

单词 say hi
释义 say hi短语⁴¹⁵⁹
Come say hi to my parents.
来和我父母打个招呼。 kekenet

I just wanted to come by and say hi.
只是想过来打个招呼。 ebigear

I knew the mother just to say hi and I've often seen her playing with the children.
我和那位母亲只是见面打打招呼,经常看到她陪孩子们一起玩。 yeeyan

Let's go and say hi to that old man.
我们过去和那位老人打声招呼吧。 hjenglish

On the way you decide to take a detour to say hi to a friend.
路上你决定绕道拜访一位朋友。 yeeyan

Take care of yourself, and say hi to Joshua for me.

You can instead ask everyone to say hi to the person to the left or right of them for30 seconds, then the person in front and behind.
然而你可以让每个人对站在自己左边或右边的人打招呼,此过程持续30秒,然后是前后打招呼。 yeeyan

Say hi to your father for me.
代我向你父亲问好。 ebigear




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