是计划在雷克区修建一个由27个涡轮发电机组成的农场。 yeeyan

And if it does not exist, then existing theories of physics will have to be scrapped.
而如果它不存在,那么现有的物理学理论都将废弃。 ecocn

Assuming it reaches the statute book, as is highly likely, it will mean that the trial Mr Berlusconi and his lawyers feared most will be scrapped.
假如它被写入法典,这是极有可能发生的,就意味着贝卢斯科尼和他的律师最为担心的审判将成为昔日黄花。 ecocn

At some point, however, carbon-fibre cars will be scrapped.
然而在某种程度上,碳纤维的车也是会报废的。 yeeyan

Colleges in some of the most deprived areas will be hit hard if the EMA is scrapped.
而且,如果教育津贴被废弃的话,大学教育在教育不发达地区将会受到沉重的打击。 yeeyan

Conscription has withered recently, especially in Europe. Germany, Sweden and Serbia have scrapped it within the past year, following Italy, Spain and Poland earlier in the decade.
征兵制度近期已衰微了,特别是在欧洲,过去的一年内在德国、瑞典和塞尔维亚已经被废弃了,意大利、西班牙和波兰还要更早。 ecocn

Further, if the design team also works ahead, they may find all of their work scrapped as we change our decision on the architecture.
此外,如果设计团队也提前工作,那么由于我们改变了关于体系架构的决策,他们会发现所有的工作都作废了。 ibm

If Beijing scrapped those controls, firms and households would want to invest abroad to diversify their assets.
如果中国政府取消这些限制,企业和家庭将投资国外,使资产多样化。 ecocn

If not, will the whole project need to be scrapped or require major rework?
如果没有,整个项目是否需要废弃或大量返工? ibm

Local authorities also scrapped“ jobs for life” for new government employees this year and began phasing out cradle- to- grave welfare for existing officials.
地方当局今年还取消了政府新雇员“终身就业”制度,并开始逐步取消现有官员从摇篮-到-坟墓的福利。 yeeyan

Mr McCain argued that the tariff on imported ethanol of54 cents per gallon should be scrapped.
麦凯恩主张道,对进口乙醇每加仑收取54美分的关税政策应该被废除。 ecocn

So it was a blow when the government recently scrapped plans to build the country’s first CCS unit at the Longannet coal-fired power station in Scotland, claiming it cost too much.
因此当近期政府称由于花费太高而放弃计划在苏格兰的朗格尼特燃煤电站建立国家的第一组 CCS设备时,是对这项技术的一大打击。 ecocn

Some kinds of spending on children do work, but many should be improved or scrapped.
有些用于儿童的费用是有效的,但是很多却应该改进或废止。 ecocn

Such is the public outcry that the plan might yet be scrapped.
公众抗议是如此激烈导致该计划可能会遭到废弃。 ecocn

The Kingsnorth plans could be scrapped altogether.
金斯诺斯计划有可能被完全废弃。 yeeyan

The parts also need maintenance, security, space, etc., and if the business needs change enough, the parts have to be scrapped.
这些部件需要维护、保护、空间等,如果商业需求的改变超过一定程度,这些部件就要被丢弃。 infoq

Theoretically the fall in prices should trigger a contraction of supply, as older ships are scrapped and new orders are cancelled.
理论上讲价格下跌应引发供应缩减,伴随着旧船的废弃和新订单被取消。 ecocn




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