

单词 backstop
释义 back·stop 英ˈbækˌstɒp美ˈbækˌstɑpAHDbăkʹstŏp' 高COCA⁵⁰²³⁶BNC¹⁷³⁹⁹⁵⁺²iWeb²⁸⁸⁸³Economist¹¹⁵⁸⁹
baseball the person who plays the position of catcherbaseball a fence or screen as behind home plate to prevent the ball from traveling out of the playing fielda precaution in case of an emergency;

he acted as a backstop in case anything went wrong

act as a backstopbackstop tongs止退钳backstop tone后定位夹钳backstop porter bar后定位送料杆…armature backstop衔铁复原止档…
back-后面-stop⇒n.棒挡球网;捕手vt.止住;支持⁶⁹;作守门员近义词 catcher捕手

用作及物动词Fourth, the financial system - despite the policybackstop- is severely damaged.第四,尽管政府提供了政策支持,但金融体系遭到了严重损坏。
The government agreed tobackstopcompanies that invested in oil exploration.政府同意支持那些对石油勘查投资的公司。as in.fence
同义词 bar,barbed wire,barricade,block,dike,net,rail,railing,roadblock,wallbalustrade,boards,chains,defense,guard,hedge,paling,palisade,pickets,posts,rampart,shield,stakes,stockade,stop
反义词 opening
fencenoun barrier used to enclose a piece of land
balustrade,bar,barbed wire,barricade,block,boards,chains,defense,dike,guard,hedge,net,paling,palisade,pickets,posts,rail,railing,rampart,roadblock,shield,stakes,stockade,stop,wall Defenders of a federal backstop say this leaves the American system uniquely vulnerable during a crisis, when investors will refuse to buy any MBS that lacks a government guarantee.
政府担保理论的鼓吹者认为这使得美国的房贷体系在危机中当投资者拒绝购买没有政府担保的房贷证券时尤其脆弱。 ecocn

Banks in the future will probably have loads more capital and cash, but will still ultimately rely on the state to backstop their funding.
将来,银行可能需要拥有更多的资本和现金,但是,最终仍要依靠国家作为其资金的后盾。 yeeyan

It provides a backstop that prevents a runaway cell line from reproducing indefinitely, and thus becoming a tumour.
该机制提供一种拦截模式,阻止一种逃逸型细胞系无限繁殖,最后成为肿瘤。 ecocn

It suggests private capital will be attracted if the government continues to backstop deals.
它表明如果政府继续支持此类协议,私募资本就会被吸引。 ecocn

Panic only subsided when the government stepped in to backstop the industry.
恐慌只有在政府介入担保整个行业时才能平息。 yeeyan

Some supporters of government backing also like the idea, believing that it will demonstrate the need for a backstop.
这点政府救助的一些拥护者也同样表示赞同,他们相信这些主张能证明政府救助的必要性。 yeeyan

The federal government now stands behind 60% of residential mortgages and seems open to the idea of creating a permanently expanded backstop.
联邦政府现在有60%的房屋抵押贷款,因此看起来喜欢这个想法,即创建一个永久的扩展的防守。 ecocn

The other main plank of state intervention is the liquidity backstop provided by central banks.
另一种政府干预的主要方式是由中央银行充当流动性后盾. ecocn

The companies also say the system should never be needed if wells are properly designed and operated, and that they hope their billion- dollar backstop will never have to be used.
相关公司也表示:如果油井设计合理并操作正规,那么永远都用不到这套系统,而且他们希望永远不要启动耗资亿美元的托架。 ecocn

The investors, which will include the Pensions Protection Fund PPF—the backstop for private-sector schemes—will own the entire capital structure and can divide cashflows as they like.
包括养老金保护基金 PPF该基金支持私有部门方案在内的投资者将会拥有整个资本结构,而且可以随意划分现金流转。 ecocn

Unlike the current system, though, the government would not take a loss the instant the mortgage went bad: it would backstop private insurance.
而且机制也不同,政府将为私人保险机构担保,这样一旦有不良抵押贷款,政府不再承担损失。 ecocn




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