

单词 scavenger
释义 scav·en·ger 英ˈskævəndʒə美ˈskævəndʒɚAHDskăvʹən-jər 高IMST八COCA²³⁷⁸⁶BNC⁴⁰²⁶⁹iWeb¹³²⁰⁰

a chemical agent that is added to a chemical mixture to counteract the effects of impuritiessomeone who collects things that have been discarded by othersany animal that feeds on refuse and other decaying organic matter来自中古英语scawageour,伦敦的税务官员,特指对外来商品收取税费的官员。来自盎格鲁法语scawage,税收,税费。来自原始日耳曼语*skau,注视,注意,检查。来自原始印欧语*skeue,注视,注意,词源同show,古义看,检查。因收取税费的同时兼顾打扫街道卫生,引申词义拾荒者,捡破烂者,后原词义逐渐消失,其引申词义成为主要词义。-enger,人,词源同messenger, passenger。 show来自古英语sceawian,看,注视,检查。来自原始日耳曼语*skau,看,注视。来自原始印欧语*skeue,注视,注意,词源同scavenge, caveat, caution。后词义由看别人反转为给别人看,即出示,展示,引申诸相关词义。 messenger来自古法语messagier,信使。来自message,信息,消息。插入字母n可能是一种习惯性写法,比较passenger, harbinger。 passenger来自法语passer,走过,经过,-enger,人,词源同messenger。引申词义旅客,乘客。scavenger's cart扫街车scavenger system清洗系统acid scavenger除酸剂scavenger valve部分回油阀radical scavenger游离基清除剂,基因净…scavenger pump扫线用泵scavenger fan换气扇anthracene scavenger蒽清除剂scavenger pipe扫线管metal scavenger金属净化剂scavenger circuit部分换油回流…ozone scavenger臭氧清除剂,臭氧净化…scavenger enzyme清除酶scavenger cell巨噬细胞lead scavenger铅携出剂
scav=show,展示,在此特指摆摊卖货,音变详情请咨询作者钱磊博士微信+eng=age,在此表手段、费用+er者→向摆摊的商贩收税的人→清道夫⇒拾荒者,食腐动物。近义词 hunter猎人magpie喜鹊vulture秃鹰forager觅食者searcher搜索者rummager搜查者pack rat收藏无用小玩意的人; 有…

用作名词He's just fit for a job asscavenger.他只配当个清道夫。
The shark is usually ascavengerrather than a hunter.鲨鱼通常是一个清道夫,而不是一个猎人。
Proanthocyanidin is a effective natural free radicalscavenger.原花青素是一种天然有效的自由基清除剂。noun.forager
同义词 hunter,scroungerscroungenoun.collector
同义词 hyena,magpie,rat,vulture As people with rheumatoid arthritis suffer swollen joints, the protein stimulates scavenger cells in the body.
在类风湿关节炎的患者饱受关节肿胀的病痛时,这种蛋白质刺激体内的巨噬细胞。 yeeyan

The specific scavenger of hydroxyl radical, thiourea, showed clear inhibitory effect on the system.
羟自由基清除剂硫脲对该体系的抑制作用明显。 cnki

The expression of scavenger receptor SR and CD14 on KC surface was assayed by immunohistochemistry and then analyzed with computer imaging system.
肝内 KC表面清道夫受体 SR、 CD14表达测定采用免疫组化法,并进行计算机图像分析。 cnki

The Jawas are a scavenger species.
贾瓦人是一个拾荒者种族。 starwarsfans

The shark is usually a scavenger rather than a hunter.
鲨鱼通常是一个清道夫,而不是一个猎人。 en400

The Treasure or Scavenger Hunt is simple.
寻宝游戏很简单。 yeeyan

Then, I heard that dogs licked his blood and then ate his bones and the rest was taken by the scavenger birds.
我听到群狗在舔食着他的血,叼走了他的骨。其余部分被食尸秃鹫美餐了。 yeeyan

A scavenger takes a break.
一名拾荒者在歇一会儿。 yeeyan

Coenzyme Q10 is a powerful antioxidant and free radical scavenger which is present in every cell in the body, particularly in muscular tissue such as the heart.
辅酶 Q10是一种强大的抗氧化剂和自由基清除剂是存在于每一个细胞在体内,特别是在肌肉组织,如心脏。 yfs8

He struck at one with his knife lashed to the end of an oar and watched the scavenger sliding down into deep water.
他用绑在桨的一头的刀子击中了其中的一条,并看着这条食腐动物滑到深海里去了。 ebigear

In the nature, the termite is a“ scavenger” as it can turn the dead branches, fallen leaves and others in woodland into beneficial manure, which is then absorbed by plants in the ecosystem.
白蚁在自然界中,是一个名符其实的“清道夫” ,它将林地中的枯枝、落叶等转化为有益的肥料,回归自然,再被植物吸收; cnki

It suggested that free radical scavenger can protect ocular tissue affected after acute angle closed glaucoma.
提示急性闭角型青光眼发作后,应使用自由基清除剂,以保护眼组织。 cnki

Morning scavenger hunts are a huge waste of time.
早晨搜寻是巨大的浪费时间。 yeeyan

Ox HDL might metabolize through scavenger receptors but not normal HDL receptors.
氧化修饰HDL可能通过清道夫受体途径代谢。 cnki

Reduced glutathione in conjunction with the anthocyanidins is manufactured in Germany and is called SCAVE free radical scavenger.
减少与谷胱甘肽结合花青素是在德国制造,被称为 SCAVE自由基清除剂。 bjzkhj.com

Superoxide dismutase SOD is the scavenger of oxygen free radicals.
超氧化物歧化酶 SOD是氧自由基的清除剂。 cnki

Superoxide dismutase SOD is an effective scavenger of free radicals.
超氧化物歧化酶 SOD是一类有效的自由基清除剂。 cnki

The city, though, was a sparkly scavenger hunt and the prospect of office drag and a trudging predetermined trajectory sent me reeling into a panic attack.
好吧,这是个夺目的寻宝游戏,但办公室拉来的潜在客户和早已预先注定的艰难轨迹让我陷入了极大的恐慌。 yeeyan

The heroine in the video turned out to be a58-year-old scavenger named Chen Xianmei.
视频中穿戴整齐的女豪杰是一个58岁的拾荒者,名为陈贤妹。 yeeyan

The scavenger vessel is called the Raider.
清道夫飞船名为“袭击者号”。 starwarsfans

The scavenger was approaching fast.
清道夫正在迅速逼近。 chneve

Scavenger hunts can be as simple or involved as circumstances dictate.
“拾荒式”搜索能作为例子或课程指引。 iciba




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