

单词 scrapings
释义 scrapings 英sk'reɪpɪŋz美sk'reɪpɪŋz ☆☆☆☆☆高COCA⁷⁰⁴⁵⁸BNC⁶⁴³⁰⁴
名词 scraping:
usually plural a fragment scraped off of something and collecteda harsh noise made by scrapinga deep bow with the foot drawn backwards indicating excessive humility
as in.garbage
同义词 debris,detritus,dreck,dregs,dross,filth,junk,muck,offal,rubbish,rubble,scrap,sewage,slop,sweepings,swill,trash,wastebits and pieces,odds and ends
反义词 cleanliness,possessions,purity,sense
garbagenoun refuse, litter
bits and pieces,debris,detritus,dreck,dregs,dross,filth,junk,muck,odds and ends,offal,rubbish,rubble,scrap,sewage,slop,sweepings,swill,trash,waste The direct microscopic examination of the scrapings revealed hyaline, septate and branched hyphae.
刮取物直接镜检有透明的分枝分隔菌丝。 cnki

The hunt for Bin Laden got the“barrel scrapings, ” in Keller's words, who himself had just two months to prepare for his stint in Pakistan.
寻找本·拉登的行动“差点崩溃”,用凯勒的话说,他当时只有两个月的时间为他在巴基斯坦的任务做准备。 yeeyan

He took the finest heroin and cocaine, and avoided “ Mexican shoe- scrapings”.
他只用上等的海洛因与可卡因,绝不接受那些“墨西哥毒品贩子们鞋底刮下的泥”。 ecocn

Methods: The corneal scrapings from102 patients with fungal keratitis were subjected to 10% KOH based smear before microscopic observation, fungal culture and strain identification.
方法:取102例真菌性角膜炎患者的角膜溃疡标本,作 KOH涂片镜检、真菌培养及菌种鉴定。 cnki

They would use scrapings of lamb or mutton which were formed into flat patties.
于是他们就把羊肉或者牛肉弄碎,做成扁平的馅饼。 dltcedu




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