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词汇 scn
释义 scn.
No checkpoint SCN will be issued after the initial checkpoint SCN.
在初始检查点 SCN后,就不会再发放新的检查点 SCN。 ibm

The vital importance of the SCN as a biological time setter is a recent discovery, though not a new one.
超染色体交叉细胞核作为生物时间调节者的重要性即使不是一项新的发现,也是最近的发现。 zftrans

The circadian rhythm in mammals is regulated by two clusters of nerve cells called the suprachiasmatic nuclei SCN in the anterior hypothalamus.
哺乳动物中调节昼夜节律的是两个调节神经细胞群,称为视交叉上核中的下丘脑。 yeeyan

The effect of dorsal raphe nucleus DR stimulation on the unit discharge of suprachiasmatic nucleus SCN neurons was studied and analyzed pharmacologically in the Wistar rats.
观察刺激中缝背核 DR对大鼠视交叉上核 SCN光敏神经元单位放电的影响,并进行药理学分析。 cnki

The result of field test shows that the main factors which affect the degree of SCN are organic matter, crops rotation and soil humidity etc.
田间试验结果表明,影响大豆孢囊线虫病发生程度的主要因素是土壤有机质、茬口、土壤含水量等。 cnki

To evaluate the molluscacidal effect and the cost- effectiveness of 25% suspension concentrate of niclosamide SCN in the orchards in hilly and mountainous area.
了解25%氯硝柳胺悬浮剂 SCN在丘陵山区果园内灭螺效果,并进行成本-效果评价。 cnki

Change-based recovery is a recovery that recovers until a specified SCN.
基于更改的恢复是恢复到指定 SCN的恢复。 ibm

Conclusion These results suggest that oscillating amplitude of circadian rhythm of SCN neurons spontaneous firing attenuates in old rats.
结论老年大鼠 SCN神经元自发放电的昼夜节律的振荡幅度在衰减。 cnki

Content of the SCN- in electrolyte solution, deposition potential and concentration of solution are important factors on quality of films.
电沉积溶液中 SCN-的含量、沉积电位、溶液的浓度等都是影响薄膜性能的重要因素。 cnki

For those data files not in the online backup mode, subsequent checkpoint will increase the SCN in their headers.
对于没有处在联机备份模式的那些数据文件,随后的检查点将在它们的文件头中添加 SCN。 ibm

Geneticists have by now identified a set of genes that regulate the SCN and thus the circadian rhythm among mammals.
遗传学家们目前确定了一系列基因,这些基因能够调节 SCN和哺乳动物的昼夜节律。 yeeyan

In normal circumstances, however, the SCN reacts to the lengthening nights by instructing the brain's pineal gland to secrete more of the hormone called melatonin.
然而,在正常情况下, SCN对夜晚延长的反应是,它会指示大脑的松果腺增加褪黑激素的分泌。 yeeyan

In the brain, a recently discovered cluster of nerve cells called the suprachiasmatic nucleus, or SCN, appears to be at the heart of timekeeping.
最近在大脑中发现的神经细胞簇,叫做超染色体交叉细胞核,或 SCN,它们似乎处在生物钟运转的核心部位。

No one yet knows what the separate clock is for or how it relates to the SCN.
仍没有人知道分开的时钟是什么或它如何与 SCN 发生关系。 iciba

Objective To evaluate the molluscicidal effects of suspension concentrate of 25% niclosamide SCN in Yunnan mountainous regions.
目的观察25%氯硝柳胺悬浮剂 SCN在云南大山区的实验室和现场杀螺效果。 cnki

Supply chain network SCN is the base of and key to supply chain management and competitive power of the whole supply chain.
供应链网络模式是供应链管理及整个供应链网络的竞争能力的基础和关键所在。 cnki

The aim is to let customers who use the SCN's resources avoid any headache as they move through the network.
此举旨在让使用使用 SAP社区网络资源的顾客在这个网络中穿行的时候避免一些让人头疼的登陆问题。 yeeyan

The results showed that the positive cell bodies and fibers in periventricular nucleus PV, suprachiasmatic nucleus SCN and paraventricular nucleus PVN were more numerous in male than in female.
结果表明,在室周核 PV、室旁核 PVN和视交叉上核 SCN内,雄性大鼠的阳性细胞和纤维较雌性多。 cnki

The morphological and physiological change of syncytium is considered to be the result of soybean gene expression induced by SCN directly.
合胞体在形态上和生理上的变化可以认为是 SCN直接诱导大豆基因表达的结果。 cnki

The suprachiasmatic nucleus SCN in the hypothalamus controls many aspects of circadian rhythms in mammalian animals.
哺乳动物下丘脑的视交叉上核 SCN控制着多种生理节奏的发生。 cnki

They also found that they could set and reset the retinal clock even when the SCN was destroyed.
生物学家也发现即使当 SCN被破坏时它们可以设定并且重新设定视网膜的时钟。 iciba

This paper introduced the selection process, characteristic and cultivation practices of a new high-yield, SCN-resistant variety Nenfeng20.
本文介绍了高产抗 SCN大豆新品种嫩丰20的选育经过、主要特征特性及栽培技术。 dictall

Time-base recovery is a recovery that recovers until a specified SCN.
基于时间的恢复是恢复到指定 SCN的恢复。 ibm

Usually media failure is caused by either the complete loss of a data file or an SCN timestamp being out of sync with the rest of the database.
通常,导致媒介失败的原因是数据文件的完全丢失,或者 SCN时间戳与数据库的其余部分不同步。 ibm

What's really new is an understanding of the SCN's internal mechanism.
真正的新东西是对超染色体内在机理的理解。 zftrans

When this command is issued, all data files that are in the online backup mode will be issued checkpoint SCN.
当发出这个命令时,处于联机备份模式的所有数据文件都将被发放检查点 SCN。 ibm

You need add SCN No for each e- packing list.
你们需要在每一个电子版包装列表上增加 SCN号。 ecljs




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