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词汇 scents
释义 scent·s 英sent美sent COCA²⁰⁰¹⁵BNC²⁰⁸³¹Economist²⁶⁷⁷⁸⁺
C U 气味,香味

characteristic smell of sth, especially pleasant one; particular type of smell

U 香水

a liquid with a nice smell, that you put on your body

S 动物的臭迹

smell left by an animal, that allows dogs, etc. to track it

S 线索


U 尤指狗的嗅觉

sense of smell, especially in dogs

vt. 疑有; 发觉

begin to suspect the presence or existence of

vt. 洒香水; 使香

put scent on; make fragrant

a distinctive odor that is pleasantan odor left in passing by which a person or animal can be tracedany property detected by the olfactory system
cause to smell or be smellycatch the scent of; get wind of;

The dog nosed out the drugs

apply perfume to;

She perfumes herself every day

用作名词 n.
动词+~follow up the scent闻着臭迹追赶get〔take〕 the scent闻出臭迹,找到线索give a false scent给假线索give forth a scent散发出气味形容词+~false〔wrong〕 scent假线索acute〔keen〕 scent敏锐的嗅觉介词+~by scent凭嗅觉off the scent失去猎物的臭迹,失去线索用作动词 v.~+名词scent danger感到了危险scent fish闻出鱼的味道scent hiding place找出了藏身之所scent a rat闻出有一只老鼠scent air使空气中充满香气scent hair喷洒头发使之散发出香味~+副词scent boldly明显地发觉scent delicately灵敏地发觉scent disgustingly发出讨厌的味道scent fragrantly散发出香味scent instinctively本能地察觉到scent pungently发出刺鼻的味道scent out嗅出~+介词scent for寻找…scent of嗅出有…的气味scent with充满了…味
用作名词n.on the scent of

循某人〔物〕的线索likely to find sb/sth soon

put〔throw〕 off the scent

使某人失去线索尤指为其提供错误信息(mislead sb, especially by giving him false information)

put〔throw〕 sb off the scentThe thief managed to throw his pursuers off the scent.小偷终于把追踪者甩掉了。用作动词v.
scent out v.+adv.

〈非正〉嗅出 to find sb/sth by smelling

scent sth ⇔ outThe police were able in the end to scent out the criminals' hiding place.最后,警察终于查出了罪犯们的藏身之所。近义词 smelltracktrailn. perfume反义词 stench臭气
用作名词n.The scent of lemons filled the grove.柠檬香味充满了小树林。
The winds came down with scents of the grass and wild flowers.微风送来阵阵青草和野花的香气。
The girl always uses too much scent.这姑娘总是用过多的香水。
The hounds followed the stag's scent.那群猎犬循臭味追寻牡鹿。
A dog has keen scent.狗具有灵敏的嗅觉。用作动词v.
S+~+ n./pron.The cat scented a rat by a hole.猫在洞旁嗅出有一只老鼠。
Could you scent the fish?你能闻出有鱼的味道吗?
He scented a crime.他识破了一项罪行。
She scented the danger.她感到了危险。
She used lemon juice to scent her hair.她用柠檬汁喷香头发。
The beautiful girl's coming seems to scent the air in the hall.美女的到来仿佛使空气中增添了香气。
Roses scent the air in spring.春天,玫瑰使空气中溢满香气。
It seemed that his handkerchief was scented.他的手帕上好像洒过香水。S+~+that-clauseI scented that all was not well.我觉得什么地方出了问题。



用作名词The dog easily picked up thescentof the murderer.狗毫不费力地嗅出了谋杀者的气味。
Thescentwas of leaves and turned earth.这是树叶和新翻泥土的气味。
Through the window I caught thescentof syringa.从窗口我闻到紫丁香的香味。
His nostrils dilated with thescentof the air.他的鼻孔因为空气中的香味而张大了。
The police are on thescentof the thieves.警察发现了小偷的线索。
The false alibi threw the police off thescent.那个不在犯罪现场的伪证使警方失去了线索.用作动词The dogscenteda rat.那狗嗅出有老鼠的气味。
The dogscenta rabbit and run off after it.狗嗅到了一只兔子便追了上去。
The press couldscenta scandal.记者们觉得可能有丑闻。noun.smell, aroma
同义词 aura,bouquet,essence,odor,perfume,spice,whiffbalm,fragrance,incense,pheromone,redolence,tang,track,trail
反义词 stench,stinkverb.detect, smell
同义词 discern,recognize,sense,nose,sniffbe on the track of,be on the trail of,get wind of,nose out
反义词 overlook Simon Harrop, chief executive of BRAND sense agency,reckons the power of scents comes from their close association with emotion and memory.
品牌感觉代理首席执行官西蒙•哈罗珀断言气味的威力来自于他们与情绪和记忆紧密相连。 ecocn

The researchers plan to make their radar available as a product which they believe perfumers can use to save time and money developing new scents.
专家们计划把他们的'“雷达图”作为产品提供给调香师,节省他们的时间,省掉开发新的香味的资金投入。 yeeyan

“ Researchers have known for years that scents play an active role in reviving positive or negative experiences, ” he said.
“研究人员早就知道气味在恢复积极或消极经历中起着积极作用。”他说。 yeeyan

All Saints Roman Catholic Primary School in Liverpool, is using scents and noises in classrooms for a study being conducted by Glyndwr University in north Wales.
所有利物浦的圣罗马天主教小学都把一个教室充进气味和声音来配合一个在北威尔士格林杜尔大学指挥中的研究. yeeyan

All three scents stimulate the limbic system in your brain, which, in turn, stimulates the rods in your eyes, which help you see in dim light.
这三种香味都会刺激你大脑的边缘系统,进而刺激你眼睛里的杆体,帮助你在暗光下看见东西。 lailook

And while they enter the nose like other scents, that's where the comparison stops.
另外,当信息素和其他气味一样进入我们的鼻子,比较就停止了。 ebigear

Apparently these are the scents that “transport” many women back to a happy, romantic memory.
显然这些气味唤起了很多女人们段幸福、浪漫的回忆。 yeeyan

But perfumers often disagree about how to describe a particular fragrance, so the classification of scents is inconsistent.
但是香水的研制人员经常在描述一种特别香味时意见相左,因此行业中对气味的分类没有统一标准。 ecocn

Does sniffing too many scents desensitize your nose?
闻太多的香味你的鼻子会麻木? yeeyan

Dr Chen and her colleagues now intend to expand their research by looking at how these scents actually affect a man and woman's behaviour towards each other.
陈博士和她的同事希望能进一步拓展目前的这项研究,探讨不同的汗水气味具体是如何影响男女之间的行为的。 cri

Encourage better follow- through by making a game out of it or introducing soaps in fun shapes or scents to make washing more enticing.
为了鼓励坚持洗手,你可以编个洗手的游戏,或者用形状有趣,带有香味的肥皂,让洗手乐趣多多。 yeeyan

From here the sexy scent travels along a neural pathway to the brain separate from other scents.
从那里,这些性信息素会与其他气味分别随着神经传导到大脑中。 ebigear

He scents our presence, lifts his head, and regards us intently with black eyes.
它嗅到了我们的气味,抬起头来用它黑色的眼珠打量着我们。 yeeyan

I sat with my eyes shut and concentrated on the kitchen scents of garlic and grilled snapper.
我闭上双眼安坐着,把注意力集中在厨房里大蒜和烧烤小食的香味上。 yeeyan

If you have a cat, scatter orange and lemon rinds on the tree skirt; most cats hate citrus scents.
如果你有一只猫,把橙和柠檬皮撒在圣诞树群上;大多数的猫不喜欢柑橘属的气味。 yeeyan

In mammals, neurons located in the nose detect scents using special odor receptors, and shuttle the information to the olfactory bulb, which is the integration center for smell.
在哺乳动物身上,位于鼻部的神经细胞运用特殊的气味感受器探测气味,并将信息传输给嗅球——嗅觉的整合中枢。 yeeyan

Leaving the tumult of scents and sunlight, in the cool evening air, the mind would grow calm and the body relaxed, savoring the inner silence born of satisfied love.
离开喧闹的气味和阳光,在傍晚的凉爽空气中,头脑会变得冷静,身体放松下来,享受由令人满足的爱恋感而生出的内心的宁静。 yeeyan

Not only are most massage therapists self employed, but they also get to smell smoothing aromatherapy scents and listen to calming background music or ocean sounds all day while they work.
他们不仅可以自己做主,还可以在给客人做芳香按摩的时候闻到各种香味,聆听许多能使人宁静下来的背景音乐或是大海的声音。 yeeyan

Scientists have long known that people perceive scents differently.
科学家们早就发现,每个人对气味的感知不同。 yeeyan

Studies have found that lemon and lavender scents produce the most positive, calming results.
研究发现柠檬和薰衣草的气味能够产生最积极,平静的效果。 yeeyan

The second experiment evaluated whether clean scents would encourage charitable behaviour. Subjects indicated their interest in volunteering and their interest in donating funds to a charitable cause.
第二项试验是评估清新气味是否会鼓励慈善行为,让受试者表明他们对志愿工作的兴趣,以及他们对向慈善事业捐款的兴趣。 yeeyan

The scents made her drunk.

Their sniffers ran on overdrive for several hours following the injection. And the rats could detect fainter scents, too.
在注射后的几个小时内,它们的嗅觉测探器超速运转,并且那些老鼠自己也能觉察到极小的气味。 yeeyan

They already knew that appropriate scents can improve the mood of those who wear them.
他们知道,适宜的香味能够改善和提升使用者的心态和感觉。 ecocn

We have known about this phenomenon for a long while, and have accepted that pheromones, secreted scents, are the factor regulating the hormones.
我们已经了解这种现象很长时间了,并且认为费洛蒙信息素和分泌气味是调节激素的主要因素。 yeeyan

When you have a“ library” of scents, try blending them to achieve the affect you want.
当你有了自己的香味“库”时,试着把它们调在一起来得到你想要的香味。 yeeyan

Scents are being used in hotels and destinations to make visits a more pleasurable experience for guests.




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