

单词 schmoozing
释义 schmoozing 英ʃmuːz美ʃmuːz COCA⁵⁹⁸⁶⁹BNC²³⁶²¹³⁺¹Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
an informal conversation
talk idly or casually and in a friendly way近义词 yak牦牛chat闲谈talk交谈confab会议chatter饶舌jawbone颚骨shmoose闲谈shmooze闲谈chitchat闲谈dialogue对话banter轻松说笑gossip流言蜚语conversation谈话chinwag聊天; 谈天confabulation交谈converse相反的事物socialize 使 … 社会化…schmooseschmooze的异体字…

用作动词I love toschmoozeon the phone with my friends.我很喜欢跟朋友在电话上闲谈。as in.converse
同义词 chat,chitchat,commune,confer,discourse,exchange,gab,parley,rap,speak,use,yakchew the fat
反义词 be quietbe silentas in.network
同义词 associate,circulate,hobnob,meet,minglemake contacts,meet and greet,rub elbows
反义词 avoid,disconnect,disjoin,divide,separateas in.shoot the breeze
同义词 BS,chatter,chew the fat,gab,palaver,prate,prattle,run off at the mouth,shoot the bull,yack,yap
converseverb talk
chat,chew the fat,chitchat,commune,confer,discourse,exchange,gab,parley,rap,schmooze,speak,use,yak
conversedverb talk
chatted,chewed the fat,chitchated,communed,conferred,discoursed,exchanged,gabbed,parleyed,rapped,schmoozed,spoke,used,yakked
networkverb to socialize for professional or personal gain
associate,circulate,hobnob,make contacts,meet,meet and greet,mingle,rub elbows,schmooze
networksverb to socialize for professional or personal gain
associates,circulates,hobnobs,makes contacts,meets,meets and greet,mingles,rubs elbows,schmoozes
shoot the breezeverb chat, converse
BS,chatter,chew the fat,gab,palaver,prate,prattle,run off at the mouth,schmooze,shoot the bull,yack,yap A left brainer is an extrovert, particularly good at schmoozing with people.
左脑思考者是个外向,特别善于与人交谈的家伙。 blog.sina.com.cn

When it comes to networking, working a room can be daunting, especially for those uncomfortable with the social pressures of schmoozing.
说到建立人际关系方面,把一屋子里的人都“拿下”也许是个令人畏惧的任务,特别对于那些不习惯调侃的人来说。 hxen

All of this schmoozing is very important!
所有的这些交际都是非常重要的! hjenglish

But don't imagine that there is not the same amount of schmoozing as in any other career field.
不要以为其他职业领域里的找关系、拍马屁这里就没有。 yeeyan

But many Nigerians say that if the president really wants to hold proper polls, he should be out campaigning among the masses instead of schmoozing behind closed doors.
不过许多尼日利亚民众表示,如果总统真的想获得足够的票选,就应该到民众当中开展竞选活动,而不是关起门闲谈。 ecocn

Each March, over a thousand bands from around the world descend on the state's capital for four days of drinking, dancing and music industry schmoozing.
每年三月,一共四天,全球上千个乐队云集于此,在这个首府且喝且舞,闲谈音乐。 yeeyan

Experts recommend schmoozing administrative assistants.
专家建议你应该去结交行政助理。 cri

I saw you schmoozing the manager of the accounts department.
我看到你和财务部的经理套近乎。 iciba

In short, it is not the sort of place you would associate with corporate schmoozing.
简而言之,这可不是可以谈钱做生意的地方。 yeeyan

It is already in use in America, where some children have learnt to write in a style which the computer appreciates, known as“ schmoozing the computer”.
美国已经在使用网上评卷,美国学生已经学着写一种电脑赏识的风格,被称为“巴结电脑”。 yeeyan

Leo sees the value of hard work, but prefers to get things done by charm and schmoozing.
狮子看到努力工作的价值所在,但是更喜欢用魅力搞定事情。 blog.sina.com.cn

Now, Hank Paulson, the treasury secretary, is schmoozing Democrats to see if they might co-operate.
现在,美国财政部部长汉克保尔森,正在与民主党进行磋商以寻求合作的可能性。 ecocn

They are CEOs addicted to the schmoozing.
他们是痴迷于社交活动的企业首席执行官。 yeeyan

To obtain major grants in China, it is an open secret that doing good research is not as important as schmoozing with powerful bureaucrats and their favorite experts.
在中国,为了获得重大项目,一个公开的秘密就是:做好的研究还不如与官员和他们赏识的专家拉关系重要。 yeeyan

Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner spent Wednesday getting grilled by pitchfork-wielding congressmen, not schmoozing with counterparts at the Congress Center in Davos.
财政部长 Timothy Geithner星期三在被气势汹汹的国会议员们拷问着,而不是在达沃斯会议中心和他国同僚们闲谈聊天。 yeeyan

Visitors were nosing through racks of dog-eared best sellers, schmoozing near the circulation desk and peering into banks of computers on long tables in the lobby.
图书馆的访客们正在小心地穿过堆满缺角的畅销书的书架,在流通服务台前面闲谈,顺便瞥一眼大厅里面长桌上成行的计算机。 yeeyan

We're schmoozing at my friend's graduation party when someone cracks a joke so that everyone laughs into tears.
我们在我朋友的毕业茶会上闲聊,这时有人讲了个笑话,大家笑得眼泪都出来了。 sznews

When you called me, we were schmoozing.

Schmoozing is good.
闲谈就很好。 yeeyan




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