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词汇 scourge
释义 scourge 英skɜːdʒ美skɝdʒAHDskûrj ★☆☆☆☆高四GS宝TCOCA²³³⁶⁸BNC²²¹⁰⁸iWeb¹⁷⁰⁰⁶Economist⁹⁴⁵⁹
n.灾难³⁴;祸患¹⁵;鞭子²⁶vt 鞭笞;折磨¹⁵;使痛苦;严惩³.复数scourges名词scourger过去分词scourged现在分词scourging三单scourges

a whip used to inflict punishment often used for pedantic humorsomething causing misery or death;

the bane of my life

a person who inspires fear or dread;

he was the terror of the neighborhood

punish severely; excoriatewhip;

The religious fanatics flagellated themselves

cause extensive destruction or ruin utterly;

The enemy lay waste to the countryside after the invasion

来自盎格鲁法语escorge,鞭子。来自古法语escorgier,鞭打,鞭刑,可能来自拉丁语excoriare,剥皮。来自ex-,向外,corium,皮肤,兽皮。来自原始印欧语*sker,砍,切,分开,词源同shear, excoriate。引申词义灾害,祸害。参照Scourge of God,上帝之鞭,原指欧洲人对西汉时期入侵欧洲的匈奴王的称号,后指元朝时再次入侵欧洲的成吉思汗。 ex来自原始印欧语*eghs,从,从…出,向外,同前缀ex-,向外,即从前,前任。 shear来自古英语sceran,剪下,切下。来自原始日耳曼语*sker,剪,切。来自原始印欧语*sker,剪,切,词源同share, sharp。引申诸相关词义。 excoriateex-,向外,-cor,切,皮肤,词源同corium, carnal , score。 of来自古英语of。来自原始日耳曼语*af。来自原始印欧语*apo,离开,词源同前缀ab-, apo-, apogee。后作用连词使用,其原词义见off。white scourge一种地方性肺病…world scourge血吸虫病
GRE红宝书s死, courge = couragen 勇气: 受到scourge的人没有courage就 s. scourv 擦亮, urgev 敦促, 如果没有scour就scourge你.
音:死 + courage 勇气,勇敢的面对死,磨难与鞭打
和courage勇气一起记,也可分割记忆scour擦亮 +urge敦促
GRE难词记忆scourge→courage n.勇气→有勇气面对各种灾难couragen.勇气⇒有勇气面对各种灾难和couragen.勇气一起记近义词 rod杆beat打whip鞭子lash鞭子flog鞭打cane手杖cancer癌pest害虫bane祸害curse诅咒waste废物plague瘟疫menace威胁threat威胁terror恐怖ravage毁坏leather皮革torment苦痛thrash打谷blight枯萎病devastate毁坏afflict使苦恼desolate荒凉的flagellate鞭打spank掴屁股lay waste to糟蹋terrorize令人恐怖flagellum生鞭毛tormentor使苦痛之人nemesis不可避免的报应…

用作名词After thescourgeof war came thescourgeof disease.战乱之后瘟疫又接踵而来。
Inflation was the greatestscourgeof society.通货膨胀是社会上的最大祸害。
The cruel captain used ascourgeon his disobedient sailor.那残忍的船长鞭打不服从命令的水手。
Toscourgea man is to beat him with a whip .鞭笞人就是用鞭子抽打他的人。
The old man isscourgedby a guilty conscience.这个老人受到负罪感的折磨。
He wasscourgedby the memory of his misdeeds.他对以往的胡作非为的回忆使得他精神上受惩罚。noun.plague, torment
同义词 curse,pest,terroraffliction,bane,correction,infliction,misfortune,penalty,pestilence,punishment,visitation
反义词 rewardadvantage,benefit,blessing,boon,delight,happinessverb.beat, punish, often physically
同义词 afflict,belt,cane,castigate,chastise,curse,discipline,excoriate,flail,flog,harass,hit,horsewhip,lambaste,lash,penalize,plague,scathe,scorch,tan,terrorize,thrash,torment,trounce,wallop,whale,whip
反义词 aid,assist,comfort,compliment,fail,forgive,help,laud,lose,please,praise,surrenderguard,protect
afflictionnoun hurt condition;something that causes hurt
banenoun cause of misery
affliction,blight,burden,bête noir,calamity,curse,despair,destruction,disaster,downfall,fatal attraction,misery,nuisance,pest,plague,poison,ruin,ruination,scourge,torment,trial,trouble,undoing,venom,woe
blightnoun disease;plague
affliction,bane,blot on the landscape,canker,contamination,corruption,curse,decay,dump,evil,eyesore,fungus,infestation,mildew,pest,pestilence,pollution,rot,scourge,sight,withering,woe
calamitiesnoun disaster;tragedy
adversities,afflictions,blue ruins,cataclysms,catastrophes,collapses,crosses,curtains,distress,downfalls,hardships,holy messes,misadventures,mischances,misfortunes,mishaps,reverses,ruins,scourges,the worsts,trials,tribulations,unholy messes,visitations,waterloos,woes,wrecks,wretchedness
calamitynoun disaster;tragedy
adversity,affliction,bad thing,blue ruin,cataclysm,catastrophe,collapse,cross,curtains,distress,downfall,hardship,holy mess,misadventure,mischance,misfortune,mishap,reverse,ruin,scourge,the worst,trial,tribulation,unholy mess,visitation,waterloo,woe,wreck,wretchedness
cankernoun blistered infection
Cancer,bane,blight,blister,boil,corrosion,corruption,lesion,rot,scourge,smutch,sore,ulcer HIV, the AIDS- causing virus, lived happily and benignly in chimpanzees before it became a scourge of people.
人体免疫缺损病毒是引起艾滋病的病毒,这种病毒祸害人类之前就在黑猩猩身上愉快而无害地存在着。 ecocn

The United States and the international community stood up and took on this terrible scourge.
美国和国际社会通过采取行动而向这种可怕的疾病发起进攻。 ebigear

The scourge of HIV/ AIDS currently engulfing the world will quite likely be brought under control within the next few years thanks to the untiring efforts of scientists and researchers worldwide.
现在席卷世界的艾滋病的祸害很有可能由于全世界科学家和研究人员的不懈努力在未来几年内得到控制。 ebigear

“ All efforts should aim at preserving the utmost goal of freeing humanity from the scourge of hunger,” he stressed.
“所有的努力都应以将人类从饥饿的苦难中解救出来为目标,”他强调说。 fao

And they shall scourge him, and put him to death: and the third day he shall rise again.
并要鞭打他,杀害他,第三日他要复活。 ebigear

Boxing’s fatality rate is lower than that of horse racing and of some other sports, but its real scourge is not death but debility— particularly, brain damage.
尽管拳击的致死率低于赛马和其他一些运动,但是它真正的威胁不是死亡而是身体机能的衰弱——尤其是脑部损害。 yeeyan

He regrets that they have produced no Jeremiah, no one who can“ walk around in our streets and in our failings, one who can scourge us and lament us”.
他感到遗憾的是这片故土没有养育出耶利米,没能养育出一个能“走遍我们的大街小巷、直面我们的失败的人,一个能痛斥我们、惋惜我们的人”。 ecocn

I applaud your help and cooperation in fighting the scourge of terrorism.
我赞赏您为打击恐怖主义这一祸患提供的帮助与合作。 ebigear

In Mr. Dimmesdale's secret closet, under lock and key, there was a bloody scourge.
在丁梅斯代尔先生深锁的密室中,有一条血淋淋的刑鞭。 ebigear

India and Nigeria in particular look the toughest nuts to crack of the dozen or so countries left with the polio scourge.
在十几个遗留小儿麻痹症灾祸的国家中,印度及尼日利亚格外被视为最难啃的骨头。 ecocn

Is war less of a scourge than an uprising is of a calamity?
难道战争的祸害不大于暴动的灾难吗? ebigear

Mancur Lloyd Olson, scourge of special interests, died on February19th, aged66
曼瑟·奥尔森——特殊利益集团的鞭笞者,于2月19日逝世,享年66岁 ecocn

Moore,55, is widely celebrated— and reviled — as a left-wing scourge of big business.
五十五岁的摩尔,是广受拥戴的名人,同时作为大公司的一个左翼祸害而被大肆辱骂。 yeeyan

Most of the Republican candidates, including Mr Romney, the erstwhile scourge of the fat cats, argue that more of the poor should pay at least some income tax.
包括过去曾大力鞭笞有钱者的罗姆尼在内的大多数共和党的候选人,说更多的穷人应该至少交点所得税。 ecocn

My father scourged you with whips; I will scourge you with scorpions.
我父亲用鞭子责打你们,我要用蝎子鞭责打你们。 ebigear

No eye could see him, save that ever-wakeful one which had seen him in his closet, wielding the bloody scourge.
没有谁的眼睛会看到他,尽是要除掉那一双始终警觉的眼睛——那人已经看到过他在内室中用血淋淋的鞭子捆打自己了。 hjenglish

Smallpox was probably the single biggest scourge to hit North America.
天花可能是袭击美洲的最大的一个灾祸。 yeeyan

Thatcher has relentlessly flogged the book in Britain and the U.S., giving TV interviews that scourge what she sees as the collapse of her country’s leadership.
撒切尔毫不客气地在英国和美国销售此书,同时接受电视台采访,起到了鞭笞在她看来摇摇欲坠的英国领导的作用。 putclub

The ample evidence presented enables us to reasonably conclude that the scourge of AIDS will be brought under control in the foreseeable future.

The rock concert in Hyde Park was devoted to the effort to combat the epidemic that has been the scourge of Africa.
海德公园的摇滚音乐会即致力于呼吁人们共同努力把非洲从这个流行性灾难中解救出来。 ecocn

Today, the UN survives but hardly thrives, and its success in achieving its primary goal of saving “ succeeding generations from the scourge of war” is poor.
今天,联合国继续存在着但几乎没有繁荣。它也没有很好地实现“使后代免受战争祸害”的主要目标。 yeeyan

Will we lift the child in Bangladesh from poverty, shelter the refugee in Chad, and banish the scourge of AIDS in our time?
我们会将孟加拉国的儿童从贫困中解救出来,给乍得的难民以住所,并在我们这个时代消除艾滋病的祸患吗? cri




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