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词汇 savage
释义 sav·age 英ˈsævɪdʒ美ˈsævɪdʒAHDsăvʹĭj


not civilized;barbarous



vt. 残害;攻击


vt. 猛烈批评;激烈抨击

criticize sb/sth severely

C 未开化的人,野蛮人

an uncivilized person

a member of an uncivilized peoplea cruelly rapacious person
of persons or their actions able or disposed to inflict pain or suffering;

a barbarous crime

brutal beatings

cruel tortures

Stalin's roughshod treatment of the kulaks

a savage slap

vicious kicks

wild and menacing;

a pack of feral dogs

without civilizing influences;

barbarian invaders

barbaric practices

a savage people

fighting is crude and uncivilized especially if the weapons are efficient

wild tribes

marked by extreme and violent energy;

a ferocious beating

fierce fighting

a furious battle

attack brutally and fiercelycriticize harshly or violently;

The press savaged the new President

The critics crucified the author for plagiarizing a famous passage










来自古法语,源自拉丁语形容词silvaticus野蛮的,字面意思是“森林的”,衍生自名词silva森林。古罗马人大部分居住在城市中,建立了城市文明。与此相比,那些散居在大森林的人自然就是野蛮的,未开化的。get savage with向 … 大发脾气…noble savage高尚蛮人, 圣洁野性…cut up savage发脾气
应用实例Savage Garden野人花园是澳大利亚著名双人音乐组合,现已解散。
GRE红宝书sav = save节约, age年龄: 节约年龄就是活得短-野蛮人
save 救 + age 老,快抢救老人,坏人太野蛮了,老人也下手;发音类似的civilize 使开化,文明是savage的反义;
sav树木,森林-age集合/活动/动作 →森林状态→野蛮的
故事记忆祖爷爷说的 Message消息八国联军很 Savage野蛮的身高两米是 Average平均的犯下一串串 Outrage暴行抢劫无数的 Sausage香肠畏惧国人的 Courage勇气滚走时背上 Luggage行李美国佬拎着 Baggage行李sav森林-age集合/活动/动作形容词后缀,具有…属性→森林里的→野蛮的,未开化的⇒转作名词野蛮人。非常记忆sa萨〖拼音〗+vage危机〖谐音〗⇒野蛮的萨达姆制造了危机参考Savage Garden 野人花园,由两位来自澳大利亚的男孩组成的乐队词根记忆sav树木,森林+ age → 森林状态 ⇒野蛮的近义词 mug脸wolf狼beast兽thug暴徒fell砍伐brute畜生blast爆炸attack攻击wild野生的ruffian恶棍cruel残酷的awful糟糕的panther黑豹angry生气的wildcat野猫feral野生的severe严厉的boor粗野的人fierce强烈的brutal野蛮的ferine野生的violent猛烈的criticize批评vicious恶毒的bestial残忍的furious狂怒的pillory颈手枷inhuman残忍的tear apart撕开ruthless残忍的inhumane无情的barbarian野蛮人barbarous野蛮的ferocious残忍的atrocious残暴的untamed不能抑制的brutalize使残酷无情uncivilized未开化的uncivilised不文明的crucify钉在十字架上处死…undomesticated不爱做家务的…roughshod铁蹄上装有防滑钉的…barbaric极其粗野、残忍或残暴的…反义词 civilized文明的Christian基督徒
~+ n.Some of the savage customs must be changed.一些原始习惯必须改变。
The black dog is a savage dog.那黑狗是条很凶的狗。用作动词v.
S+ ~+n./pron.He was savaged by the dog.他被狗咬了。
The actress was savaged by the audience.那位女演员受到观众的猛烈抨击。用作名词n.After the savage had killed his enemy,he hacked the body to pieces.那个野蛮人杀死对手之后,把他的尸体劈成了碎块。
That's an island inhabited bysavages.那是一个野蛮人居住的岛屿。Psavageryn.兽性原始状态野蛮人



用作形容词Most of the time elephants are tame but they can be verysavage.大多数时候大象很温顺,但他们也会大发野性。
He was wild andsavage, and no man could mount him, or do anything at all with him.它既野又凶,谁都驾驭不了它,谁也对它没办法。
He smarted from thesavageattacks on his film.他因自己的影片受到猛烈攻击而感到痛心。
She was irritated by hissavagebehavior.他的不文明行为激怒了她。
He likessavagemountain scenery.他喜欢荒山的景色。
The inhabitants were still in thesavagestate.这些居民仍处于野蛮状态。用作名词These civilizations flourished while Europeans were stillsavagesliving in caves.当欧洲人还是居住在洞穴中的野蛮人时,这些地方的文化早已十分繁荣昌盛。
There are nosavageand civilised peoples; there are only different cultures.人无野蛮与文明之分,只是文化不同。用作及物动词Smith's play wassavagedby the critics.史密斯的剧本遭到评论家的猛烈抨击。
A jogger wassavagedby two Rottweilers yesterday.昨天,一位慢跑者受到两条罗特韦尔犬的强烈攻击。adj.wild, untamed
同义词 barbaric,crude,fierce,turbulentbarbarian,lupine,natural,primitive,roughbestial,feral,in a state of nature,primeval,primordial,rude,unbroken,uncivilized,uncultivated,uncultured,undomesticated,unmodified,unrestrained
反义词 domesticated,peaceful,tame,calm,civilized,cultured,gentle,polishedpolite,refined,sophisticatedadj.cruel, vicious
同义词 atrocious,barbarous,bloody,brutal,cold-blooded,destructive,ferocious,fierce,harsh,inhuman,inhumane,merciless,murderous,relentless,ruthless,sadistic,unrelenting,violentcrazed,demoniac,infernal,raging,raveningbeastly,bestial,bloodthirsty,brutish,devilish,diabolical,feral,ferine,frantic,furious,grim,heartless,hellish,malevolent,malicious,pitiless,rabid,rapacious,remorseless,truculent,wolfish
反义词 compassionate,gentle,humane,kind,merciful,nice,polite,sympathetic,tenderbenign
beastlikeadjective ferocious
bestialadjective brutal
bitteradjective painful, distressing
bloodiestadjective hard-fought
bloodthirstyadjective murderous
bloodyadjective hard-fought
bloodthirsty,cruel,cutthroatdecimatingferocious,fierce,gory,grim,heavy,homicidal,murderous,sanguinary,sanguine,savage,slaughterous I’ve lived through many “ savage” times, without the direction provided by useful metrics in my process, and it’s no pleasure.
我经历过很长时间的 “野蛮”时期,缺少有用指标对我的过程的指导,而且没有快乐可言。 ibm

The fall in the oil price, if sustained, thus threatens the country with savage socialist pain.
如果石油价格持续下降,这个国家就会感觉到“野蛮的社会主义”之痛。 ecocn

The French Revolution was for him a savage release of irrational instincts.
法国大革命对他来说是野蛮为理性的本能的释放。 yeeyan

Was Jean Lafitte an American hero or a savage criminal?
简·拉菲特到底是美国的英雄,还是野蛮的罪犯? yeeyan

Although no big market has escaped the financial crisis unscathed, the collapse in Russia was swifter, more savage and shows fewer signs of recovery than anywhere else.
虽然到现在还没有一个大市场逃过金融危机的劫难,但是俄罗斯的崩溃来的更快,更残酷,与其他任何地方比起来,没有复苏的迹象。 ecocn

As he marks ten years in power this week, what he calls“ savage capitalism” is wounded and seemingly at bay while his would- be nemesis, George Bush, has departed the White House.
在他本周进入执政的第十个年度之际,他所称的“野蛮的资本主义”遍体鳞伤,四面楚歌。而“将要受到报应”的乔治•布什也已离开了白宫。 ecocn

Britain’s newspaper market is the world’s most savage.
英国的报纸市场是全世界最残酷的。 ecocn

British newspapers may reflect a more Eurosceptic public opinion. But the savage competitiveness of their market also leads them into adopting more extreme positions.
英国的报纸也许只是英国疑欧主义大众情绪的一种反映,但残酷的市场竞争也会使他们采取极端的立场。 ecocn

But this time enthnographers have returned from the field with footage of a truly savage native ritual: teachers at an elementary school in the Midwest dishing about their principal behind her back.
但这次民俗学家们已经从这个区域回归并带回来一段真实的当地野蛮人仪式的片段:中西部一所小学的的老师们在校长背后对她的评价。 yeeyan

By the Indian's side, and evidently sustaining a companionship with him, stood a white man, clad in a strange disarray of civilised and savage costume.
在那个印第安人的身边,站着一个身上混穿着文明与野蛮服装的白种人,无疑是那印第安人的同伴。 ebigear

I am happy to abandon my savage ways.
我很高兴我抛弃了我的野蛮方法。 ibm

Iraq has not yet turned the page, either on the last blood- soaked decade or the years of deprivation under a savage dictatorship that preceded it.
那就是,无论就过去的血雨腥风的十年,还是在萨达姆残酷独裁统治时期而言,伊拉克远没有开启一个新篇章。 yeeyan

It adds up to a savage, bittersweet portrait of artistic temperament at its worst.
这就构成了一幅最糟糕的艺术气质的肖像,野蛮而苦乐参半。 yeeyan

It has suffered savage terrorist attacks on a police academy and the visiting Sri Lankan cricket team.
他的一间警察学院及正在访问的斯里兰卡板球队都遭到野蛮的恐怖袭击。 ecocn

It's odd what a savage feeling I have to anything that seems afraid of me!
真古怪,对于任何像是怕我的东西,我就会起一种多么野蛮的感觉! putclub

On all counts, his comments reeked of the savage hypocrisy that underpins the west's role in the current carnage.
从总体看,他的言辞散发着野蛮和伪善的臭味,这种伪善增强了西方在当前加沙大屠杀的角色。 yeeyan

One of the biggest, Savage Kingdom, in Florida, was closed by the Department of Agriculture in 2006.
最大的老虎农场之一,佛罗里达州的野人王国已经于2006年被农业部关闭。 yeeyan

She is promised to the savage leader of the clan, Carver Doone, but John abducts her and is later knighted for service in the1685 Monmouth rebellion.
她本来已经嫁给野蛮的氏族首领卡弗·杜恩,但是约翰诱拐了她,之后约翰因为在1685 年的蒙莫斯叛乱中立下功劳而被授予爵位。 yeeyan

Sir Thomas Picton's portrait hangs in a court room in Wales, sword in hand, as if menacing defendants or reminding them how lucky they are to live in times when the law is less savage than in his day.
托马斯·皮克顿爵士的肖像悬挂于威尔士一家法庭之中,利剑在手,好像在威胁着被告,或是在提醒被告,他们活在法律比起他的时代没有那么残酷的当下是多么幸运。 yeeyan

That is a bigger funding shortfall than in2000, on the eve of a savage retrenchment by firms that hurt jobs as well as investment see chart.
这一融资缺口比2000年那场破坏就业和投资的野蛮的公司紧缩战略风波前夕的缺口还要大见图。 ecocn

There is a savage irony to the fact that the unfolding horror in Mumbai began with terrorists docking near the Gateway of India.
袭击孟买的恐怖行动,揭幕于恐怖分子从印度门登岸的一刻,无疑是个巨大而残酷的讽刺。 yeeyan




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