

单词 Scarlatti
释义 Scar·lat·ti 英skɑːˈlɑːtiː美skɑrˈlɑtiAHDskär-läʹtē 
斯卡拉蒂①姓氏 ②Alessandro,1659Scarlatti1725,意大利作曲家,近代歌剧之父
Both Scarlatti and Chopin were inspired by cats.
斯卡拉蒂和肖邦都受到过猫的启示。 for68

The techniques of composition and the philosophy of music humanities created by Scarlatti have the historical significance and the value of academic research.
斯卡拉蒂所创造的作曲技法及音乐人文理念具有重要的历史意义和学术研究价值。 fabiao

A priest asks Scarlatti if he is willing to change his life, even to the point of eating, drinking, and sleeping as a different man.
一个教士问斯卡拉蒂,他是否愿意改变他的生活,甚至吃喝拉撒都与众不同。 blog.sina.com.cn

After confession and communion Scarlatti returns to take his vows of devotion, obedience, and conjugal fidelity. Then he puts on the white cloak of a full-fledged knight.
在忏悔和交流后,斯卡拉蒂重新发誓:奉献、顺从和忠于婚姻,然后他披上一件白色的骑士披风。 blog.sina.com.cn

Further questioning determines that Scarlatti has obtained his wife's consent, is guilty of no form of sacrilege or crime, and that his ancestry is free of Moorish taint.
从进一步的询问可以确信,斯卡拉蒂得到了他妻子的赞同,可以确信斯卡拉蒂没有任何形式的亵渎神灵、犯罪的过失,还可以确信他的血统没有被摩尔人玷污。 blog.sina.com.cn

The contributions Domenico Scarlatti had made in musical history will not worn away.
多梅尼科·斯卡拉蒂在音乐史上所做出的贡献不可磨灭。 fabiao

Scarlatti paid more attention to the magnificence of music and external effects. His creative form was also gradually falling into a pattern.
他比较注意音乐的华美和外在的效果,在创作形式上也逐步走向定型化。 fabiao

Scarlatti composed 555 keyboard sonatas which have been called a great treasure in European Baroque's styles owing to the variety of styles.
斯卡拉蒂一生中作有555着键盘奏鸣曲,其体裁范围涉及之广,可谓是欧洲巴罗克音乐体裁的大宝库。 fabiao

Scarlatti responds, “ I so promise.”
斯卡拉蒂回答:“我承诺。” blog.sina.com.cn

Scarlatti's descendants will later allow all of his musical manuscripts to disappear, but from generation to generation, they will jealously preserve the records of his knighthood.
斯卡拉蒂的后人们对他音乐手稿的丢失不太在意,但他们一代又一代都非常谨慎地保留着斯卡拉蒂的骑士记载。 blog.sina.com.cn




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