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词汇 Schima
释义 schi·ma AHDˈskīmə
Title: Soil properties and water holding capacities of Michelia macclurei,Schimasuperba and Castanopsis fissa stands.关键词:阔叶纯林;水源涵养;土壤物理性质;养分;微生物;酶活性
There areSchimasuperba of Theaceae,Orhsieiof Leguminosae, Ligustrum lucidum of Oleaceae,belonging to evergreen broad-leaved trees.常绿阔叶树有茶科的荷木、豆科的红豆树及木犀科的蜡树等树种。
The allelochemicals ofSchimasuperba root had stronger inhibitory effects on the seed germination of Phoebe bournei than those ofSchimasuperba leaf.就不同木荷器官的生化物质而言,木荷根生化物质对闽楠种子发芽的抑制作用强于木荷叶生化物质。
This paper used tree ring analysis to study growth patterns of Castanopsis carlesii,Schimasuperha and Lithocarpus glaber.摘要运用年轮解析技术对中国东部常绿阔叶林常见树种米槠、木荷和石栋的生长特征进行了研究。The results indicated that the orders of resprouting number are as follows:Schimasuperba>Lithocarpus glaber>Castanopsis sclerophylla>Castanopsis carlesii>Castanopsis fargesii . 结果显示各种类萌枝数的大小顺序是:木荷>苦槠>石栎>米槠>栲树;After the allelochemicals ofSchimasuperba leaf and root were extracted by organic solvent and water, the bioassay of the seed germination of Phoebe bournei was done.摘要通过有机溶剂浸提和水浸提2种方式分别提取木荷叶、根的生化物质,并用闽楠种子发芽试验评价木荷对闽楠的化感作用。




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