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词汇 Sawada
释义 Sawada
The interior of Sawada is an elegant statement to match the quality of the sushi on offer.
泽田寿司的内部有雅致的环境,足以配得上供应的寿司的高质量。 yeeyan

“ But the rest is the same, ” says Sawada. “The fish should touch the tongue first.”
“但剩下的步骤是一样的,”泽田师傅说,“鱼片应该先接触到舌尖上的味蕾。” yeeyan

Sawada of Delica Foods said, however, that Japan may not be able to count on China as a stable source of vegetables forever.
但日本 Delica食品公司的经理泽田清春说,日本也许不能永远把中国当作稳定的蔬菜供应国。 foodmate

Like many top sushi masters, Sawada seasons each piece with his own soy sauce blend or a sprinkle of sea salt before serving, hence no need to dip.
就像很多顶尖的寿司师傅一样,泽田师傅会在寿司上桌前用他自家品牌的酱油或者洒上一点海盐去调味,这样就不需要顾客自己点酱油了。 yeeyan

That’s why when it comes to customers not fluent in Japanese, restaurants like Sawada may ask to speak to your concierge or a Japanese speaker before taking a reservation.
这就是为什么当迎来不能流利地说日语的顾客时,像泽田寿司这样的餐厅会要求顾客在预约前先和咨客或者一位能说日语的人沟通好。 yeeyan

This paper deals with the biological characteristics of the pathogen of ramie anthracnose Colletotrichum boehmeria Sawada, its occurrence and control.
该文报道了苎麻炭疽病菌生物学特性、发生规律和防治研究的结果。 cnki

Sawada believes only the hands-on experience delivers the true sensuality of sushi.
泽田师傅相信,只有亲身体验过用手拿着吃的过程,才能接收到食用寿司的真正感官享受。 yeeyan

Sawada describes his method as packing“a lot of air between the grains.” It’s what helps create the divine melt- in-the- mouth feel.
泽田师傅形容他的制作方法是“把空气包装在饭粒之间”,这正有助于形成那入口即化的神圣感觉。 yeeyan

However, if you’re lucky enough to score a seat at Sawada, you won’t be concerned with the dipping step.
但是,如果你有足够的好运气在泽田寿司里面抢到一个座位,就不需要顾虑这点酱油的步骤了。 yeeyan




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