

单词 Schecter
释义 Schecter ˈʃektər COCA⁷⁸⁷⁴³BNC¹²⁶⁴¹⁶⁺
“ Elevated levels of PBDEs might be a risk factor for reduced fertility,” said Schecter, who studies how people are exposed to the flame retardants.
“多溴二苯醚含量的提升对于生育能力的下降是一个危险因素,”长期研究人类在阻燃剂环境中的生存状况的阿德诺博士说道。 yeeyan

“ Flame retardants should clearly not be in food at all,” says lead researcher Arnold Schecter, a public- health physician at the University of Texas.
这一事件的核心研究人员 Arnold Schecter,德克萨斯州一位大学公共健康医师说道,“阻燃剂是绝对不应当出现在食物里面的”。 yeeyan

“ This is a little worrisome,” Schecter said.
“这是个小小的担忧。” Schecter说。 yeeyan

A similar study should be done in women before pregnancy, Schecter said.
因此会对孕前妇女做一个这种类似的测试,阿德诺博士说。 yeeyan

He flew to Copenhagen to meet Schecter and get the tapes.
他飞到哥本哈根,拜访了谢克特,拿到了那些录音带。 yeeyan

National health agencies, Schecter added, need to step up with better oversight.
阿德诺博士补充道,国家卫生机构需要加强监督。 yeeyan

There might be hundreds of toxic chemicals in our meals, Schecter said, and experts don't know enough about how all these chemicals interact to affect our health.
博士说,在我们的食物中至少有数百种有毒的化学物质,而且专家们并不知道这些化学物质的相互作用会对我们的健康产生怎样的影响。 yeeyan

To follow up, Schecter said, his team has tested a wider range of products.
阿德诺博士说,为了跟进研究,他的团队已经测试了更大范围的产品。 yeeyan

Schecter emphasizes the need for manufacturers to find BPA- free canning methods.
阿德诺博士强调说,制造商需要找到不含 BPA BPA- free的装罐方法。 yeeyan




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