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词汇 scalp EEG
释义 scalp EEG
Methods To compare the accuracy of the location of epileptogenic zone by pre-surgicalscalp EEGsource imaging and EcoG during operation in 80 patients with intractable epilepsy.方法在84例难治性癫?手术病人中,术前在发作间期头皮EEG上用偶极子定位方法定出?源发放位置,术中以ECoG及深电极记录确定致?区,对比偶极子定位的准确性,按EcoG定出的位置直接对致?区进行手术处理,术后随访手术效果。
Spikes waves were found in 3 patients byscalp EEG, and in 2 patients by tumor electrogram,and in 5 ones by cortex EEG.Conclusions:The hypothalamus hamarto…头皮脑电图发现3例有棘波,瘤体电图2例有棘波,5例皮层脑电图均记录到棘波。
Methods:Pre operativescalp EEG, cortex EEG and the tumor body electrogram during operation were recorded in 5 patients with hypothalamic hamartoma, and the results were analyzed.方法:对5例下丘脑错构瘤患者的术前头皮脑电图和术中皮层脑电图及瘤体电图进行监测,并分析讨论。
Methods Fourteen refractory epilepsy patie nts,whose seizure onsets were unabl e to be localized with CT /MRI imaging andscalp EEGrecording,received in tracranial EEG monitoring with dept h and /or subdural strip electrodes.方法14例难治性癫痫患者,其临床、影像学检查及头皮脑电记录等不能精确定位致痫灶,经颅骨钻孔、埋置颅内深部和/或皮层电极,长程脑电监测并分析发作初始期脑电的异常放电节律和范围,对比术后病理学检查和随访结果,分析发作初期脑电定位致痫灶的准确性。
Methods:To compare the accuracy of the localization of epileptogenic zone by pre-surgicalscalp EEGdipole source imaging and ECoG during operation in 80 patients with intractable epilepsy.方法 :在 80例难治性癫?手术病人中 ,术前在发作间期头皮EEG上用偶极子定位方法定出致?源放电位置 ,术中以皮质电图 及脑深部电极记录确定致?区 ,对比偶极子定位的准确性 ,按ECoG定出的位置直接对致?区进行手术处理 ,术后随访手术效果。
A new method for the deconvolution of cortical EEG potential distribution from the measuredscalp EEGis proposed in this paper, which improves the spatial resolution of EEG considerably.本文提出一种由头皮测量脑电逆推皮层电位分布的新方法,使脑电图的空间分辨率明显提高。




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