

单词 scampering
释义 scam·per·ing 英'skæmpəʳ美'skæmpər COCA⁴⁸⁶⁸⁴BNC⁵⁰²⁵⁹Economist⁴¹³⁰³⁺²
rushing about hastily in an undignified way
to move about or proceed hurriedly;

so terrified by the extraordinary ebbing of the sea that they scurried to higher ground

近义词 run跑rush冲zip拉链dash猛冲tear撕掉dart飞镖race赛跑scoot急走hurry匆忙speed速度hasten催促hustle催促flight飞行scuttle煤斗scramble混乱scurry小步疾走skitter飞掠而过

用作动词The children werescamperingaround the garden.孩子们在花园里嬉戏奔跑。
She loves toscamperthrough the woods of the forest.她喜欢在森林里的树林中穿梭嬉戏.verb.run, dash
同义词 bolt,dart,hurry,romp,scoot,scurry,scuttle,skip,sprint,trot,zipflee,fly,hasten,hie,race,shoot,skedaddle,speed,tear,whiplight out,make off,rush off,speed away
反义词 dawdle,slow,wait,walk,face,staystroll A tiny monkey was left momentarily dazed after being struck by a moped while scampering across the road.
瘦弱的小猴在过马路时被一辆摩托车撞到,一时昏迷不醒。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

As the dummies were thrown into the flames a sudden storm broke and sent everyone scampering for cover.
四个肖像抛进火焰的时候,暴风雨突然降临,人人走避。 bomoo

The church was against it— hence the undignified spectacle of Pope Pius IX scampering out of the Palazzo del Quirinale in1870.
教会反对复兴运动,因此才有1870年教皇庇护九世尊严扫地的离开奎里纳勒宫的奇观。 ecocn

They see Poland scampering after big countries such as Russia, France and Germany, rather like a teenager desperate to hang out with adults, heedless of the national interest.
反对者批评现在的波兰只知在俄法德等大国之后亦步亦趋,活像个充大人的毛头小伙,全然不顾国家利益。 ecocn

With the help of mice scampering through a virtual maze, scientists have taken recordings from inside individual brain cells, or neurons.
通过老鼠浏览虚拟迷宫的帮助,科学家得以记录下来单个脑细胞或者说神经元的内部活动。 noforget

All the days of the past are scampering in front of my eyes. I am feeling tired now and I am feeling pain in my knee.
过去的所有日子在我的眼前跳跃着。我现在感到了疲惫,也感到了膝盖上的疼痛。 iciba

At least Citadel is still in business. Others, such as Ospraie Fund and Centaurus Capital, chose to close funds after a bad performance sent investors scampering for redemptions.
但至少 Citadel还是在正常运行,其他如 Ospraie基金和 Centaurus基金在经历了由于表现糟糕而出现的大规模赎回潮后,选择了破产。 yeeyan

Four little mice went scampering back.
四个小老鼠欢蹦着跑回去了。 njyyjy

If the CWG2010 was all about last minute scampering to the finish line, the Asian Games2010 is a great example of how one should conduct such high profile events.
如果说2010年英联邦运动会充斥着临时抱佛脚的仓促准备,2010年亚运会则为如何举办类似高调赛事树立了一个好榜样。 gaoloumi

In his imagination, every detail of the tee, the individual blades of grass, the trees, the singing birds, the scampering squirrels and the lay of the course became totally real.
在他的想象中,球台、草、树、啼叫的鸟、跳来跳去的松鼠、球场的地形都历历在目了。 jukuu

Jane is scampering around the children's cancer center, nuzzling a toddler who had a brain tumor removed, when14-year-old Alexia walks in.
当14岁的雅莉克西亚走进儿童癌症中心时,珍妮正在附近蹦蹦跳跳,用鼻子摩蹭着1个刚切除脑瘤的幼儿。 calm-sea

Just because people use electricity and have scampering water doesn't mean they are forsaking their culture to embrace western values.
现代化不是西化:人们用电和自来水并不是说他们抛弃了自己的文化开始拥抱西方的价值观。 blog.zol.com.cn

Ranging from Canada to Mexico, they are generally seen scampering through the undergrowth of a variety of environments from alpine forests to shrubby deserts.
从加拿大到墨西哥,通常人们看到它们蹦蹦跳跳穿过各种环境下的矮树从-从阿尔卑斯山的森林到灌木覆盖的沙漠地区。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn

The rain was pouring, the skies were a murky gray and Mickey’s magic wasn’t working on the visitors cursing and scampering for cover at Hong Kong Disneyland.
大雨正在倾盆而下,天空阴沉而灰暗,米老鼠的魔法并没有起作用,游客们诅咒着,奔向香港迪斯尼乐园的避雨处。 edu.sina.com.cn

Then she took up the white foam, that streaked the line of the advancing tide, and threw it upon the breeze, scampering after it, with winged footsteps, to catch the great snowflakes ere they fell.
后来,她捞起海潮前缘上的白色泡沫,迎风撤去,再一蹦三跳地跟在后面,想在这些大雪花落下之前就抓在手里。 hjenglish

They were scampering all over the beach picking up anything and everything that were thrown near them.
他们在沙滩纵情奔跑,啃着别人扔给的东西。 blog.sina.com.cn




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