

单词 scenic spots
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Also, some scenic spots may sell local foods.
一些景区可能会卖当地的特产。 kekenet

Citizens can also easily reach to payment service of UnionPay in convenience shops, scenic spots, hospitals, gas stations, drug stores and other venues that are closely linked with citizen's life.
银联便民支付业务已延展至便利店、景点景区、医院挂号、加油站、药店等与市民生活息息相关的小额快速支付领域; www.chinadaily.com.cn

Moreover, the highway network ensures convenient ways of getting to Leshan and reaching each of the scenic spots within Leshan and its environs.
快捷的公路系统不仅可以很方便地到乐山,还可以很方便地到达乐山周边的任何一个风景区。 yeeyan

Other Scenic Spots: Zigong Salt History Museum and China Color Lantern Museum, together with the Dinosaur Museum, are the most characteristic museums in Zigong.
自贡盐业博物馆,中国彩灯博物馆和恐龙博物馆,是自贡最有代表性的三个景点。 yeeyan

The Garden was repeated destroyed under vicissitudes; fortunately, its major scenic spots remained intact in1949 when Shanghai was liberated.

Could you recommend some scenic spots to us?
你可以给我们推荐一些景点吗? ebigear

Fortunately, the major scenic spots in the garden remained intact when Shanghai was liberated in 1949.
所幸的是,从1949年上海解放时,园内的主要景点尚完好无损。 hjenglish

Four Maiden's Mountain: Composed of four sister snowy peaks, the mountain has three valleys with majority of the scenic spots collected in the Changping Valley.
四姑娘山:四姑娘山由四座雪山组成。 其中有三条峡谷,主要的景点位于长坪沟。 yeeyan

In a scenic sense, it is themed with hills and water, which differentiates it from other scenic spots.
从风光的结构上讲,它是以山水为主题的,这就有别于其他山水的特色了。 ebigear

It is also one of the top class scenic spots crowded with visitors every day.
它也是一个每天挤满游客的顶级景点。 hjenglish

Later he found a map, thoroughly, he studied each scenic spots scattered in all the provinces and municipalities.
随后,郑昌业找来地图,把中国各个省市的景点细细研究了一遍。 yeeyan

On National Tourism Day, tourists will get half-price tickets for all scenic spots in north China's Shanxi Province, according to the provincial tourism bureau.
据山西省旅游局消息,在“中国旅游日”当天,山西省所有景区门票将实行半价。 huanqiu

Some scenic spots received no visitors for20 consecutive days during and after the worst weather in50 years, while many others suffered a dramatic drop in business.
在遭遇50年不遇的灾难后,有的景区已经连续20天没有游客光顾,还有的景区营业额大幅下跌。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

The major scenic spots there include the Gahai Lake, the largest fresh lake on the grassland and an important wetland on eastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.
这里的一大美景就是尕海湖,这是最大的草原淡水湖也是青藏高原东部重要的一片湿地。 kekenet

With the seven- day holiday at hand, many people are planning on tours to the natural scenic spots for relaxation.
随着七天长假的临近,许多人正在准备去自然景点旅游,放松自己。 kekenet

You will visit world- famous scenic spots, historical sites and magnificent ancient architectural complexes, and appreciate precious cultural relics.
各位将要游览举世闻名的景点和名胜,参观雄伟的古建筑群,观赏珍贵的中国文物。 ebigear




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