

单词 backwardness
释义 back·ward·ness 英'bækwɚdnəs美'bækwɚdnəs 高COCA³⁹⁴⁸⁷BNC²⁹⁹¹⁴iWeb³⁹⁶⁸²Economist⁴¹³⁰³⁺²

lack of normal development of intellectual capacitiesback-后面-ward向-ness名词后缀⇒n.智力迟钝²⁸;落后状态⁷²近义词 slowness缓慢diffidence无自信subnormality逊常态retardation智力迟钝mental retardation智力迟钝

用作名词Thebackwardnessof China must be changed.中国的落后状态必须改变。
The long-term interests of the whole nation hinge on these reforms, without which we cannot overcome the presentbackwardnessof our production technology and management.进行这些改革,是全国人民的长远利益所在,否则,我们不能摆脱目前生产技术和生产管理的落后状态。noun.underdevelopment
同义词 abnormality,idiocy,retardation,slownessmental deficiency,mental retardationnoun.shyness
同义词 bashfulness,coyness,demureness,diffidence,hesitancy,reluctance,reticence,timidness
benightednessnoun ignorance
illiteracy,illiterateness,lack of education,lack of knowledge,nescience,unenlightenment,unknowing
diffidencenoun hesitancy;lack of confidence
latenessnoun belatedness
reservenoun coolness of manner
retiringnessnoun shyness
taciturnitynoun reserve
aloofness,backwardness,calmness,caution,coldness,constraint,control,coyness,demureness,diffidence,formality,inhibition,modesty,quietness,reluctance,repression,reservation,restraint,reticence,secretiveness,self-control,self-restraint,shyness,silence,suppression,uncommunicativeness,unresponsiveness Still less do they associate the country with chaos and backwardness, or with futile wartime heroics.
世人眼中的波兰少了许多混乱落后和无意义的战争演说。 ecocn

The achievements of our frontal lobes are undermined by the backwardness of our adrenal glands.
我们的落后的肾上腺将我们大脑额叶所取得的成就大打折扣。 yeeyan

A LOT of the wounding comparative statistics trotted out to demonstrate the backwardness of the Arabs appeared first in the Arab Human Development Report of2002.
2002年的“阿拉伯人类发展报告”中,大量令人痛心的对比统计数据首次提供了阿拉伯人落后的证明。 ecocn

Action on climate change must be taken within the framework of sustainable development and should by no means compromise the efforts of developing countries to get rid of poverty and backwardness.
应对气候变化必须在可持续发展的框架下统筹安排,决不能以延续发展中国家的贫穷和落后为代价。 ecocn

Europeans who saw civilization as their unique possession denigrated the traditional virtues of Indians— simplicity, patience, frugality, otherworldliness—as backwardness.
欧洲人眼中只有文明这唯一的财产,却将印度人身上诸如简单、耐心、节俭和人有来世的传统道德视为落后的表现。 yeeyan

Foreigners used to stereotypes about Polish disorganisation, backwardness and prejudice find plenty to surprise them.
曾对波兰抱有落后不和偏见的外国人会大吃一惊。 ecocn

From the Western perspective, I think a lot of people believe the veil symbolizes backwardness.
从西方的角度,我想有很多人相信面纱象征着落后。 yeeyan

I was convinced that without dealing squarely with these two evils, it would be impossible to overcome centuries of economic backwardness and political unrest.
我深信,如若不能完全解决这两个恶魔,要克服几个世纪的经济落后和政治动荡局面是不可能的。 ecocn

In the past, when old and less technologically advanced peoples confronted more advanced cultures, their inadequate weapons reflected their backwardness.
在过去,当古老而落后的民族与技术上领先的文化遭遇时,武器上的落后便已经分出了高下。 ecocn

Much of the southern literary canon sprang from native writers' fury at the backwardness and injustice they saw all around.
南方大多的文学经典之作都源自本土作家在目睹周遭的落后与不公之后燃起的忿忿怒火。 ecocn

New roads and other infrastructure projects are slowly dissolving an old image of shambolic backwardness.
新的道路和其他基础设施项目正在逐渐消除它以前的混乱落后印象。 ecocn

One reason for this rejection is the fact that Marxist nations everywhere were trapped in backwardness.
其中一个原因是所有马克思主义的国家都处在落后的困境中。 yeeyan

Successive governments have poured resources into the region, believing that the problem is caused partly by the south-east’s backwardness and poverty.
连续几届政府都认为,该问题是由东南地区的贫穷落后造成的,便把大量资源投到该地区。 ecocn

Such commercial relationships, Third Worldism further posited, were the main cause of economic backwardness in developing countries.
第三世界主义进一步指出,这种贸易关系是导致发展中国家经济落后的主要原因。 yeeyan

Tackling climate change should not sacrifice development, or continue poverty and backwardness.
应对气候变化不能以牺牲发展、延续贫困和落后为代价。 putclub

We will intensify poverty alleviation and development and work tirelessly to eradicate poverty and backwardness so that rural residents can soon live a prosperous and happy life.
进一步加大扶贫开发力度。我们要坚持不懈地消除贫困落后,让农民群众早日过上富裕安康的生活。 hxen

Yet in the middle of this backwardness is one of the most advanced technological facilities, manned by white men and women who live behind barbed wire.
然而在这片落后之地的中央却有着一部最先进的科技设施,住在铁丝网后面的白种男人和女人负责管理它。 yeeyan

Yet the army also shares some of the blame for political backwardness. It has permitted only a handful of elections.
但是军队也应为政治落后承担部分责任,因为军队只允许举办少量的选举活动。 ecocn




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