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词汇 Scholes
释义 Scholes ˈskolz 
Much as there won't be another Paul Scholes.
至少保罗·斯科尔斯这样的沉默天才不会再有一个了。 kle100

“ Paul Scholes is a top player,” Milner said.
“斯科尔斯是顶级球员。”米尔纳如是说道。 yeeyan

Alex Ferguson believes Paul Scholes is “ blessed with something special” and that it reflects all that's good about the game.
佛格森爵爷相信老天爷一定对斯科尔斯施了法,让他在比赛中表现得如此出色。 yeeyan

Before this, Ferguson had also reorganised his midfield with Michael Carrick and Paul Scholes swapping positions.
此前,弗格森还对中场进行了重组,卡里克与斯科尔斯换位。 yeeyan

Giggs, Valencia, Carrick, Anderson, Nani and Scholes have all found the mark this term.
吉格斯,瓦伦西亚,卡里克,安德森,纳尼和斯科尔斯都在这段期间找到了自己的位置。 yeeyan

Having joined the club's youth system in1991, Paul Scholes has since become a true legend at Old Trafford.
自从1991年以保罗·斯科尔斯加入了俱乐部的少年队以来,他就注定会成为老特拉福德史上最伟大的传奇之一。 yeeyan

He was one of Fergie's Fledglings and like Paul Scholes, who also retired last year, he is a' one club man'.
他同上个赛季刚刚退役的保罗·斯科尔斯一样都是弗爵爷92一代的成员,他也是一个“一生只侍一主”的球员。 yeeyan

I am a big admirer of Paul Scholes, he is one of the best players of his generation and I honestly think Sneijder is the only player in the world capable of replacing him.
我是保罗·斯科尔斯的极度崇拜者,他是他那代球员中最优秀的一个,我真的觉得斯内德是目前世界上唯一能取代他位置的球员。 yeeyan

Just as Benfica thought they had the ascendancy, Giggs illustrated why he did not follow Paul Scholes and Edwin van der Sar into retirement at the end of last season.
就在本菲卡将士认为他们将固守优势时,吉格斯站了出来诠释了为什么在上赛季结束后他没有和保罗•斯科尔斯以及埃德温•范德萨一起退役。 yeeyan

Manchester United legend Paul Scholes says the rise of Manchester City will only spur Sir Alex Ferguson to prolong his reign at Old Trafford.
前曼联中场斯科尔斯表示,曼城的崛起只会刺激弗格森更加长久的在曼联执教。 goalhi

On every front, Scholes and Giggs are footballing freaks.
从任何一个层面来看,斯科尔斯和吉格斯都像是足球世界里的稀世珍宝。 yeeyan

Swales, who wears extravagant mutton chop whiskers and is known as an“ old-school” representative, has enjoyed a quiet life with the deal- phobic Scholes but wouldn't want it any other way.
留着满脸络腮胡的斯韦尔斯是足球经纪人里的有名的“老派”代表,他安于乐道,喜好平静简单的生活,很享受和斯科尔斯那份很简洁的合约,并且就这样就感到十分满足。 kle100

The Frenchman, now45, is back at Old Trafford in his capacity as director of the New York Cosmos, and will coach the team against United in a testimonial for Paul Scholes on Friday.
这位45岁的法国传奇球星以纽约宇宙队总监的身份从新返回了老特拉福德,他将带领球队于本周五与曼联进行为斯科尔斯举行的的告别赛。 yeeyan

United boss Ferguson has promised one stellar signing this summer and he would break the bank to sign Fabregas if he could, with Paul Scholes heading for retirement.
由于斯科尔斯决心退役,曼联主帅弗格森已经承诺会在夏天签下一为明星球员。而且如果有希望得到法布雷加斯,他将不惜倾家荡产。 yeeyan

We lost Edwin van der Sar and Gary Neville, Scholes. It's only really Giggsy, me and Rio Ferdinand from that generation.
我们失去了埃德温·范德萨,加里·内维尔和斯科尔斯,现在我们那一代人只剩下了吉格斯、里奥·费迪南德和我。 yeeyan

When you look around, Paul Scholes used to be a centre midfielder and score goals regularly, bombing in, late runs, headers, great finishing.
当你回头想想看,保罗•斯科尔斯曾经是名伟大的中场,他年轻的时候进球从来不在话下,头球,暴射,世界波都能信手拈来。 kle100

While Beckham eventually flew the nest and became a global brand, Scholes and Giggs shied away from the limelight and became one- club wonders.
在贝克汉姆离开曼联展翅翱翔成为全球明星的时候,斯科尔斯和吉格斯则远离镁光灯最后成为了从一而终的俱乐部传奇。 yeeyan

Scholes and his team studied the light- harvesting protein complexes within algae by using laser pulses to mimic absorption of sunlight.
斯科尔斯和他的研究小组利用激光脉冲模拟太阳光的吸收,研究了海藻的聚光蛋白复合物。 yeeyan

Scholes was asked to consider playing at last summer's World Cup finals but the35-year-old rejected the offer, saying he had had too little time to think about it.
斯科尔斯曾被要求考虑是否参加今夏的世界杯决赛,但这位35岁球员拒绝了橄榄枝,他说他没有多少时间来考虑这些。 yeeyan

Scholes was crucial in Manchester United's 3-0 win over Newcastle United last night, only eight days after his man- of-the-match display in the Community Shield at Wembley.
斯科尔斯的表现对于红魔3:0击败纽卡斯尔的比赛来说非常关键,而仅仅在8天前,他才在温布利球场赢得了社区盾杯决赛的 MOM当场最佳。 yeeyan




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