

单词 Schaefer
释义 Schaefer ˈʃeɪfər 高Economist²⁶⁷⁷⁸⁺
James Schaefer, director of the Environmental& Life Sciences Graduate Program at Trent University, told Discovery News that he supports Wells' conclusions.
在特伦特大学负责环境与生命科学学生研究项目的主任,詹姆士.奇科夫告诉《探索》新闻的记者,他赞成威尔斯的结论。 yeeyan

Robert Schaefer is public education director for the National Center for Fair and Open Testing, an activist group.
罗伯特·谢法是全国公平与公开考试中心的公共教育主任,该考试中心是一个激进组织。 blog.sina.com.cn

“ Last Friday, April22, Top Rank made a firm offer to Juan Manuel Marquez to fight Manny Pacquiao in October for his WBO 147- pound belt, ” Schaefer said.
上个星期五,4月22日,顶级推广对马奎兹发出邀请在今年十月挑战帕奎奥的147磅金腰带。 qjhm

“I'm not sure how I wound up with as many as I have right now, ” Schaefer said.
“看到自己现在有了这么多雕塑,我简直兴奋得不行,”歇尔夫说。 yeeyan

Schaefer was also not surprised by Stark's determination that reindeer are capable of altering the plants and soil chemistry within the environments where they are found.
对于斯达克认为驯鹿能改变植物和土壤中那些被发现在环境中的化学物质的观点,他也不感到意外。 yeeyan

A former medic in Hitler's army Paul Schaefer fled child abuse charges in Germany in the 60s.
上世纪六十年代在德国,希特勒军队里的一个医生 Schaefer逃脱了虐待儿童的指控。 hjenglish

According to Golden Boy Promotions CEO Richard Schaefer, WBO/ WBA lightweight champion Juan Manuel Marquez will not beg for a third fight with Manny Pacquiao.
根据金童推广公司的首席理查德-谢菲尔说,现 WBO/ WBA轻量级冠军朱安-曼纽尔-马奎兹不会乞求与曼尼-帕奎奥第三番大战。 qjhm

According to Schaefer, the one step process takes about the same time as a manufacturing a traditional valve and, therefore, can be fit into a conventional workflow.
根据 Schaefer的说法 这种“一步充钠”工艺过程与传统的气门制造时间几乎相同,因此它会适应传统的工序的。 yeeyan

Arum disagrees with Schaefer's position.
阿鲁姆并不赞同谢菲尔德观点。 qjhm

But Schaefer and Mayweather's chief adviser Al Haymon may turn crabby if L'il Floyd does turn out to revisit Big Don.
但是如果小梅确实转头重新投靠老唐金,谢菲尔和梅威瑟的首席哈伊盟可能变得不高兴。 qjhm

He thanked Richard Schaefer, his friend and brilliant CEO of Golden Boy Promotions who has demonstrated what is possible outside the ring.
他感谢担任金童推广 CEO的朋友沙菲尔,沙菲尔向霍亚延展了拳台之外的一切可能。 qjhm

I spoke to Schaefer again on Thursday, and he reiterated that he was serious about trying to put the fight together and has been in touch with Mayweather adviser Al Haymon.
星期四,我再次与谢弗尔谈话,并且他重申,他会认真对待,尽力促成比赛。并且他也已经和小梅的顾问阿尔-哈伊盟保持接触。 blog.sina.com.cn

So Dr Schaefer conducted an experiment using11 captive female black caps.
因此 Schaefer博士用11只捕获的雌性白颊鸟进行了一项试验。 ecocn

This technique is developed on the basis of the Schaefer method FRG with the addition of a hydrogen extraction device to a conventional gas chromatography.
本方法是在西德谢菲尔方法的基础上,自制氢抽提装置,采用一般气相色谱仪组装成的一套比较成熟的分析方法。 cnki

Schaefer Group, with manufacturing locations in Germany, Switzerland and the USA, has30 branch offices and distributors worldwide.
Schaefer集团在德国、瑞士及美国均设有工厂,全球有超过30个销售及售后服务中心。 www.electronicachina.com.cn

Schaefer insisted the fight is selling well, though in boxing, it can be made to look as if a fight is hot with the public when it is not.
沙菲尔坚持说,比赛的销售不错,但这很容易通过拳迷的冷热度做出判断。 net

Schaefer said he plans to spend this summer repainting the works of art that are featured in his yard right now.
歇尔夫说,他计划现在开始为他满院的艺术品重新上一道油漆,这会花去他整个夏天的时间。 yeeyan

Schaefer says Top Rank, namely their CEO Bob Arum, is not looking to make a third fight with Marquez because he would rather match Pacquiao against other Top Rank promoted fighters.
谢菲尔说顶级推广公司,即首席鲍勃-阿鲁姆不期望和马奎兹三番战,因为他更愿帕奎奥选择顶级推广旗下的其他的拳手。 qjhm




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