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词汇 scan
释义 scan. skæn
abbr.=stock control and analysis 库存管理与分析

vt. 匆促地略看; 扫视

glance at quickly, but not very thoroughly

vi. 合韵律

of verse to fit a metrical pattern

the act of scanning; systematic examination of a prescribed region;

he made a thorough scan of the beach with his binoculars

an image produced by scanning;

he analyzed the brain scan

you could see the tumor in the CAT scan

examine minutely or intensely;

the surgeon scanned the X-ray

examine hastily;

She scanned the newspaper headlines while waiting for the taxi

make a wide, sweeping search of;

The beams scanned the night sky

conform to a metrical patternmove a light beam over; in electronics, to reproduce an imageread metrically;

scan verses

obtain data from magnetic tapes;

This dictionary can be read by the computer

scan, browse, leaf, read

这四个词都有“读”的意思。它们之间的区别是:browse指“泛读”“浏览”,其目的在于挑选,有时也引申为采购其他物品; leaf一般指快速翻动,其目的只看看关键性的词汇或段落,多与through连用; 而scan则指迅速阅读一篇文章以便能抓住其主要内容,其目的性很强,也比leaf和browse严肃; 而read属于普通用语,应用十分广泛,既可指“泛读”“浏览”,也可指“朗读”“默读”“精读”。例如:

There was no time to read the whole magazine so I just browsed through the pages.由于没有时间读完整本杂志,所以我只是随便翻阅了一下。
She often browses in dress shops during her lunch hour.她利用午餐休息时间经常逛逛服装店。
He quickly leafed through the phone book to find the numbers of a few hotels.他很快地翻阅着电话簿查找一些饭店的电话号码。
She scanned the list of names to see if hers was on it.她粗略地看了一下名单,想知道是否有她的名字。read,devour,scan,skim






用作动词 v.
~+名词scan book看书scan letter看信scan list看名单scan newspaper看报纸scan sky扫视天空~+副词scan anxiously焦虑地察看scan badly不符合格律scan properly不合韵律scan rapidly匆匆地看scan smoothly很合格律,轻松地浏览~+介词scan for为了…而看scan with用…来看
scan for v.+prep.

为寻找…而看 look at sth carefully for sth

scan sth for sthAstronomers scanned the sky for a sight of the comet.天文学家们仔细观察天空,想看到彗星。
He scanned the newspaper for the information he needed.他仔细地看报纸来找出自己需要的东西。
He scanned the list for his name.他粗略地看了一眼名单来找出自己的名字。
He scanned the small advertisement for a job.他粗略地看了一下广告,想找到一份工作。
The area was scanned for signs of enemy aircraft.对该地区进行雷达搜索以求发现敌机。非常记忆s蛇〖编码〗+can能〖熟词〗⇒蛇能扫描发音记忆“四看”→眼睛像扫描仪一样四处看→扫描;浏览分尸法s+can 扫描就是往死s里看can发音记忆“四看”→四处看→扫描近义词 examineinspectglance atlook over
S+~+AThe second line of that verse doesn't scan properly.那首诗的第二行不符合格律。
S+~+ n./pron.He scanned the horizon, looking for land.他仔细察看地平线,看是否能找到陆地。
The shipwrecked sailor scanned the horizon anxiously.这位难船的水手焦急地审视着海天相接之处。
He scanned the newspaper while waiting for the train.他边等火车边看报纸。
He read some chapters and scanned the rest of the book.他阅读了书中的几章并粗略地看了一眼其余部分。
She scanned the list of names to see if hers was on it.她粗略地看了一下名单,想知道是否有她的名字。
The radar was scanning the sky.雷达正在监视着天空。
The flashlight's beam scanned every corner of the room.手电的光束扫掠了房间的每一个角落。其他The other letter which I opened and scanned rapidly was from John.我拆开并匆匆看过的另一封信是约翰写来的。Pf-scanF扫描Pg-scanG扫描Pj-scanJ扫描Pk-scanK扫描Pa-scanA-扫描Pi-scanI-扫描Pm-scanM型扫描Psubscan子扫描Poverscan过扫描Pinterscan内扫描Pscan-in扫描输入Pscanistor扫描仪Pautoscan自动扫描Pscan-out扫描输出Volscan立体扫描器; Ph-scanH-平面T接头Poverscanning超扫描Psuperscann.超级显像Psubscanner子扫描程序Pscanography扫描照相术Porthoscanner垂直扫描器Prescan重复扫描二次扫描Pscintiscanning闪烁扫描Ptrack-while-scan追踪搜索Punderscanning欠扫描狭扫描Pscan-round循环扫描圆形扫描Pscannern.扫描仪扫描盘审视者Pbiotelescanner生物遥测扫描器Pscanning扫描断续言语扫描批评性审查





用作及物动词Could you teach me how toscanan image?你可以教我如何扫描一个影像吗?
Iscannedthe newspaper when I was waiting for the bus.等公共汽车的时候,我匆匆浏览了一下报纸。
Shescannedhis face, looking for signs of what he was thinking.她审视他的脸,试图探寻他在思考什么。
Iscannedmy pocket for change.我仔细查看囗袋找零钱。用作不及物动词The versesscanwell.这些诗句符合韵律。用作名词The doctors gave him an ultrasonic brainscan.医生给他做了脑部超声波扫描检查。
I'm too busy to read the whole newspaper, I justscanthe headline.我太忙了,没法看整份报纸,只是浏览了一下大标题。
Employers receive many resumes and mustscaneach of them quickly.雇主会收到许多简历,因此必须快速浏览它们。verb.look over, scrutinize lightly
同义词 browse,check,examine,flash,flip through,leaf through,look through,scour,search,skim,thumb throughconsider,contemplate,inquire,investigate,look,overlook,regard,riff,riffle,rumble,study,survey,sweepdip into,give the once-over,glance at,glance over,have a look-see,look up and down,run over,run through,size up,take a gander,take stock of
反义词 discard,disregard,forget,ignore,look away,neglect
beholdverb regard;look at
catch,consider,contemplate,descry,discern,distinguish,earmark,eye,eyeball,feast one's eyes,flash,lay eyes on,note,notice,observe,perceive,regard,see,spot,spy,survey,view,watch,witness
beholdsverb regard;look at
catches,considers,contemplates,descries,discerns,distinguishes,earmarks,eyeballs,eyes,feasts one's eyes,flashes,lies eyes on,notes,notices,observes,perceives,regards,scans,sees,spies,spots,surveys,views,watches,witnesses
browseverb look around;look through
check over,dip into,examine cursorily,feed,flip through,get the cream,give the once-over,glance at,graze,hit the high spots,inspect loosely,leaf through,nibble,once over lightly,pass an eye over,peruse,read,read here and there,riff through,riffle through,run through,scan,skim,skip through,survey,thumb through wander
canvassverb poll;discuss issues
agitate,analyze,apply,argue,campaign,check,check over,consult,debate,dispute,electioneer,examine,inspect,investigate,review,run,scan,scrutinize,sift,solicit,study,survey,ventilate
checkupnoun examination
exam,inspection,looking over,probe,scan,scrutiny,study,test,view
compareverb examine in contrast
analyze,approach,balance,bracket,collate,confront,consider,contemplate,contrast,correlate,divide,equal,examine,hang,hold a candle to,inspect,juxtapose,match,match up,measure,observe,oppose,parallel,place in juxtaposition,ponder,rival,scan,scrutinize,segregate,separate,set against,set side by side,size up,stack up against,study,touch,weigh,weigh against another The Good: I really like the idea of stumbling onto news, and the ability to quickly scan headlines about a given topic without knowing the source eliminates our media loyalties.
优点:我真的喜欢新闻绊脚石的想法,并且能够快速扫描对一个给定的不知道来源的主题的大标题,消除了我们媒体忠城。 yeeyan

By default, the optimizer considers this type of scan.
默认情况下,优化器考虑这种类型的扫描。 ibm

Considerable and valuable time could be spent sorting through a lot of old information to find the current information, either manually or with tools used to scan all the files.
可能要花费大量宝贵的时间对许多旧的信息进行排序手动进行排序,或者使用扫描所有文件的工具,以找到当前的信息。 ibm

Do you read it, scan it or skip over it to something shorter?
还是只是浏览一下?亦或跳过它去读些更短小的内容? yeeyan

Even if we do update statistics for the table, the optimizer will have no choice but to sequentially scan it.
即使我们对该表更新了统计信息,优化程序也没有选择,只能对其进行顺序扫描。 ibm

For example, if you perform a port scan on a single host, then you can get a very good idea of what the machine is doing.
例如,如果针对某台主机执行一次端口扫描,那么您就可以很清楚地了解到这台计算机正在进行什么样的操作。 ibm

For these tools, the question might be in two parts: Given an arbitrary receipt, can you scan it sufficiently well to extract data?
对于这些工具,问题有两个方面:如果是随便的一个收据,那么能否对它进行充分好的扫描来提取数据? ibm

If I can scan my consciousness into a computer, am I still me?
如果将自己的意识扫描到电脑中,那我还是我吗? yeeyan

In fact, as the results of our brain- scan study would show, the most successful products are the ones that have the most in common with religion.
事实上,正如我们的脑部扫描研究将要显示出的结果,最成功的产品就是那些与宗教拥有最多共同点的产品。 yeeyan

In our example, we get6574 candidates from the index scan.
在我们的例子中,通过索引扫描得到6574个候选行。 ibm

In the last few years, biologists have been able to scan the whole human genome for the signatures of genes undergoing selection.
在最近的几年,生物学家已经能够扫描整个人类基因组寻找正在进行选择的基因的识别特征。 yeeyan

In this scenario, we retrieve the user's e- mail address to which you can send the scan report.
在此方案中,我们将检索用户的电子邮件地址,以便将扫描报告发送到此地址。 ibm

Most often, you want only a small subset of the data in the table, so a full table scan wastes a lot of disk I/ O and therefore time.
通常来说,您可能只希望获得表中数据的一个子集,因此全表扫描会浪费大量的磁盘 I/ O,因此也就会浪费大量时间。 ibm

My fingers scan a book in braille.

Now that the puzzle is built, I scan it for words and calculate the fitness of all the cells based on the words they have formed.
既然已经构建了字谜,那么接下来我扫描它的单词,并根据细胞构成的单词计算所有细胞的适合度。 ibm

Now you can construct your own on demand scan server with a portal interface.
现在您可以使用门户接口构建自己的按需扫描服务器了。 ibm

So this scan may also help drug development by helping select the most appropriate subjects for treatment and then monitoring treatment effects.
所以,通过选择最合适的治疗对象以及监控治疗效果,这个扫描的发展也可能会带来药物的发展。 yeeyan

Someone might mail it and scan it.

Table2 summarizes how the performance of this table scan query has benefited from two of our design decisions: atom site separation and compression.
表2总结了此次表扫描的性能如何能从我们的两个设计决策中受益:原子站点分离和压缩。 ibm

That can be good— if the scan detects an actual problem.
如果扫描能够发现实际的问题,那将真的不错。 yeeyan

There is a need to scan in all documents so that the customers can search documents easier.
我们有这样一项业务需求:扫描所有文档,以使客户能更容易地搜索文档。 ibm

This makes the list easy to scan.
这使得这个列表非常容易被扫描。 yeeyan

This report query requires a full table scan of the fact table.
这个报表查询需要该事实表的一个全表扫描。 ibm

This setting also provides port scan and password- setting protections.
该设置还提供端口扫描和密码设置保护。 ibm

We solved this during the scan mentioned above.
我们在上述的扫描过程中解决这个问题。 ibm




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