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词汇 science fiction
释义 science fiction ˌsaɪənsˈfɪkʃn ★☆☆☆☆高I短语⁹⁰⁹⁵

literary fantasy involving the imagined impact of science on societyOh, yes,science fictionis also largely read.哦,是的,科幻小说也很受青睐。
He lovesscience fictionin particular.他特别喜爱科幻小说。noun.literary fantasy about future
同义词 SF,sci-fifuturism,sci-fi movie,space fiction,space odyssey,space opera
space agenoun period of space travel
computer age,machine age,science fiction But why does2011 still sound like an annum out of science fiction?
为什么2011年听起来还仿佛是科幻小说中的年份一样呢? yeeyan

If this sounds like science fiction, it is because“ smart systems”, as the trend has come to be called, are still not widely understood.
这可能听起来像是科幻小说,但那是因为我们并没有广泛了解这一被称作“智能系统”技术的发展趋势。 ecocn

On the face of it, that sounds like a scenario straight out of cheap science fiction. But even if the odds of calamity are small, why gamble?
乍看起来,这种情况,听起来好像是直接来自廉价科幻小说的情节。虽然造成灾难的可能性很小,可是为什么要去冒险呢? yeeyan

On the face of it, that sounds like a scenario straight out of cheap science fiction.
乍看起来,这种情况,听起来好像是直接来自廉价科幻小说的情节。 yeeyan

While the idea of a telepathy machine might sound like something from science fiction, the scientists say it could one day be used to solve crimes.
一台会心灵感应的仪器?这个想法听起来可能像科幻小说,不过科学家表示,将来某一天有可能用它来解决犯罪问题。 yeeyan

And if scientists have yet to create the mechanical version of science fiction, they have begun to come close.
如果科学家们还没有创造出科幻小说的机械版本,他们也已经很接近这个目标了。 hjenglish

He did not predict the future in his copious science fiction, he insisted.
在他博学的科幻小说中他从没有预言过未来,他坚持这样。 ecocn

In the science fiction about20 years ago, we can always see the beautiful imagination of artificial intelligence in the21 century.
在20多年前科幻小说之中,总是能看到21世纪我们完全进入了人工智能时代的美好畅想。 putclub

It might be kind of fanciful to some, but on the other hand, space travel was considered science fiction not that many decades ago.
对于某些人,它可能只是种幻想,但换句话说,几十年前,太空旅行不也是被认为是科幻小说吗。 yeeyan

It seems like science fiction, but one wonders how somebody in1900 would have felt about a description of what World War II was going to be like.
就像科幻小说一样,但是人们感到疑惑,生活在1900年的人对于二次世界大战如何进行的描述会做何感想。 yeeyan

So, then, all those years ago, against all the odds, I took the thinnest of all possible thin chances, and devoted myself to a life in science fiction.
于是,许多许多年前,我不顾所有人的反对,抓住一丝丝最渺茫的机会,将自己的一生投入科幻小说的事业中。 yeeyan

The ceremony is co-sponsored by the Harvard Computer Society, the Harvard- Radcliffe Science Fiction Association and the Harvard- Radcliffe Society of Physics Students.
颁奖典礼的协办者是哈佛计算机社团,哈佛-拉德克里夫科幻小说协会,以及哈佛-拉德克里夫物理系学生会。 yeeyan

THERE is a branch of science fiction that looks at the Earth’s neighbours, Mars and Venus, and asks how they might be made habitable. The answer is planetary engineering.
有一类科幻小说以火星和金星这些地球的邻居为描写对象,并且提出它们怎样才能适合人类居住,而问题的答案就是建设行星。 yeeyan

These speculations sound like science fiction. But the theory of black holes in space is accepted by many serious scientists and astronomers.
这些设想听起来像科幻小说,但空间中黑洞的理论被许多严谨的科学家和天文学家接受。 kekenet

This is not science fiction.
这不是科幻小说。 yeeyan

Unfortunately, this is not science fiction, and the legal question is: Who is to be held liable for this killing?
不幸的是,这不是科幻小说,而其中的法律问题就是:谁应对这起谋杀负法律责任? yeeyan

Vinge has also explored the idea in a number of science fiction novels.
文奇在他的多本科幻小说里也都探究了这个观点。 yeeyan

Science fiction may have primed us for the coming robot revolution, but it has also given us an idea of the types of controls we may want to consider before welcoming robots into our lives and homes.
科幻小说可以让我们为即将到来的机器人革命作好准备,但它也赋予我们在欢迎机器人进入我们的生活和家庭之前,我们可能会考虑到的各种控制类型的想法。 yeeyan




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