

单词 saving face
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The business of“ saving face, ” which often strikes foreigners in China as ludicrous, is only the carrying-out of respect for personal dignity in the sphere of social manners.
中国人的“死要面子”时常使在中国的外国人感到荒谬好笑。然而,中国人仅仅是要求实现与他们社会生活方式相一致的个人尊严。 aqtt

The Singaporeans' kinasewin at all costs negotiating style does them few favours in a region where saving face is important.
新加坡人那种“怕输”为了达到目的而不择手段的谈判方式使得他们几乎没有什么朋友。 ecocn

First, this is a person who is preoccupied with preserving his status and saving face.
首先,此人会不惜一切保全自己的地位,维护自己的面子。 fortunechina

In addition, the cultural importance of' saving face' in Chinese society makes the full- frontal public attacks that tend to characterize Western misconduct allegations almost unthinkable.
此外,该文化的重要性,'面子'在中国人社会,使全正面公众攻击倾向的特点西方的不当行为的指控几乎是不可想象的。 www.instrument.com.cn

Later that year, she played the complex and fun character of Ma in a Sony Classic production, Saving Face, a film about a hilarious relationship of a Chinese mother and her American daughter.
同年,她在另一部影片《面子》中扮演一个情感复杂的角色,影片讲述的是一个中国母亲和她的美籍女儿之间的关系。 eastday

We wonder if the messages boys get about saving face through glorified slacking could be affecting their performance in school.
我们想知道男孩们所接受的这种通过消极躲避以维持脸面的主题思想是否会影响他们在学校里的表现。 yeeyan




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