

单词 scandalized
释义 scan·dal·ize·d 英'skændəlaɪz美'skændəlaɪz 高COCA⁶²⁷³⁰BNC⁸²⁵³⁰⁺¹⁰
strike with disgust or revulsion;

The scandalous behavior of this married woman shocked her friends

近义词 shame羞愧shock震惊dismay沮丧offend冒犯outrage暴行disgust厌恶impute归罪于horrify使恐惧appal使 … 惊骇appall使 … 胆寒scandalise使某人愤慨…
Already, in 2003, children in charcoal had scandalized people around the world.
在2003年,在木炭业的儿童们使全世界的人愤慨。 gounahaozi

Scandalized, wronged by the people he trusted most, Raley was forced to surrender the woman he loved and the work to which he’d dedicated his life.
由于受到最信任之人的诽谤中伤,雷利被迫放弃所爱的女人和投入了毕生心血的工作。 yeeyan

But the movie’s home- video cover deserved an adults- only rating, at least in the eyes of many scandalized parents.
但是其家庭录像带的封面却属于成人限制级,至少在家长看来,非常龌龊。 yeeyan

Everyone is scandalized, but they nevertheless go and tell other people that the theory of relativity is bunk, and that Tolstoy was a defender of the Russian aristocracy.
每个人都震惊,他们还会去告诉别人相对论是胡言论语,托尔斯泰是俄国贵族统治的辩护人。 love21cn

He seemed positively scandalized at my suggestion.
我的设想似乎引起他极大的反感。 kuenglish

I was scandalized at his words.
我对他的话感到愤慨。 blog.sina.com.cn

It might help if the prosecutors who purported to be so scandalized by the“ Forbidden Art”had looked around the Sakharov Museum.
这些起诉者刻意制造“禁忌艺术”的丑闻,若是他们能参观一下哈萨洛夫博物馆,或许会有所启发。 baizhongren

Respectable citizens were scandalized to find that Atlanta had a large and thriving red-light district, larger and more thriving than during the war.
正派的市民极为愤怒地发现在亚特兰大有着一个巨大而且繁华的红灯区,比战争时期的还要大,还要繁荣。 jukuu

Some people who were scandalized by the essay convinced themselves I meant something rather stupid: that Microsoft is about to go out of business.
有些人被这文章惊到了,他们对自己说,我发表了一个很愚蠢的观点:微软公司快要倒闭了。 yeeyan

Their affair scandalized Roman society and bothered Roman politicians, who were suspicious of Egypt's power.
他们的恋情激怒了罗马朝野,也使原本就对埃及政权持怀疑态度的罗马政治家们反感不已。 edu.sina.com.cn

They were scandalized by his improper behaviour.

When the spectators learned that the builder of the boat intended to take his wife along on the trip, excitement and scandalized alarm spread through Pittsburgh and up the valley of the Monongahela.
当观众得知汽船设计者企图,带着妻子进行这次水上旅行时,从匹兹堡到整个莫农加希拉河流域激动和惊恐的情绪传播开去。 jukuu

When feeling scandalized by domestic violence, I feel necessary to probe into the root causes to this phenomenon.
在对家庭暴力感到极度反感的共识,我感觉有必要深入分析一下这种现象的根本原因。 blog.sina.com.cn




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