

单词 satiate
释义 sa·ti·ate 英ˈseɪʃiːˌeɪt美ˈseʃiˌetAHDsāʹshē-āt' ☆☆☆☆☆高GIST八COCA⁵⁷⁹⁵²BNC⁹¹⁵¹⁷⁺iWeb²⁶⁴⁷⁵

supplied especially fed to satisfaction
fill to satisfaction;

I am sated

overeat or eat immodestly; make a pig of oneself;

She stuffed herself at the dinner

The kids binged on ice cream

来自拉丁语 satis,足够的,满足的,词源同 sate,使满足。-ate,使。钱博士sat满的+i连接字母+ate拉丁语动词的过去分词后缀,在此用作动词和形容词后缀→使变满;已满的⇒充分满足,使厌腻;充分满足的,厌腻的
sat满的+i连接字母-ate…的拉丁语动词的过去分词后缀,在此用作动词和形容词后缀→使变满;已满的⇒充分满足,使厌腻;充分满足的,厌腻的。词根记忆sati足够+ate使…→使充分满足sat满+iate⇒使满足词根记忆sati+ate近义词 fill装满slake消除gorge峡谷stuff东西quench熄灭englut吞下suffice足够assuage缓和appease安抚engorge饱食glut供过于求satisfy使满意gratify使满足replete充满的overeat吃过量binge狂欢作乐sate使心满意足gormandise贪食overindulge溺爱gourmandize贪吃pig out吃得过多fill up装满填写gormandize拼命吃scarf out吃得过多ingurgitate狼吞虎咽satiated 充分满足的…overgorge (狼吞虎咽地吃 …反义词 insatiate永不满足的

用作动词She pushed her chair back from the table,satiated.她把椅子从餐桌处向後挪了挪
He wassatiatedwith pleasure.他厌倦了享乐。
People's government shouldsatiatethe people's needs.人民政府应充分满足人民的需要。verb.stuff, satisfy completely or excessively
同义词 gratify,indulge,nauseate,sate,slakecloy,content,fill,glut,gorge,jade,overdose,overfill,pall,saturate,surfeitfeed to gills
反义词 disappoint,abstain,deplete,diet,fastdeprive,dissatisfyleave wanting
cloyverb overfill
cramverb fill to overflowing;compress
charge,chock,choke,compact,crowd,crush,devour,drive,force,gobble,gorge,guzzle,heap,ingurgitate,jam,jam-pack,load,overcrowd,overeat,overfill,pack,pack 'em in,pack in,pack it in,pack like sardines,press,ram,sardine,satiate,shove,slop,slosh,squash,squeeze,stive,stuff,tamp,thrust,wedge,wolf
fillverb to put in and occupy the whole of
block,blow up,brim over,bulge out,charge,choke,clog,close,congest,cram,crowd,distend,fulfill,furnish,glut,gorge,heap,impregnate,inflate,jam-pack,lade,load,meet,overflow,overspread,pack,pack like sardines,permeate,pervade,plug,puff up,pump up,ram,ram in,replenish,sate,satiate,satisfy,saturate,shoal,stock,stopper,store,stretch,stuff,supply,swell,take up,top,top off
fulladjective satiated in hunger
glutted,gorged,jaded,lousy with,sated,satiate,stuffed,surfeited,up to here
fulleradjective satiated in hunger
glutted,gorged,jaded,lousy with,sated,satiate,stuffed,surfeited,up to here
fullestadjective satiated in hunger
glutted,gorged,jaded,lousy with,sated,satiate,stuffed,surfeited,up to here And I will satiate the soul of the priests with fatness, and my people shall be satisfied with my goodness, saith the LORD.
我必以肥油使祭司的心满足。我的百姓也要因我的恩惠知足。 ebigear

And I will satiate the soul of the priests with fatness, and my people shall be satisfied with my goodness, saith the LORD.
我必以肥油使祭司的心满足。我的百姓也要因我的恩惠知足。这是耶和华说的。 xddhy

In review a novel, you shall try to titillate rather than satiate the reader's interest.
评论一本小说的时候,你应想办法刺激而不是满足读者的兴趣。 kekenet

In reviewing a novel, you should try to titillate rather than satiate the reader's interest.
评论一本小说时,你应设法刺激而不是满足读者的兴趣。 hotdic

It can be easy to fall into a fast food rut on the road, but while a drive-thru combo meal may satiate your appetite, it won't help your energy level in the long run.
在旅途中,吃饭方面很容易将就一下,结果顿顿都是快餐,不用下车虽然方便,但食物太腻,这可对长途旅行没有什么帮助。 yeeyan

A slice of my mother-in-law's apple pie will satiate you far better than a whole bakery pie.
一小块我岳母做的苹果饼比一整个面包房烤出来的饼会使你得到大得多的满足。 media.open.com.cn

Do not want to see you when I am satiate, be afraid of too full can spit;
我吃饱时不想见到你—怕太饱了会吐; google-web

FZ- S scores high in looks not only in its segment but beyond and is designed to satiate the need for style and fashion by riders.
区熔 S评分高,不仅会在其部门的,但超越的,旨在满足一般的风格和时尚的乘客的需要。 chiefinfo

I could give the same baby cow-milk formula one day and protein hydrolysate formula on the other, and that baby will satiate sooner and consume less formula on the protein hydrolysate day.
我可以一天用牛乳配方喂养宝宝,一天再用水解蛋白配方。宝宝会在食用牛乳配方后产生饱腻感并在该食用水解蛋白配方的日子里拒绝吃饭。 yeeyan

If you accidentally eat a nut, it is necessary to reduce the fuel consumption and eating three meals a day capacity, do not eat nuts after satiate.
如果不小心多吃了坚果,就要减少一日三餐的用油量和饮食量,不要在吃饱喝足后大吃坚果。 orangelipin

Let's face it. The only reason we're all here is because cannibalism makes for good television. What better to satiate some pre- election hunger pangs than a belly full of media attention?
让我们面对现实,我们在这里的唯一原因,是因为食人对电视节目来说是一个大新闻,对于某些在选举暂落下风的人来说,有什么比引起媒体关注更加有效呢? douban

Light beer fails to satiate drinkers because it doesn't taste as good as the real one.
由于现在的轻度啤酒味道与传统的啤酒美味有较大差异。 blog.sina.com.cn

Most fundamentally, since the ideal of social democracy contains the seeds of the very exploitation they oppose, they are pushing a contradictory political agenda that can never satiate them.
更为根本的一点是,社会民主主义理念本身就埋下他们所反对的种子,他们所推进的充满矛盾的政治议程,永远都不能让他们满意。 yeeyan

People's self- value means that people benefit themselves and that people satiate their own needs.
人的自我价值的内涵应指人对自身的意义和对自我需要的满足。 cnki

Pisces woman might come to a conclusion that her partner will never be able to satiate her emotionally.
双鱼座女人最终将认定她的伴侣永远也不能安抚她脆弱的灵魂。 yeeyan

Remember first morning breakfast, satiate photo day very consumption energy, ensure filming strength.

What follows is an attempt to satiate the ever- growing hunger for knowledge about how zombies will influence the future shape of the world.
以下所述,系为满足日益增长的对有关活僵尸们将会如何影响这个世界的未来形态的知识渴求,而做的一次尝试。 iciba

With the scale-out architecture, IBM SONAS is a lucrative storage filer to satiate growing storage needs.
IBM SONAS采用水平扩展架构,它是一种非常出色的存储产品,能够满足不断增长的存储需求。 ibm




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