释义 |
scholar painting 基本例句 文人画 Zen Buddhism has brought deep impact to scholar artists on their aesthetic temperament, thinking mode and the transmission of the implicitness.禅对文人画家的审美情趣,艺术思维方式以及对画中朦胧含蓄之意境的传达等都产生了深刻影响,本文便是围绕着这几方面展开论述的。 Simple compositions were often designed so that empty areas could accommodate poems and inscriptions which could add another form of lyricism to the painting.元代文人画思想鼎盛,画家多假物象暗寄故国之思,复因逸笔简率,时人乃得于画幅空处题赞抒怀,益增作品画外之趣。 |