

单词 savour
释义 sa·vour 英ˈseɪvə美ˈsevɚAHDsāʹvər ★☆☆☆☆高I四八COCA⁹³²⁷⁸BNC²³¹⁶³iWeb¹⁹²³⁸Economist⁴¹³⁰³⁺²
n. 味道; 滋味²³vi. 具有…味道; 具有…性质vt. 调味; 品尝⁴⁵; 欣赏=savor美复数savours现在分词savouring过去分词savoured

C U 美味,味道,滋味,风味

pleasant taste or flavour

vt. 欣赏某物的味道或风味

enjoy the taste or flavour of sth especially by eating or drinking it slowly

the taste experience when a savoury condiment is taken into the mouth
have flavor; taste of somethinggive taste totaste appreciatively;

savor the soup

derive or receive pleasure from; get enjoyment from; take pleasure in;

She relished her fame and basked in her glory

savour of the pan露出本来面目漏底…
sav=sap-,味道+our抽象名词后缀→味道,滋味⇒转作动词品尝,品味,带有某种味道|意味。非常记忆save拯救+our我们的⇒享用美食才能拯救我们的胃词根记忆sav=sap 品尝+our→品尝,品味;味道,风味近义词 nip夹bask取暖taste味觉enjoy享受smell气味aroma浓香value价值relish享受savor 味道flavor风味flavour味道bouquet花束cherish珍爱smack掌击声treasure财富tang强烈的味道appreciate欣赏sapidity有味道delight in因 … 高兴
用作名词n.The soup has a savour of onion.这汤有洋葱味。用作动词v.
S+ ~+n./pron.You need to savour this wine to get its full flavour.要想充分体验这种酒的醇美,你需要慢慢地去品尝。
We savoured the barbed hits in his reply.我们很欣赏他在回答中使用的带刺的俏皮话。Psavourlessa.无风趣的缺少风味的Psavourya.风味极佳的可口的味香的n.开胃菜Punsavourya.没有味道的没有香味的难吃的难闻的令人不快的不可接受的



You need tosavourthis wine to get its full flavor.要想充分体验这种酒的醇美,你需要慢慢地去品尝。 He set off eagerly to savour the delights of London, and when she followed him made it clear she was an encumbrance.
马修迫不及待地动身去伦敦寻欢作乐,等她随后跟去时,竟发现自己成了累赘。 yeeyan

On the other hand, taking the time to savour sex can be very fulfilling.
另一方面,花时间品味性爱也会使你感觉很满足。 yeeyan

You can talk if you wish, or simply savour the silence and the experience of being together, side-by-side, under the stars.
可以聊点什么,或者只是肩并肩躺在星空下,享受宁静时光和两个人在一起的感觉。 cri

“ LET’S savour this moment when France overturned history, ” cooed a Sunday newspaper.
“让我们尽享法国颠覆历史的这一刻”,一家周日报纸尖叫道。 ecocn

Savour the silence, if that's what nature serves up, or thrill to the tap-tap of the woodpecker.
如果这是大自然奉上的一份佳肴,给这份宁静加点作料吧,或是因为啄木鸟的叩击声而兴奋起来吧。 yeeyan

A book to savour and pass on.
本书口味甚佳,传阅不绝。 ecocn

And a several tenth deal of flour mingled with oil for a meat offering unto one lamb; for a burnt offering of a sweet savour, a sacrifice made by fire unto the LORD.
每只羊羔要用调油的细面伊法十分之一作为素祭和馨香的燔祭,是献给耶和华的火祭。 ebigear

Command the children of Israel, and say unto them, My offering, and my bread for my sacrifices made by fire, for a sweet savour unto me, shall ye observe to offer unto me in their due season.
你要吩咐以色列人说,献给我的供物,就是献给我作馨香火祭的食物,你们要按日期献给我。 ebigear

Every tale which claims a place in good fiction has this identifying savour and quality, each different from every other.
所有能称得上好故事的作品都有人们都认同的风味和特质,每一个故事都不尽相同。 yeeyan

For now he can savour his victory, having added Mr Fenty to the swelling ranks of incumbents undone by economic turmoil.
将芬提推向了日益增加的因经济混乱而落马的当局者,现在他可以品味胜利的喜悦。 ecocn

HEDGE funds have not had much to savour recently.
最近对冲基金乏善可陈,没太多东西可品尝。 ecocn

It is a continual burnt offering, which was ordained in mount Sinai for a sweet savour, a sacrifice made by fire unto the LORD.
这是西奈山所命定为常献的燔祭,是献给耶和华为馨香的火祭。 ebigear

Messrs Erdogan and Lula may not have long to savour their achievements.
埃尔多安和卢拉回味其胜利果实的时间可能不会太长了。 ecocn

Something that makes me stop reading for a minute, and sigh with pure bliss, something that actually gets up and walking around, so that I can savour my Aha moment.
它让我稍微暂停一下阅读,因纯粹的喜悦而叹息,它真的能够站起来四处走动,因此我可以享受我快乐的“啊哈”时刻。 yeeyan

The restaurant itself is a little ramshackle, but the sublime duck makes it a culinary experience to savour.
这家店店面本身十分朴素,但独特的烤鸭使这富有令人难忘的美味体验。 yeeyan

This savour our poets often made much of; leaving out the god in whose worship they were indulging.
我们的诗人常常特别重视此种风味,而遗漏了他们在敬神仪式中沉迷的那位神。 yeeyan

Savour those words: President Barack Obama, America's hope and, in no small way, ours too.
细细品味这句话吧:巴拉克·奥巴马总统,美利坚的希望,同样,也是我们的希望。 yeeyan




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