

单词 schlep
释义 schlepp /shlep 英ʃlep美ʃlɛpAHDshlĕp ☆☆☆☆☆高COCA⁵⁵²³⁵BNC²³⁶²¹³⁺¹iWeb³⁹¹⁹⁴
Yiddish an awkward and stupid persona tedious or difficult journey
pull along heavily, like a heavy load against a resistance;

Can you shlep this bag of potatoes upstairs?

She pulled along a large trunk

来自依地语 shlepen,拖,拉,词源同 slip,滑动,滑落。字母-s-在德语和依地语音变为-sch-. 引申词义搬运,后用于指不情愿的赶往等。近义词 shlepper携带pull along沿 … 拉shlep=schlep, sch…schlepperschlep的名词形式…

用作名词Because some poorschlepdid what they are warning against!因为有一些可怜的笨蛋偏偏会做一些与警告相违背的事情!verb.haul
同义词 carry,drag,jerk,lug,pull,tote
butterfingersnoun a clumsy person
bull in a china shop,bungler,clod,clumsy oaf,clunker,dolt,duffer,foozle,fumbler,klutz,lummox,muffer We carried out battlefield scout and achieved small area battlefield scout aim with low cost, easy use and getting rid of weather restrict via a pigeon schlep micro electronic device.
此系统通过微小型载体携带微型无线图像传输设备,实现战场侦察,以达到低成本、易使用、不易受地形、天气限制的小区域战场侦察的目的。 cnki

E-bikes are commonly used by migrant laborers who schlep across town from their quarters in the suburbs to work sites across town, with their drills and saws strapped to their bike racks.
电动自行车主要由农民工使用,他们将钻头和电锯等绑到自行车后面,从郊区的家中穿过街道到达其上班的地点。 blog.sina.com.cn

Interruption of mother-to-infant transmission of hepatitis B virus is very important to avoid HBV chronic schlep.
阻断乙肝母婴传播对防止 HBV慢性携带具有实际意义。 chemyq

Then you can have your own accompaniment collection and easy to schlep. It can enhance effect when playing or meeting with your friends.
这样就可以拥有自己的伴奏音乐集锦,便于携带,当朋友聚会或参加演出时烘托演奏效果。 flutefriends




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