

单词 satirize
释义 sat·i·rize 英ˈsætəˌraɪz美ˈsætəˌraɪzAHDsătʹə-rīz' ☆☆☆☆☆高四GS宝八COCA³⁷⁹⁸⁶BNC¹⁷³⁹⁹⁵⁺²iWeb³³³⁰⁹

ridicule with satire;

The writer satirized the politician's proposal

satire,讽刺,讥讽,-ize,使。GRE红宝书音:沙丁鱼,又一个沙丁鱼,鱼是有刺的,讽刺的;satir-ize使成为⇒v.讽刺近义词 mock嘲弄parody仿作deride嘲笑ridicule嘲笑satirise讽刺send up使上升lampoon讽刺文章caricature讽刺画minimize将 … 减到最少…

用作动词His cartoons pitlesslysatirizethe top politicians nowadays.他的漫画无情地讽刺了当今的政界要人。verb.ridicule
同义词 lampoon,mock,parody,spoofbanter,burlesque,caricature,cartoon,deride,haze,humiliate,jeer,jive,josh,kid,mimic,needle,pan,rib,ride,roastcaricaturize,jape,laugh at,make a fool of,make fun of,poke fun at,pull one's leg,razz
反义词 praise
banterverb tease
chaff,deride,fool,fun,jeer,jest,jive,joke,josh,kid,make fun of,mock,rag,razz,rib,ridicule,taunt
lampoonverb ridicule, make fun of
burlesque,caricature,jape,mock,parody,pasquinade,put on,rail,roast,satirize,send up,squib,take off,travesty
lampoonedverb ridicule, make fun of
burlesqued,caricatured,japed,mocked,parodied,pasquinaded,put on,railed,roasted,satirized,sent up,squibed,took off,travestied
lashverb criticize harshly
abuse,attack,baste,bawl out,belabor,berate,blister,castigate,censure,chew out,exprobate,flay,fulminate,jaw,lambaste,lampoon,ridicule,satirize,scold,tear into,tell off,tongue-lash,upbraid
made fun ofverb poke fun at
burlesqued,derided,heckled,kidded,lampooned,made sport of,mocked,parodied,ridiculed,satirized,teased
make fun ofverb poke fun at
burlesque,deride,heckle,kid,lampoon,make sport of,mock,parody,rank out,ridicule,satirize,tease A moralist, Krylov used popular language to satirize human weaknesses, social customs, and political events.
为了宣扬正义,克雷洛夫通过通俗的语言讽刺了人性的弱点、社会的恶习和政治事件。 bab

In most of black humorous literary works, writers satirize the absurdity of some social phenomena with a cynical attitude in the form of comic tragedy.
大多数黑色幽默文学作品用“玩世不恭的态度把荒谬的、悲剧性的社会现象置于亦悲亦喜的嘲弄之中。” fabiao

Mr. Stone said he and Mr. Parker wanted their“ South Park” episode to satirize the verbal complexity of“ Inception.”
斯通说,他和帕克想在南方公园中恶搞故弄玄虚的盗梦空间。 yeeyan

The conclusion summarizes the achievements, and the status of the One- satirize act opera.
结语部分,简单分析明代中后期单折讽刺杂剧的成果及在明代的地位。 fabiao

The photographer has the same position with the artist, then why did I write the article The Position of a Photographer? It is simple, we want to use the past to satirize the present.
我为什么写那个东西叫《一个摄影师的立场》,虽然摄影师的立场和艺术家的立场是一样的,简单讲,我们这是借古讽今。 artron

Afterwards people use this idiom to satirize those dogmatists who ignore the reality.
后来人们用这个成语来讽刺那些只信教条,不顾实际的人。 youngerchinese

Contrary to Utopias beautification of the future, the literary tradition of Dystopia exaggerates the dark sides of reality to an extreme so as to satirize reality.
与美化未来的乌托邦文学相反,反面乌托邦文学所描述的未来是把现实社会的黑暗面夸大到最坏程度,以讽刺社会现实。 cnki

Do not mock, satirize or discriminate against students. Do not subject students to corporal punishment or disguised forms of corporal punishment.
不讽刺、挖苦、歧视学生,不体罚或变相体罚学生。 yeeyan

First one is analysis of One- satirize act opera's formation reason.
第一部分,明代中后期单折讽刺杂剧成因探析。 fabiao

He is used by Dunham to satirize the contemporary issue of terrorism.
他明显是个用来讽刺恐怖主义的人物。 panstom

He drew the painting Mice to satirize the Japanese invaders and wrote several poems to express his anger.
他画了《群鼠图》以讽刺日本侵略者,还写了不少抒发国破之愤的诗。 tdict

His humor is a kind of artistic style used to criticize the social injustice and satirize the decayed liberty.
他的幽默是用于对社会不公正的批评和对濒死的自由的讽刺。 blog.sina.com.cn

In proverbs and letters, the word is used to satirize the evil person, and as the Door- god, the image of the rabid dog was inscribed on Assyrian palace doors.
在谚语和书信中用它来比喻和讽刺恶人,在亚述王宫建筑中,凶恶的狂犬神被刻绘在宫殿大门上作为守门神。 sohac.nenu.edu.cn

It is awfully funny and splits your sides with laughter to observe these caricatures which satirize social ills.
看看这些讽刺社会弊端的漫画真是很有意思,令人捧腹大笑。 blog.sina.com.cn

It's like Candace Bushnell wanted to satirize your life.
这就像堪黛丝·布希聂尔要用讽刺手法描写你的生活。 ssreader

Netizens used it to satirize soaring garlic and food prices this winter.
网民用它来讽刺今年冬天飞涨的大蒜和食物的价格。 yeeyan

Third one is analysis of the theatrical productions of One- satirize act opera.
第三部分,明代中后期单折讽刺杂剧作品研究。 fabiao

To express the feelings for life, it adopted illusions to satirize the social reality and used absurd plots. Although full of spirits, it is a masterpiece of dramas in the Qing Dynasty.
以梦幻笔法表现人生感慨,以荒诞情节揶揄社会现实,虽然太多鬼气,但不失为清代杂剧中的佳作。 cnki

We're not trying to scam anyone or satirize anything.

Yet most readers are not aware of Swift's intent to satirize the political, academic, and religious leaders of his time.
然而大部分的读者却不知道斯威夫特是想藉此讽刺当时的政治、学术和宗教领袖。 iciba

Yuan Fu absorbs the essence from Han with topic contents, record method, and structure literary piece, satirize effect etc. That is an inheritance and development.
元赋“宗汉”体现在对汉赋题材内容、铺叙方法、结构篇章、讽谏功用等方面的继承和发展。 kekenet




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