

单词 satisfied
释义 sat·is·fied 英ˈsætɪsˌfaɪd美ˈsætɪsˌfaɪdAHDsătʹĭs-fīd' ★★★☆☆高牛四COCA⁷⁰⁸²BNC²⁹⁰⁹iWeb⁵¹⁶⁸Economist⁸²⁴⁷

filled with satisfaction;

a satisfied customer


his thirst quenched he was able to continue

self-satisfied自鸣得意的satisfy使满意satisfied hydrocarbon饱和烃rest satisfied with满足于satisfied with满足be satisfied of确知be satisfied with对 … 感到满意…
satisfi=satisfy,使满意+ed过去分词形式⇒满意的。近义词 glad高兴的happy高兴的proud自豪的content 内容gratify使满足contented满足的fulfilled满足的comfortable舒适的slaked动词slake的过去式,…quenched动词quench的过去式…pleased高兴的,开心的,乐意的…

用作形容词I'm not at allsatisfied.我一点也不满意。
Isatisfiedmy thirst with a glass of water.我喝了一杯水解渴。
We aresatisfiedwith the smoothness of the negotiation.我们对谈判的顺利进行很满意。
The quiet contentment of a well-fed childsatisfiedthe tired mother.孩子喂饱后不哭不闹的满足状使疲惫的母亲很满意。adj.contented
同义词 content,contented,convinced,fulfilled,happy,pleasedappeased,compensated,filled,gratified,paid,quenched,requited,sated,satiated,suppliedcertain,positive
反义词 dissatisfied,unhappy,unsatisfiednot happy
appreciativeadjective understanding, recognizing worth
calmadjective composed, cool(animate)
aloof,amiable,amicable,civil,collected,cool as cucumber,cool-headed,detached,disinterested,dispassionate,equable,gentle,impassive,imperturbable,inscrutable,kind,laid-back,levelheaded,listless,moderate,neutral,patient,placid,pleased,poised,relaxed,restful,satisfied,sedate,self-possessed,serene,still,temperate,unconcerned,undisturbed,unemotional,unexcitable,unexcited,unflappable,unimpressed,unmoved,unruffled,untroubled
calmeradjective composed, cool(animate)
aloof,amiable,amicable,civil,collected,cool as cucumber,cool-headed,detached,disinterested,dispassionate,equable,gentle,impassive,imperturbable,inscrutable,kind,laid-back,levelheaded,listless,moderate,neutral,patient,placid,pleased,poised,relaxed,restful,satisfied,sedate,self-possessed,serene,still,temperate,unconcerned,undisturbed,unemotional,unexcitable,unexcited,unflappable,unimpressed,unmoved,unruffled,untroubled
certainadjective confident
clearadjective certain in one's mind
cleareradjective certain in one's mind
absolute,confirmed,convinced,decided,definite,positive,resolved,satisfied,sure The “ I want it NOW” attitude is satisfied with credit. You can have it now!
“我现在就要”的态度是用贷款来满足的,你当然可以马上得到它。 yeeyan

The rogues were satisfied with her bale up.

And one might argue, if one is a cynic, but rarely satisfied, most marriage is not like that.

At its most superficial, happiness comes from desire and material objects, but these can never be satisfied in life.
人生的幸福最浅层的是欲望、物质带来的,欲望和物质的人生是永不能满足的。 cri

Before we consider how such testing requirements can be satisfied, let us consider some additional issues.
在考虑如何满足此类测试需求之前,让我们先考虑一些其他问题。 ibm

But whatever their desires, only two in three Australians claim to be satisfied with the level of intimacy in their life right now, the study shows.
但无论他们更喜欢哪种方式,据该调查显示,仅有三分之二的澳洲人对目前生活中与爱人的亲热程度感到满意。 ebigear

For each individual tries, in every choice, to pursue his highest- ranking end; he foregoes or sacrifices the other, lower- ranking, ends that he could have satisfied with the resources available.
人的每一个选择、每一次尝试都是为了追求自己主观排序最高的目的;为此他放弃或牺牲其他能用现有资源满足的、排序较低的目的。 blog.sina.com.cn

He suggested that these groups were formed on the basis of common need, they worked together till the need was satisfied, and then they dissolved.
他指出这些组织是基于共同的需要建立起来的,他们一起工作直到需要被满足,然后就解散了。 infoq

How do we find out whether our customers are satisfied?
然而,我们如何了解我们的客户究竟是否满意呢? yeeyan

I smiled, satisfied.
我满意的笑了。 yeeyan

Identify how and to what degree their requirements will be satisfied.
确定将如何满足他们的需求,以及满足的程序如何。 ibm

If your partner is helping you become a better person, you become happier and more satisfied in the relationship.
如果你的伴侣在帮助你成为一个更优秀的人,那么你在夫妻关系中会更开心更满足。 yeeyan

In this mode of operation it is important that a dialogue is underway to identify how the demand will be satisfied in the event the proposal becomes an approved project.
在运作的这种模式中,在建议被批准成为一个项目时,对话是一种有效的手段来识别要求将如何被满足,这一点是十分重要的。 ibm

Most of the customers we have worked with enjoy this part the most because the stakeholders can get a firm grasp of how and to what degree their requirements will be satisfied.
与我们合作的大多数客户都非常喜欢这一部分,因为参与者可以深刻领会如何满足他们的需求,以及满足的程度如何。 ibm

No, not satisfied.
不,他们不满足。 yeeyan

One said that Chinese tend to be satisfied with what they have: a full belly, a warm home, good kids, good health.
一位学生说,中国人倾向于满足他们所拥有的:圆圆的肚子,温暖的家,好孩子和健康的身体。 yeeyan

Or, point out an incident in which your customer was not satisfied, and ask for better access to your customer through frequent demonstrations.
或者,存在一个偶然事件让您的客户不满意,然后通过频繁演示来达到更好地访问您的客户。 ibm

She nods in satisfied agreement, tosses them into her overflowing basket and strides towards the till.
她满意地点头同意,把它们放到她那已经超重的篮子里,朝银台走去。 yeeyan

The salesgirl said she would replace the TV set if we were not satisfied.

The database is now offloaded as it gets writes from the cluster, all reads are satisfied using the cache in the cluster member.
由于数据库是从群集中写入的,所以它现在被卸载,通过集群成员中的缓存满足了所有读取。 ibm

The reason to not be satisfied yet?
还不满意的原因是什么呢? ibm

To keep these customers satisfied, speed may not be of the essence.
为了使这些客户满意,速度可能不是最根本的因素。 ecocn

We cannot be satisfied until every child in America— and I mean every child—has the same chances for a good education that we want for our own children.
只有当所有美国儿童—我指的是每一个儿童—与我们的孩子一样都获得我们所期望的良好教育机会时,我们才会满意。 cri

What an unpleasant woman your neighbour is, always griping about one thing or another, never satisfied.

When Morgiana saw him depart, she went to bed, satisfied and pleased to have succeeded so well in saving her master and family.
当莫吉安娜看到他离开后,她就去睡觉了,对如此成功的拯救了她的主人和家庭感到满意和开心。 yeeyan

Yet he is far from satisfied.
但他远远还没有满足。 yeeyan




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