

单词 says something about
释义 says something about短语⁶¹⁷⁹²
It says something about the mood of religious conservatism on the Egyptian street that Mr Qaradawi's ruling was seen as “playing to the gallery”.
埃及街头出现了宗教保守主义情绪,因而卡拉达维的裁决被认为是“哗众取宠”。 ecocn

All of these devices churn out data that says something about how people live.
所有这些装置都能解读出那些反映人们生活方式的数据。 yeeyan

Having your own web presence says something about your contributions to the market itself.
拥有一个自己的网站可以说明你对这个市场的贡献。 yeeyan

This is basically a correct observation, which says something about the American way of life.
这种看法基本正确,它反映了美国人的生活方式。 ebigear

Though it is not clear whether the Kremlin ordered the killing, that this even seems possible says something about the internal state of Russia see article.
尽管目前尚不清楚克里姆林宫是否主使了这一谋杀,但至少可以说是俄国人干的另见他文。 ecocn




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