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schrdingerCOCA⁷⁶⁰⁵⁸ 基本例句 🌏薛定谔;物理学家薛定谔方程 In comparison with the methods by solving Schrdinger equation or using group theory, this method is more simple and convenient, and its physical picture is very visual and explicit. 这种方法与严格求解薛定谔方程或群论方法相比,较为简便,且物理图像直观、明确。 cnki The purpose of this paper consists in showing the existence and uniqueness of solution of the difference scheme of the first boundary problem for the system of Schrdinger type. 本文证明了非线性薛定格方程组第一边值问题差分格式解的存在唯一性。 cnki The analytical solutions to 1D Schrdinger equation in depth direction in double gateDG MOSFETs are derived to calculate electron density and threshold voltage. 推导了双栅 MOSFET器件在深度方向上薛定谔方程的解析解以求得电子密度和阈电压。 dictall The atomic coherent states will evolve to the atomic Schrdinger cat states at some special times in a low Q cavity. 在低 Q值腔内,原子相干态在一些特定时刻可以演化为原子薛定谔猫态。 cnki The multipass amplification characters of the chirped pulse in gain medium were studied with the Schrdinger equation and population equation. 利用非线性薛定谔方程和速率方程,研究了啁啾脉冲在增益介质中多程放大的特性。 cnki The propagation of optical beams in nonlocal nonlinear media is modeled by the nonlocal nonlinear Schrdinger equation. 光束在非局域非线性介质中传输由非局域非线性薛定谔方程描述。 dictall The steady solution and its stability of Nonlinear Schrdinger EquationNLSE are studied by means of traveling wave transformation and bifurcation theory. 用行波变换方法和分叉理论研究里非线性薛定谔方程的定常解和定常解的稳定性。 cnki The Schrdinger equation is given directly from the classical Hamiltonian function of a damping harmonic oscillator, and its solution is obtained by the separation of variables. 写出阻尼谐振子的哈密顿函数,对其直接量子化,用分离变量法得出了薛定谔方程的解。 dictall We have applied the theory of the single particle Schrdinger fluid to the nuclear collective motion of axially deformed nuclei. 将单粒子薛定谔液体理论应用于轴对称形变核的集体运动。 dictall A wave function for laser dressed atom is derived as a perturbative solution of the time dependent Schrdinger equation in the velocity gauge. 作为含时薛定谔方程的微扰近似解,在速度规范下给出了激光场中缀饰原子的一个波函数。 dictall Based on the linearization approximation, nonlinear Schrdinger equation is quantized, the influences of the initial chirp on soliton squeezing ratio was studied by using back propagation method. 在线性近似条件下,量子化了非线性薛定谔方程,用后向传播法数值求解了初始啁啾对光孤子压缩比的影响。 zidian8 Based on the previous works, the Schrdinger equation of the hydrogen- like atom is analytically solved further. 在以往工作基础上对类氢原子体系的薛定谔方程进行了进一步求解。 zidian8 Electronic states of three-dimensional quantum ring are studied by solving precisely the time-independent Schrdinger equation. 本文通过较精确地求解能量本征方程获得三维量子环的电子能态。 dictall Furthermore we discussed the problem of phase transformation for Schrdinger equation and Klein- Gordon equation. 另外,讨论了薛定谔方程、克莱因-戈尔登方程的相位坐标变换问题。 cnki In even magnetic field, the degeneracy of two gauges is calculated when magnetic field is confined in a cylindrical domain. The solution method of Schrdinger equation is introduced. 在均匀磁场中,计算两种规范下,磁场被限制在一个柱体的区域的简并度,说明了薛定谔方程的求解方法。 cnki Modulation instabilityMI in single-mode optical fibers is investigated analytically and numerically using a modified nonlinear Schrdinger equation. 基于修正的非线性薛定谔方程,利用线性扰动理论和数值方法研究了单模光纤中的调制不稳定性。 cnki Moreover, it is Liouville integrable and can be reduced to the well-known nonlinear Schrdinger equations. 另外,这一族方程可约化为著名的非线性薛定谔方程。 cnki Nonlinear Schrdinger equation in the time domain is often solved, when ultrashort pulses are propagated in fibers. 通常是在时域上求解非线性薛定谔方程来研究光纤中超短光脉冲传输特性。 magsci Spatiotemporal instability of ultrashort pulse beam propagating through cubic nonlinear dispersive media is studied by using an extended nonlinear Schrdinger equationNLSE. 利用一个拓展的非线性薛定谔方程,研究了高强度超短脉冲光束在三阶非线性介质中传输时的时空调制不稳定现象。 cnki Standard form of Higher-Order Nonlinear Schrdinger equation is solved numerically. 数值求解了标准化高阶修正非线性薛定谔方程。 cnki The behaviour of an electron between two quantum wells, is studied by exact solution of a time- dependent Schrdinger equation. 通过精确求解含时的量子体系,研究了在周期耦合驱动下电子在两量子阱中的受迫振荡。 cnki The coherently coupled nonlinear SchrdingerNLS equation of the propagation of a light pulse in a fiber has been studied. 利用光脉冲在光纤中传播时所遵守的相干非线性薛定谔耦合方程,研究了线偏振光在光纤中的传输特性。 cnki The effect of third order and fourth order dispersion on cross phase modulational instability based on extended nonlinear Schrdinger equation is investigated. 以包含了三、四阶色散项的耦合非线性薛定谔方程为基础,重点研究了三、四阶色散对交叉相位调制不稳定性的影响。 magsci The ionization of one dimensional model atoms in ultra intense laser fields has been studied by solving time dependent Schrdinger equation using the least square fitting and the Runge Kutta methods. 利用最小二乘法和龙格库塔方法求解含时薛定谔方程,研究了一维原子模型在超强激光场中的电离。 dictall The nonlinear Schrdinger equation leads to a second order nonlinear difference equation, and we obtain transmission spectrum of wave by iterating the difference equation. 把非线性薛定谔方程转化成二阶差分方程,通过迭代此差分方程得到透射谱。 cnki The nonlinear Schrdinger equation of laser- plasma interaction is used to study the self- compression of femtosecond intense laser pulse in plasma. 文章从激光等离子体相互作用的非线性薛定谔方程出发,理论研究了飞秒强激光脉冲在等离子体中的自压缩行为。 zidian8 The Schrdinger equation and Poisson equation are solved self- consistently to calculate the new two dimensional surface states. 从薛定谔方程和泊松方程的自洽计算中得到了新的二维表面态。 cnki We analyse the common radial and time Schrdinger equation using finite differential approach, get dispersion equations of two kinds of Schrdinger equation by finite differential approach. 对普通的径向薛定谔方程和含时的薛定谔方程进行了有限差分法的分析,给出了两种薛定谔方程的有限差分法的离散方程。 cnki We explain how to realize macroscopic quantum coherence, namely the superposition of Schrdinger cat states and quantum phase interference by means of quantum tunneling. 文章作者解释了如何通过量子隧穿实现宏观量子相干即薛定谔猫态的相干叠加和量子态位相干涉。 cnki |