

单词 scrapbook
释义 scrap·book 英ˈskræpˌbʊk美ˈskræpˌbʊkAHDskrăpʹb‹k' ☆☆☆☆☆高GCOCA²²⁸⁵⁰BNC⁴⁴¹⁶⁵iWeb¹⁵¹⁰⁰Economist³⁴³¹⁸⁺³
an album into which clippings or notes or pictures can be pastedscrap,碎片,碎纸,book,书,簿。scrap-book⇒n.剪贴簿近义词 log原木album唱片集

用作名词She pasted the pictures into ascrapbook.她把图片贴在剪贴簿上。as in.album
同义词 collectionanthology,depository,index,memento,miscellany,notebook,portfolio,register,registrymemory bookas in.daybook
同义词 album,diary,ledger,log,logbook,notebook,recorddatebookFilofax™memo pad
albumnoun blank book for collecting;holder
anthology,collection,depository,index,memento,memory book,miscellany,notebook,portfolio,register,registry
daybooknoun journal
Filofax™album,datebook,diary,ledger,log,logbook,memo pad,notebook,record,scrapbook Cover it in scrapbook paper, tie on a ribbon with a gift tag and it becomes a just-the- right- size box for homemade cookies.
用废书剪报包住桶身,系上栓有礼物卡的丝带,这样一个大小合适的自制饼干桶就完成了。 yeeyan

Not finished with his response, he ferreted for a small piece of paper torn and yellowed in a scrapbook of sorts and presented it to us.
说着,他从一本分类簿中摸出来一片撕烂了的发黄的小纸给我们看。 yeeyan

The Display view allows you to manipulate live code in a scrapbook type fashion see Figure8.
Display视图允许您以剪切类型的方式处理活动代码参见图8。 ibm

“ Sorry to disappoint you, pal,” Mr. Grogan told him while retrieving it, “but this is going in the scrapbook.”
“伙计,抱歉让你失望了。” 拿回验孕棒时,格罗根先生跟他说道,“这个得存下来,留作纪念。” yeeyan

A scrapbook. Include photos and quotes and clippings and events.
剪贴簿包含着照片,引证,剪报,和结果。 yeeyan

Before Vanessa, I had other girlfriends, but none of them was memorable or worthy of appearing in my scrapbook.
在瓦妮莎之前,我有过其他的女朋友,不过,她们中间没有一个是叫人难忘的,也不值得在我的剪贴簿里显摆。 yeeyan

Create a goal scrapbook!
制作目标剪贴本! yeeyan

Expect Facebook, in effect, to become our living digital scrapbook and even, eventually, perhaps our fossil.
实际上, Facebook有望成为我们的数字生活剪贴板,而有朝一日,它能最终成为我们的生活博物馆。 fortunechina

I actually regretted not having kept a scrapbook of some of these.
实际上我很后悔没有建立一个剪贴簿来收藏其中的一些建议。 yeeyan

I cut out the article and pasted it in my scrapbook.
我剪下那篇文章贴在我的剪贴簿上。 hjenglish

On the road toward Adjabiya, Benghazi residents came to see the wreckage, celebrate, and pose children in front of the remains of Qaddafi's tanks for the family scrapbook.
在通向阿吉达比耶的公路上,班加西居民聚拢来围观被击毁的残骸,在一边庆祝,并让孩子们在卡扎非军队丢弃的坦克车上拍照。 yeeyan

Second, after you’re finished making your scrapbook you’ll have a constant and vivid reminder of what you want in life.
其二,当你完成目标剪贴本后,你的人生目标就有了坚定而生动的提醒清单。 yeeyan

Steal things and save them for later. Carry around a sketchpad. Write in your books. Tear things out of magazines and collage them in your scrapbook.
把东西偷过来,留作后用。随身携带素描本,写进你的书里。把从杂志上撕下来的放到你的剪贴簿中。 yeeyan

Store your leaves in a scrapbook.
把叶子放入剪贴簿。 yeeyan

These will help you go trough all the pages of the scrapbook.
这些将帮助您浏览所有剪贴簿的页面。 iciba

Upstairs in an office crowded with desks piled with paper, Jones opens the milk bank’s scrapbook.
在楼上摆满了全是纸张的桌子的办公室,琼斯打开了一本母乳银行剪贴簿。 yeeyan

Various styles and graphic approaches are used: grunge, collage and scrapbook, ornaments, retro and vintage, watercolor, organic textures and photographic backgrounds.
不同的风格和图形均被使用:如陈旧物、拼贴画、剪贴册、饰品、复古样式、水彩、有机材质和摄影背景等。 blog.sina.com.cn

You can take it a step further by giving her a scrapbook where she can also add pictures, fun borders, scrapbook embellishments and more to her written thoughts.
你可以给她本剪贴簿,她也可以加图片,有趣的边框,装饰,写更多自己的想法。 yeeyan

You can read more about the filming in Jackie's Journal and in the Scrapbook!
您可以通过浏览成龙日记和剪贴册获得更多关于本片的资讯! yeeyan

Scrapbook together.
一起做剪贴簿. yeeyan




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