

单词 schmooze
释义 schmoose 英ʃmuːz美ʃmuzAHDshm›z ☆☆☆☆☆COCA⁴⁰²⁸²BNC¹⁷³⁹⁹⁵⁺²iWeb³⁹⁹⁷⁵Economist⁴¹³⁰³⁺²
an informal conversation
talk idly or casually and in a friendly way来自依地语 shmues,闲聊,来自希伯来语 shemu'oth,谣言,传闻,来自 shamua,听到的,听闻 的,来自 shama',去听,听见,词源同人名 Simon,西蒙,字面意思为倾听。近义词 yak牦牛chat闲谈talk交谈confab会议chatter饶舌jawbone颚骨shmoose闲谈shmooze闲谈chitchat闲谈dialogue对话banter轻松说笑gossip流言蜚语conversation谈话chinwag聊天; 谈天confabulation交谈converse相反的事物socialize 使 … 社会化…schmooseschmooze的异体字…

用作动词I love toschmoozeon the phone with my friends.我很喜欢跟朋友在电话上闲谈。as in.converse
同义词 chat,chitchat,commune,confer,discourse,exchange,gab,parley,rap,speak,use,yakchew the fat
反义词 be quietbe silentas in.network
同义词 associate,circulate,hobnob,meet,minglemake contacts,meet and greet,rub elbows
反义词 avoid,disconnect,disjoin,divide,separateas in.shoot the breeze
同义词 BS,chatter,chew the fat,gab,palaver,prate,prattle,run off at the mouth,shoot the bull,yack,yap
converseverb talk
chat,chew the fat,chitchat,commune,confer,discourse,exchange,gab,parley,rap,speak,use,yak
conversedverb talk
chatted,chewed the fat,chitchated,communed,conferred,discoursed,exchanged,gabbed,parleyed,rapped,schmoozed,spoke,used,yakked
networkverb to socialize for professional or personal gain
associate,circulate,hobnob,make contacts,meet,meet and greet,mingle,rub elbows,schmooze
networksverb to socialize for professional or personal gain
associates,circulates,hobnobs,makes contacts,meets,meets and greet,mingles,rubs elbows,schmoozes
shoot the breezeverb chat, converse
BS,chatter,chew the fat,gab,palaver,prate,prattle,run off at the mouth,schmooze,shoot the bull,yack,yap As long as there's no hate involved or anything illegal they just go and schmooze and want to be helpful to whomever.
只要不涉及仇恨或违法行为,他们就会主动去接洽,希望为人们提供帮助,不论这些人是谁。 fortunechina

Michelle Obama refuses to be a political show pony or schmooze with Washington's elite.
米歇尔•奥巴马拒绝成为政治秀场的玩偶,也不愿意与华盛顿的精英们套近乎。 yeeyan

The time between initial schmooze and asking for what you really want could be up to six months.
在你最初开始交往到你提出要求的时间间隔应该是六个月。 cri

As a salesman, a regular part of Peter's job is to schmooze with his clients.
作为一名销售,彼得日常工作的一部分就是与他的客户们闲谈。 blog.sina.com.cn

He'd sit and smoke a cigar, schmooze for an hour and walk out with bigger orders than anybody else.
他会坐下来抽支雪茄跟你聊上一小时,而他走的时候拿到的订单往往比大家都多。 sedu100

If nothing else, it's a place to schmooze and find out what's happening.
不说别的,那里至少也是一个收集话题的好去处,可以了解一下市面上的行情。 kekenet

In fact, this is appropriate. Allow good fortune to come your way. Schmooze with others.
现在可以把你自己放在第一位了,实际上这很恰当,允许好运降临在自己身上吧。 blog.sina.com.cn

People come to fundraising dinners to help the cause and schmooze with other like- minded people.

They'll schmooze at trade shows, scour legal records, and do other things like that.
他们会在商业展览会上假装闲谈,搜集合法的录音,等等。 remword

When you're working as an assistant, you're not getting paid to schmooze with your boss's clients.
做助理的时候,不要闲谈你老板的客户,扯得再多也得不到任何报酬。 i21st




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