

单词 scorchingly
释义 scorch·ingly 英skɔːtʃ美skɔːrtʃ COCA¹⁶⁴³²⁶BNC¹⁴⁴⁶⁶⁴⁺³Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
a surface burna plant disease that produces a browning or scorched appearance of plant tissuesa discoloration caused by heat
make very hot and dry;

The heat scorched the countryside

become superficially burned;

my eyebrows singed when I bent over the flames

destroy completely by or as if by fire;

The wildfire scorched the forest and several homes

the invaders scorched the land

burn slightly and superficially so as to affect color;

The cook blackened the chicken breast

The fire charred the ceiling above the mantelpiece

the flames scorched the ceiling

become scorched or singed under intense heat or dry conditions;

The exposed tree scorched in the hot sun

scorch mark焦痕leaf scorch叶焦,叶焦病…scorch line灼伤线scorched earth军队撤退时销毁一切敌…scorched earth policy焦土政策战争中实行…
近义词 bake烤parch烘burn燃烧mark记号brand烙印scald烫伤blister气泡sear使 … 干枯char(使烧成炭singe轻微烧焦blacken使变黑

用作动词Jenny scorch her jacket carelessly while she is smoking her pipe.珍妮抽烟斗时不小心把夹克烧焦。
Luckily, flashes of such strong radiation occur so far away they will not scorch our planet.幸运的是,诸如这类的强辐射大发生离我们非常的遥远,他们不会烧焦我们的地球。用作名词Jenny scorch her jacket carelessly while she is smoking her pipe.珍妮抽烟斗时不小心把夹克烧焦。
Luckily, flashes of such strong radiation occur so far away they will not scorch our planet.幸运的是,诸如这类的强辐射大发生离我们非常的遥远,他们不会烧焦我们的地球。




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