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词汇 scent
释义 scent 英sent美sɛntAHDsĕnt ★★☆☆☆高四六研IT46八COCA⁵⁷²³BNC⁶⁹⁹⁴iWeb⁴⁷⁰²Economist¹³²⁶⁷

C U 气味,香味

characteristic smell of sth, especially pleasant one; particular type of smell

U 香水

a liquid with a nice smell, that you put on your body

S 动物的臭迹

smell left by an animal, that allows dogs, etc. to track it

S 线索


U 尤指狗的嗅觉

sense of smell, especially in dogs

vt. 疑有; 发觉

begin to suspect the presence or existence of

vt. 洒香水; 使香

put scent on; make fragrant

a distinctive odor that is pleasantan odor left in passing by which a person or animal can be tracedany property detected by the olfactory system
cause to smell or be smellycatch the scent of; get wind of;

The dog nosed out the drugs

apply perfume to;

She perfumes herself every day

用作名词 n.
动词+~follow up the scent闻着臭迹追赶get〔take〕 the scent闻出臭迹,找到线索give a false scent给假线索give forth a scent散发出气味形容词+~false〔wrong〕 scent假线索acute〔keen〕 scent敏锐的嗅觉介词+~by scent凭嗅觉off the scent失去猎物的臭迹,失去线索用作动词 v.~+名词scent danger感到了危险scent fish闻出鱼的味道scent hiding place找出了藏身之所scent a rat闻出有一只老鼠scent air使空气中充满香气scent hair喷洒头发使之散发出香味~+副词scent boldly明显地发觉scent delicately灵敏地发觉scent disgustingly发出讨厌的味道scent fragrantly散发出香味scent instinctively本能地察觉到scent pungently发出刺鼻的味道scent out嗅出~+介词scent for寻找…scent of嗅出有…的气味scent with充满了…味
用作名词n.on the scent of

循某人〔物〕的线索likely to find sb/sth soon

put〔throw〕 off the scent

使某人失去线索尤指为其提供错误信息(mislead sb, especially by giving him false information)

put〔throw〕 sb off the scentThe thief managed to throw his pursuers off the scent.小偷终于把追踪者甩掉了。用作动词v.
scent out v.+adv.

〈非正〉嗅出 to find sb/sth by smelling

scent sth ⇔ outThe police were able in the end to scent out the criminals' hiding place.最后,警察终于查出了罪犯们的藏身之所。非常记忆s美女〖编码〗+cent分〖熟词〗⇒美女用一分钱买玫瑰香味的香水同音记忆这个世界到处发出sent美分cent的气味scent 联想记忆开放的花朵送出sent沁人心脾的香气scent联想记忆开放的花朵送出sent沁人的香气scentS,cent分→香味是一分一分散发出来的⇒香味GRE难词记忆scent→centspl. 分→近义词 smelltracktrailn. perfume反义词 stench臭气
用作名词n.The scent of lemons filled the grove.柠檬香味充满了小树林。
The winds came down with scents of the grass and wild flowers.微风送来阵阵青草和野花的香气。
The girl always uses too much scent.这姑娘总是用过多的香水。
The hounds followed the stag's scent.那群猎犬循臭味追寻牡鹿。
A dog has keen scent.狗具有灵敏的嗅觉。用作动词v.
S+~+ n./pron.The cat scented a rat by a hole.猫在洞旁嗅出有一只老鼠。
Could you scent the fish?你能闻出有鱼的味道吗?
He scented a crime.他识破了一项罪行。
She scented the danger.她感到了危险。
She used lemon juice to scent her hair.她用柠檬汁喷香头发。
The beautiful girl's coming seems to scent the air in the hall.美女的到来仿佛使空气中增添了香气。
Roses scent the air in spring.春天,玫瑰使空气中溢满香气。
It seemed that his handkerchief was scented.他的手帕上好像洒过香水。S+~+that-clauseI scented that all was not well.我觉得什么地方出了问题。Pscent-bottlen.香水瓶Psweet-scenteda.芳香的Punscenteda.无气味的无香味的Pscentlessa.无气味的无臭的无嗅觉的Pscenteda.有香味的洒了香水的有嗅觉的




用作名词The dog easily picked up thescentof the murderer.狗毫不费力地嗅出了谋杀者的气味。
Thescentwas of leaves and turned earth.这是树叶和新翻泥土的气味。
Through the window I caught thescentof syringa.从窗口我闻到紫丁香的香味。
His nostrils dilated with thescentof the air.他的鼻孔因为空气中的香味而张大了。
The police are on thescentof the thieves.警察发现了小偷的线索。
The false alibi threw the police off thescent.那个不在犯罪现场的伪证使警方失去了线索.用作动词The dogscenteda rat.那狗嗅出有老鼠的气味。
The dogscenta rabbit and run off after it.狗嗅到了一只兔子便追了上去。
The press couldscenta scandal.记者们觉得可能有丑闻。noun.smell, aroma
同义词 aura,bouquet,essence,odor,perfume,spice,whiffbalm,fragrance,incense,pheromone,redolence,tang,track,trail
反义词 odor,stench,stinkverb.detect, smell
同义词 discern,nose,recognize,sense,sniffbe on the track of,be on the trail of,get wind of,nose out
反义词 overlook
aromanoun distinctive smell
aromasnoun distinctive smell
aromatizeverb give aroma
give fragrance to,perfume,scent,sweeten
auranoun air, character
bouquetnoun aroma
breatheverb take air in and let out
draw in,exhale,expire,fan,gasp,gulp,inhale,insufflate,open the floodgates,pant,puff,respire,scent,sigh,sniff,snore,snort,use lungs,wheeze The same was found for scent- marking.
气味标记发现了相同的结果。 topsage

The scent of one person can spook shy creatures for miles around, which is when camera traps come in handy.
人类的气味在几英里以外就可以吓跑敏感的动物,这时候红外触发相机就派上了用场。 yeeyan

The scent of roasting coffee rises from the terraces and mingles with the excited chatter of young voices.
烤咖啡豆的气味从露台上传来,与年轻的人们激动而嘈杂的话语声混为一体。 yeeyan

With an economy that is largely based on fishing, the locals are also used to seeing millions of fish die whenever the unpleasant scent fills the air.
主要靠捕鱼的经济,使当地人对每当空气中弥漫着这种难闻的气味时就有数百万的鱼大批死亡也习以为常。 yeeyan

Bring your nose close to her erect nipple and start to inhale her scent.
让你的鼻子凑近她挺立的乳头,然后开始吸入她的香气。 yeeyan

But the most unforgettable thing for me when I visited was the delectable Tuscan scent of truffle oil and Vino Nobile, Montepulciano's famous wine, in the air.
但是在拜访期间让我最难忘的事情是空中托斯卡纳美味的松露油气味和维诺诺比尔的香气,恰诺的著名的酒品。 yeeyan

By adding a few more and ascribing different weights to them we have come up with the Shoe Thrower's index, which aims to predict where the scent of jasmine may spread next.

Fragrance manufacturers can skirt some rules about listing the contents of their products because the formulas for a particular scent are trademarked and considered proprietary knowledge.
香水制造商能为列出他们产品包含的物质制造出阻碍。因为一种香味的配方是被认为有专利,有知识产权的。 yeeyan

I can't bear this scent.

I put it on and fell asleep in the scent of him.
我把它穿在身上,伴着马克的气味昏睡过去。 yeeyan

If someone smells a flower and says he does not understand, the reply to him is: there is nothing to understand, it is only a scent.
倘若有人一面闻一朵花,一面说他不懂它,那对他的回答是:这里不需要理解,它仅仅是香气而已。 yeeyan

If you have ever been attracted by a person's scent, it may be their genes you smell.
如果你曾经被某人的气味所吸引,实际上你闻到的是他们的基因。 ebigear

In order to identify a scent, the chemicals are mixed into a sugary liquid that bees are rewarded with, laced with a hit of caffeine.
为了教会蜜蜂识别一种气味,科学家们把这些化学品混合到奖给蜜蜂的含糖液体中,再混合一点咖啡因。 yeeyan

In other words, they are advertising their own scent.
换而言之,她们在推广她们自己的香味。 ecocn

It turns out that people differ in how they perceive many if not all odors, and most of us have at least one scent we cannot detect at all.
结果证明,无法辨别全部气味的人,对气味的感知方法也不同,而且每个人至少有一种压根无法感知的气味。 yeeyan

Jesse headed into the far woods toward the creek, thinking maybe the hounds would lose his scent if he waded through the water.
杰希转向小溪边的树林,想着也许如果他穿过了小溪,猎犬们可能就会找不到他的气味。 yeeyan

Later, much later, he would remember this mingled scent of sweat and vinegar, this moment when he had felt the ties attaching him to his mother.
很久以后,他会记起这混合了汗水和醋液的气味,回想起他在那一刻感受到了牵系在自己与母亲之间的纽带。 yeeyan

Local residents sometimes eat this snow as it has a watermelon scent and tastes like this fruit.
当地居民有时会吃雪,因为它有一股西瓜的香味,而且吃起来很像西瓜。 yeeyan

Many times, the only reason they know that other pandas are around is because of the scent marks they leave.
很多时候,它们知道周围其他熊猫存在的唯一理由是因为它们留下的气味标记。 putclub

My dog snuffed the scent of games.

Perhaps each female has her own signature scent that enables her to differentiate her nesting- board home from the hundreds, if not thousands, of others that look just like hers.
也许每只雌蜂都有自己的气味印记,能够区别自己的巢套板之家和其他数以百计如果不是数以千计的话看起来类似自己巢穴的家。 yeeyan

Summer, that is not hot and sultry, as in the Central Russia, but of fresh, chilly Kamchatkan one, with the scent of freshness, sea and wild flowers.
这儿的夏天不象俄罗斯中部那样又闷又热,而是清新,寒冷的堪察加半岛类型,充盈着大海的气息,野花的清香。 yeeyan

These exotic scent like the cherry on the cake decoration, fragrant wine can become more rich and varied, but not overwhelming, hide from the precious and natural grape aroma.
这些外来的香味像是装饰在蛋糕上的樱桃,可以让葡萄酒香变得更丰富多变,但却不能喧宾夺主,掩盖了来自葡萄珍贵而自然的香气。 yeeyan

They sprayed Johnson& Johnson baby powder in stores that sold clothes; they sprayed a cherry scent in spots that sold food.
他们在服装商店喷洒了约翰逊&约翰逊婴儿吸湿粉;他们在摊食点上喷洒了一种樱桃气味。 yeeyan

Through the window I caught the scent of syringa.
从窗口我闻到紫丁香的香味。 hjenglish

When around the scent, these cats would repeatedly sniff the source of the smell, lingering around its origin.
这些大猫们在它的气味周围不停地嗅探气味的来源,在其周围徘徊不去。 yeeyan

When edible fruits ripen, they change their colours or scent which appeal to humans, to ‘ invite’ us to take them.
当可食用的水果成熟时,它们改变自己的颜色和香味,以吸引人类,邀请我们食用它们。 yeeyan

Scent is one of the strongest ties to memory.
气味是唤起回忆的重要纽带之一。 yeeyan




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