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词汇 scot
释义 scot 英skɒt美skɑtAHDskŏt

a native or inhabitant of Scotlandgo scot free安然逃脱,未受损害,…get off scot free安然逃脱,未受损害,…go scot-free法 消遥法外…get off scot-free逍遥法外Scot Nat=Scottish …come of scot free逍遥法外scot and lot法 普通税, 分…escape scot-free逍遥法外escape scot free安然逃脱come of scot-free)逍遥法外as black as scot漆黑black as scot漆黑come of scot-free逍遥法外
近义词 conjuration戏法Scotsman苏格兰人Scotchman苏格兰人

The man got offscotfree when the charges against him couldn't be proved in court.那个人免受惩罚,因为法庭不能证实对他的指控。
A native Scot.土生的苏格兰人
His accent proclaimed him a Scot/that he was a Scot.他的口音表明他是苏格兰人。
She married a Scot.她嫁给了一个苏格兰人。 Eric Cantona, Roy Keane and David Beckham have come and gone but the Scot's regime had endured.
埃里克·坎通纳、罗伊·基恩和大卫·贝克汉姆来了又去,但苏格兰人仍统治着球队。 yeeyan

He was a Scot essayist and historian. During his lifetime he became one of the world's greatest writers.
托马斯卡莱尔17951881是苏格兰的散文家和历史学家,也是世界上一流的作家。 ebigear

Last I knew, said the American, the Scot was haggling price, and the Canadian was arguing that his government should pay.
我离开之前,那名美国人说,我看见英格兰人正在砍价,而那名加拿大人正在分辩说应该由他的政府来出这笔钱。 iciba

The bestselling album worldwide last year was“ I Dreamed a Dream” by Susan Boyle, a middle-aged Scot.
而去年世界范围内最大卖的专辑则是苏格兰中年妇女苏珊•波伊尔的《我曾有梦》。 ecocn

The Scot, currently ranked fourth, has made finishing the season at No.3 one of his main goals for the end of the year.
即时排名第四位的苏格兰人,把成为年终第三名作为本赛季结束的目标之一。 yeeyan

“The Codex Sinaiticus is one of the world's greatest written treasures, ” said Scot McKendrick, head of Western manuscripts at the British Library.
大英图书馆西方手稿部部长斯科特·麦克肯德瑞克说:“西奈抄本是世界上最伟大的写作珍宝之一”。 hxen

As cynics pointed out, Mr Brown should appreciate the advantages of an identity capacious enough to allow a Scot to govern England.
就像愤世嫉俗者们指出的,布朗先生应该感激对身份的足够宽容让一个他苏格兰人来管理英格兰。 ecocn

Bill McKay was a Scot who also captained United for two spells, from1934-35 and1939-40.
比尔·麦凯基是来自苏格兰的球员,他也在两次带领过曼联队出战,分别是1934-35以及1939-40。 yeeyan

But the Scot admitted he should have converted a simple forehand when he was a set up and leading2-1 in the second. That would have given him two break points for a3-1 lead.
但苏格兰人承认他应该在拿下一盘并在第二盘以2-1领先时改变他的正手击球,这样很有可能给他制造两个破发点以3-1领先。 yeeyan

Ceilidhs, like American barn dances, are high- spirited social affairs with group dances and callers who help novices, like this young Scot in the Outer Hebrides' Castlebay, learn the steps.
同乐会,有点像美国的谷仓舞,是跳集体舞和招呼要帮助的初学者的一种兴致勃勃的社会活动,就像这样,外赫布里底群岛卡色贝的年轻苏格兰人开始学习舞步。 yeeyan

Gandhi the truth- teller died at the hands of his killers, some of whom, Jim Douglass alleges, walked away scot-free under cover of self- preserving lies.
甘地---这位真理的讲述着终于死在暗杀者的手里。道格拉斯宣称,一些暗杀者,在反对者的保护下平安的离开了。 yeeyan

Meanwhile, the Scot backed his Liverpool players to return to winning ways in the near future.
同时,苏格兰人还支持他的球员们在不久的将来重返胜利之路。 goalhi

Since reaching the semi- finals of the US Open earlier this summer, the Scot has captured titles in Bangkok, Tokyo and Shanghai.
自从今年夏天在美网止步半决赛后,苏格兰人在曼谷,东京,上海大师赛上获得冠军。 yeeyan

Sony Music’s biggest- selling album worldwide last year was“The Gift”, by Susan Boyle, a 50-year-old Scot whose appeal derives in part from her lack of youth.
“索尼音乐”去年在全球范围内最叫卖的唱片是现年50岁的苏格兰歌手苏珊•波伊尔 Susan Boyle的《礼物》,她的吸引力一部分来自于她的青春不再。 ecocn

Speaking Thursday at Bangkok's Chulalongkorn University, U.S. Ambassador to ASEAN Scot Marciel said the situation in Burma is having a negative impact on ASEAN's image.
美国驻东盟大使司考特.马歇尔在曼谷的朱拉隆功大学发表演讲时说,缅甸的形势对于东盟的形象产生了负面的影响。 ebigear

That was the22-year-old Scot's only trip to a Grand Slam singles final, where his loss continued a stretch of no British man winning a major since1936.
那是22岁的苏格兰人唯一一次打入男单大满贯决赛,并且失去了成为从1936年以来主要男单赛事中获胜的第一个英国人的机会。 yeeyan

The host, Jon Stewart, feigned shock at the resemblance between the Prime Minister and his fellow Scot.

The illusionist has come to the dramatically, moodily hued island village, at the invitation of an enthusiastic admirer, a Scot with a deep thirst and a flirty kilt.
魔术师应一位热情的崇拜者的邀请来到这个偏远的小镇,崇拜者是个苏格兰人,穿着卖弄风情的短裙。 yeeyan

The Scot had said before Sunday's match that he would need to play at his very best to win, and while he fell some way below that level it was in large part due to his opponent.
这个苏格兰人在周日前的比赛曾说过他要打出最佳状态去赢得比赛,但他在比赛中的不尽如人意的表现很大程度上也是取决他的对手的发挥。 yeeyan

They can basically ride off into the sunset scot-free.
他们基本上可以趁着日落开溜,逍遥法外。 yeeyan

Under today’s product- liability law, the motorist would doubtless get off scot-free, even if the accident was his fault.
还是系统工程师? 在现行产品责任法下,司机当然不会承担责任,即使事故就是他的过错。 ecocn

Scot Osterweil, Creative Director at MIT's Education Arcade, had been discussing doing a project with the Smithsonian for several years.
Scot Osterweil,麻省理工教育长廊的创意设计师之前已经和史密森协会讨论做一个这样的实际好多年了。 yeeyan




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