

单词 scaffolds
释义 scaf·fold·s 英'skæfəʊld美'skæfoʊld COCA⁷⁶³⁶⁵BNC²³⁶²¹³⁺¹Economist²⁶⁷⁷⁸⁺
a platform from which criminals are executed hanged or beheadeda temporary arrangement erected around a building for convenience of workers
provide with a scaffold for support;

scaffold the building before painting it

needle scaffold针栅闸门suspended scaffold悬挂式脚手架,挂脚手…swinging scaffold吊篮raise scaffold升降式脚手架…framing scaffold脚手架rolling scaffold带滚轴脚手架,带滚轴…hung scaffold悬式脚手架flying scaffold悬空脚手架outrigger scaffold挑脚手架,挑出脚手架…saddle scaffold鞍形脚手架scaffold board脚手板scaffold pole脚手立柱tubular scaffold管子脚手架ladder scaffold梯式脚手架bracket scaffold托架式脚手架…bring someone to the scaffold把某人送上断头台,把…go to the scaffold被处死刑send someone to the scaffold把某人送上断头台,把…
近义词 shell壳cage笼子frame骨架noose套索gibbet绞架halter缰绳support支持platform月台skeleton骨架framework框架gallows绞刑架scaffolding脚手架

用作名词He was about to be led to thescaffoldwhen at the eleventh hour a messenger arrived bringing a royal pardon.就在他要被带上断头台的最后时刻,一名使者带来了女王的赦免令。
The worker fell down from thescaffold.那个工人从脚手架掉了下来。 After seven days, it was time to take the next step: transplanting the scaffolds into living hearts.
七天后,是执行下一步骤的时候了:将支架移植回活体心脏。 iciba

The polysaccharides interact with proteins and help the proteins come together and assemble scaffolds.
多糖与蛋白质相互作用并促进蛋白质的聚合和支架形成。 dxy

These demonstrate that the composites obtained in this work can meet the requirements of bone tissue engineering scaffolds.
材料结构和性能符合非承力部位骨组织工程支架材料的要求。 cnki

But the real goal of this work isn't tiny maps. Rothemund says that in the future, tiny DNA shapes could serve as scaffolds for quickly building nanostructures made of metals or other materials.
但 Rothemund的目的不是做微型地图, Rothemund说,将来在使用金属或其他材料构造纳米结构时,微小的 DNA结构可以作为支架使用。 yeeyan

Current efforts focus on the application of stem and progenitor cells, bioactive factors and biomaterial scaffolds in transplantation procedures to affect regenerative therapies.
当前工作的重点上,干细胞和祖细胞,生物活性因子和生物材料支架移植程序,影响再生疗法的应用。 www.med365.com.cn

For example, Vunjak- Novakovic has used lasers to drill channels in the scaffolds used to grow heart muscle in the lab.
例如,武尼亚克·科维奇为了在实验室培育心肌,利用激光在组织上钻出了许多管腔。 yeeyan

Maybe rules are scaffolds we construct to contain what we can't control.

More progress has been made by seeding stem cells onto a variety of simple scaffolds impregnated with growth- promoting chemicals.
另一种将干细胞种植在充满生长促进剂的各式简单支架上的方法,则有较多进展。 iciba

Next were cliff, ships, dock and finally additional details like houses, trees, wooden cranes and scaffolds, statues etc.
接下来是悬崖、船、码头,最后是房屋、树木、木制的吊车和支架、雕像等细节。 cgbegin

Prohibit removal and dismantling of scaffolds when building.
砌筑时不准随意拆改和移动脚手架。 lingd

Pure silk fibroin powder is used to make solvent-based silk scaffolds that take a long time to degrade in the body.
纯蚕丝蛋白粉用于制作溶剂型的丝类支架,它在体内的降解时间很长。 yeeyan

Results Tubular vascular scaffolds were successfully made by rotation method.
结果运用旋转成管法,成功制备了血管支架; cnki

Scanning electron microscopy SEM was used to further explore the surface ultrastructure of selected ECM scaffolds.
应用扫描电镜进一步探测每种 ECM支架的表面超微结构。 iciba

Silk scaffolds are used as a cell substrate in tissue engineering, providing a three-dimensional environment in which cells can grow.
丝类支架可以被用作组织工程学领域的细胞基质,它能提供细胞生长所需的立体环境。 yeeyan

Some scientists have successfully built simple tissues such as skin, cartilage or bladder on biodegradable foam scaffolds.
一些科学家已经成功地在生物可降解的泡沫支架上构造了诸如皮肤、软骨、膀胱等简单的机体组织。 yeeyan

The following safety checklists and qualified personnel shall be utilized when inspecting scaffolds.
检查脚手架时,必须使用以下安全检查表和合格的检查人员。 dictall

The tiny mesh scaffolds are used in most angioplasties to keep vessels open after blockages have been cleared.
血栓清除术后,大多数血管成形术中都会使用这种小小的网状支架以保持血管通畅。 dxy

Therefore in clinic proper seed cells and vascular scaffolds have been searched for improving the long-term low patency rate in transplantation of small diameter artificial blood vessel.
因此,临床上亟需寻找合适的种子细胞及血管支架材料,改善小径人工血管移植长期通畅率低这一现状。 cnki

This method shows strong potential for organ regrowth, but the team is several steps away from making human lungs from repopulated scaffolds.
这项技术显示出器官再生是很有可能实现的,但是研究小组还需要更进几步的工作才能培育出人体的肺。 yeeyan

Though printing organs is new, growing them from scratch on scaffolds has already been done successfully.
尽管打印器官这一技术还处于初级阶段,但是在支架中培育细胞生长已经取得成功。 ecocn

To make artificial blood vessels the team took smooth- muscle cells from fresh corpses and cultured them on tubular scaffolds made of a material called polyglycolic acid.
为了制造人造血管,这个小组从新鲜尸体上采集平滑肌细胞,将其放在聚羟基乙酸材料制成的管式支架上培养。 ecocn

Scaffolds shall be built or dismantled in a manner to prevent passage from under the scaffold.
安装和拆卸脚手架使用的方式必须考虑脚手架下的行人安全。 iciba




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