

单词 scapegoats
释义 scape·goat·s 英'skeɪpɡəʊt美'skeɪpɡoʊt COCA⁴⁰³¹³BNC³⁴⁹⁷⁶Economist²⁹⁹⁰¹⁺
someone who is punished for the errors of others近义词 goat山羊blame责备accuse谴责condemn谴责censure责难accused被告culprit罪犯victim受害者reproach责备single out挑选incriminate牵连stooge喜剧里的配角…whipping boy代人受罪者fall guy替罪羔羊, 容易上当的人…

用作名词The accused was used as ascapegoat.被告成为别人的替罪羊。
She's always thescapegoatwhen anything goes wrong.出错时她总要代人受过。用作动词Strike leaders tried toscapegoatforeign competitors.罢工领导人极力把外国竞争者作为替罪羊。noun.person who takes blame for
同义词 fall guychump,doormat,dupe,fool,goat,gull,mark,patsy,pigeon,pushover,sacrifice,sap,schmuck,stooge,sucker,victim,weaklinganother's action boobeasy mark,sitting duck A protracted malaise will spawn an angry search for scapegoats.
持续的经济萎靡将激起民愤去寻找替罪羊。 ecocn

It is tempting to look for scapegoats when high prices hurt consumers.
物价上涨,消费者利益受损,政治家们只想赶紧寻找替罪羊。 ecocn

Stuck for answers, politicians have been looking for scapegoats.
胶着于找出解决方案,政治家正在寻找替罪羊。 topsage

Americans are looking for scapegoats, rather than scrutinizing their own faulty laws and economic structures.
美国人不检讨自己法律和经济结构的弊端,而是到处寻找替罪羊。 yeeyan

But the most popular scapegoats are“ speculators” of the more traditional sort.
然而,人们普遍认为替罪羊是那些传统意义上的“投机者”。 ecocn

But the search for scapegoats will be on.
但这个社会仍然会继续寻找替罪羊。 blog.sina.com.cn

Chen Luming, the company's vice- president, said it hoped portals would no longer be scapegoats for troublemakers who intentionally upload such material.
公司的副总裁陈陆明称肇事者有意上传此类内容,希望门户网站以后不再成为替罪羊。 yeeyan

Encouraging responsibility is not a search of scapegoats, it is a call to conscience.
鼓励人们承担责任不是要找替罪羊,而是对良心的一种呼唤。 blog.sina.com.cn

For besides cover-ups, one of the other inevitable consequences of financial- market upsets is the search for scapegoats.
因为除了隐瞒外,市场振荡不可避免的后果之一就是寻找替罪羊。 ecocn

He fears that whites will become the scapegoats for the government’s failings.
他担心白人将会成为政府失职的替罪羊。 ecocn

He knows that if he takes action against interrogators he could be accused of seeking scapegoats;
他很清楚,如果他对询问者采取行动的话他会被指责为在找替罪羊; ecocn

It is irresponsible to mislead the public by putting the blame on other countries and seeking scapegoats.
动辄诿过他国,寻找“替罪羊”,误导公众的态度是不负责任的。 www.fmprc.gov.cn

Martin Fridson, a credit analyst, argues that the agencies are often used as scapegoats.
信用评估人马丁•弗里德森 Martin Fridson认为评级机构经常被当作替罪羊。 ecocn

Painful though it is, this oil shock will eventually spur huge change. Beware the hunt for scapegoats.
尽管这次的石油冲击很痛苦,但其最终会带来巨大的改变。要提防寻找替罪羊的事情发生。 topsage

Republican presidential hopeful Mitt Romney addressed the Occupy Wall Street protest movement Monday, saying the ongoing demonstrations were triggered by people looking for“ scapegoats to attack.”
共和党主席候选人米特·罗姆尼周一谈到“占领华尔街”抗议活动时声称,该游行是美国政府试图寻找替罪羊而引发的。 common-talk

Some are seeking scapegoats.
一些人试图寻求替罪羊。 ecocn

The two events, together with the Russian revolution, coalesced to turn them, in his mind, into scapegoats for everything.
这两个事件,再加上俄国革命,这些事合在一起,在他看来,德国成了替罪羊。 yeeyan

These scapegoats were usually chosen from the children of the nobility and educated along with the prince, living in the same quarters and playing together in their spare time.
这些替罪羊通常都是从贵族家庭的子女中挑选出来的,他们和王子一起接受教育,居住在一起,闲暇时候也一起玩耍。 dict

Throughout history, people who profit during economic crises have been condemned as“ speculators” and treated as scapegoats, often by the very governments whose policies caused the crises.
纵观历史,在经济危机期间获利的人总被指责为“投机家”,并被当成替罪羊处理,这样干的常常就是那些其政策引发危机的政府。 yeeyan

Scapegoats, from crony capitalists to foreign- currency manipulators, are in no short supply, but technology is increasingly fingered as a culprit.
从裙带资本主义者到外国货币操控者,这种危机从来都不乏替罪羊,而技术日渐成为千夫所指。 ecocn




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