

单词 school magazine
释义 school magazine sku:lˌmæɡəˈzi:n 短语¹⁰⁶¹⁰⁰⁺
Color- printed books, Annual reports, School magazine. All kinds of binding: Thread stitching, Perfect bind, Saddle stitch, Iron ring, Plastic ring.
彩色图书、年报、校刊、各类精装书、穿线装书、胶装书、骑钉书、穿铁圈书、穿胶圈书等。 cs7777777.com

I enjoyed reading your“ What's cool?” article in the school magazine.
我喜欢读校报上你的有关“什么是酷”的文章。 blog.sina.com.cn

I enjoyed reading your“ What's cool?” article in the school magazine.
我很高兴在校刊上读到你写的“什么最酷”的文章。 blog.sina.com.cn

I enjoyed reading your articles in the school magazine.
我喜欢读你在校刊上的文章。 blog.sina.com.cn

Read this ad from the school magazine.
阅读校刊上的这则广告。 free.15546.zxxk.com

Suppose you write an interesting and original story for your school magazine.
假设你为校刊写了篇有趣又富创意的文章。 infos.edulife.com.cn




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